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Nordic Asia Podcasts

Published 9 January 2025 The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies together with the Graduate School in Asian Studies have recently produced three episodes of the Nordic Asia Podcast. The episodes deal with academic freedom issues in Thailand, China and the Indo-Pacific, as well as a Tibetan filmmaker. The episodes were hosted and produced by several of the Centre's PhD students and our int - 2025-02-23

Call for papers for the 17th NAJS Conference, 15-16 June 2023

Published 15 March 2023 Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash We would like to invite you to the 17th annual conference of the Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (NAJS), which will be held at, the European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics, 15-16 June 2023. For our 2023 Stockholm conference we invite paper proposals on topics related to moder - 2025-02-23

Applications for PhD Mobility and PhD Retreat are now open

Published 27 March 2023 Application deadline: 15 May PhD students working on East and South-East Asia and enrolled in a Swedish university can now apply to become visiting PhD students in one of the partner institutes in the Graduate School in Asian Students during the fall of 2023. Application deadline: 15 May. See this page for more information as well as the application form.  PhD students work - 2025-02-23

PhD Workshop on Indonesia, 17 - 18 October 2023

Published 19 April 2023 Photo by Fikri Rasyid on Unsplash As a part of the Graduate School in Asian Studies, the PhD workshop on Indonesia aims to bring together the PhD students and scholars working on Indonesia across various disciplines for a meeting at the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies The workshop is designed to facilitate discussion and cooperation among the participants, allo - 2025-02-23

Application now open for the doctoral course ”Ideologies in East and South-East Asia: Legacies and Contemporary Developments"

Published 2 May 2023 Application deadline: 1 June This course explores ideologies as a ubiquitous phenomenon that shapes political, social, and cultural beliefs and practices. It examines how ideologies are formed, translated, and contested across historical periods and different societies in East and South-East Asia. Specific focus is given to nationalism and communism, including their emergence, - 2025-02-23

Application now open for the workshop "Preparing for a career outside of academia: Policy writing and research communication"

Published 10 May 2023 Photo by Ana Bórquez on Unsplash Application deadline: 6 October Researchers are increasingly needed in functions outside of academia, such as in think-tanks, government organizations, and international institutions. This requires PhD candidates to acquire the skill of making research accessible through policy reports and presentations to policymakers and other actors. In thi - 2025-02-23

European Association for Chinese Studies Summer School 2023 : Call for applications

Published 16 May 2023 European Association for Chinese Studies Summer School 2023: Situating Global China. 23rd–25th August 2023. Application deadline 16th June. The rapid globalisation of Chinese capital has great implications for political, societal, and economic systems around the world in the 21st century. Chinese investments, patterns of migration, and the integration of Chinese firms into fo - 2025-02-23

Graduate School Retreat

Published 25 September 2023 The Graduate School held its first annual retreat in Ystad 21-22 September. 13 PhD students from different disciplines and universities attended the retreat as well as 10 senior scholars. At the retreat issues and challenges regarding publications and academic careers were discussed, as well as the PhD students' research and other issues related to contemporary Asian st - 2025-02-23

Applications are now being accepted for our Spring 2024 PhD Mobility and PhD Courses

Published 13 October 2023 Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash Application deadline: 13 November During the spring of 2024, two new PhD courses are planned, Asia in the Global Economy and The Craft of Writing and Publishing Peer Reviewed Journal Articles. Please check the links for more information and application forms if you are interested. Application deadline: 13 November. If you are int - 2025-02-23

Summer school news

Published 15 December 2023 EU in the Volatile Indo-Pacific Region (EUVIP) is coordinated by Palacký University and also includes Lund University, the University of Helsinki and the Catholic University of Louvain. On 17-21 June EUVIP will organise a summer school in Olomouc on the topic Navigating Geostrategic Dynamics in the Indo-Pacific: Focus on Southeast Asia and MyanmarFor more information see - 2025-02-23

1-2 fully funded PhD positions in East and South-East Asian Studies.

Published 15 January 2024 The Centre announces 1-2 fully funded PhD positions. East and South-East Asian Studies is an interdisciplinary subject that focuses on contemporary phenomena and processes in the region as a whole as well as in individual countries. The subject integrates theoretical and methodological perspectives from area studies with different disciplines in the humanities and social - 2025-02-23

Late applications open for the course The Craft of Writing and Publishing Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Published 19 January 2024 Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash The course that starts on 26 March and is mainly online apart from a writing retreat on 13-15 May will accept a few more students. If you are interested read the description and submit your application by 20 February.Find out more and apply here - 2025-02-23

Med anledning av COVID-19

Publicerad 17 november 2020 Viktig information till dig som ska besöka någon av våra mottagningar. Foto: Med anledning av de skärpta restirktionerna vill vi informera om att våra studiemottagningar är fortsatt öppna. Vi har dock vidtagit en rad åtgärder:Medarbetare som kan arbetar hemifrånAlla som kommer in på mottagningen ska tvätta händerna vid ankomstenForskningssjuksköterskorna bär - 2025-02-23

Glutenfritt eller snälla bakterier?

Av magnus [dot] aspegren [at] skane [dot] se (Magnus Aspegren) - publicerad 17 november 2020 Kan glutenfri kost under de första levnadsåren förhindra att barn utvecklar celiaki? Eller kan probiotika hejda immunförsvarets reaktion mot gluten? Det försöker forskarna få svar på. Daniel Agardh, överläkare inom barnmedicin på Skånes universitetssjukhus, adjungerad professor vid Lunds universitet. Foto: - 2025-02-23

Frågor & svar om vaccin och d-vitamin

Av sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - publicerad 28 januari 2021 Är det något du undrar över, fråga oss! Kan jag vaccinera mig mot covid-19 när jag ammar?Svar: Amning utgör inget hinder för vaccination.Det är okänt om vaccinerna går ut i bröstmjölk. Det finns det ingen anledning att tro att vaccinet skulle ge några biverkningar hos barnet som ammas.Källa: Läkemedelsve - 2025-02-23

Kan laktobaciller förhindra autoimmunitet?

Publicerad 29 januari 2021 Överläkaren Daniel Agardh och hans kollegor forskar nu för att se om så kallade laktobaciller (probiotika) kan dämpa den autoimmuna inflammationen som leder till att barn drabbas av sjukdomar som typ 1-diabetes, glutenintolerans och sköldkörtelinflammation. – Det långsiktiga syftet är att vi vill hitta metoder som förhindrar uppkomsten av någon av dessa sjukdomar hos bar - 2025-02-23

New Book: Methodological Reflections on Law and Regulation in Late Modernity

Published 13 August 2014 Exploring issues of methodology from a doctrinal as well as from an interdisciplinary perspective this new book by Reza Banakar also maps the development of law and socio-legal research from industrialisation to globalisation and searches for forms of regulation which can effectively meet the challenges of contemporary global/network society Normativity in Legal SociologyT - 2025-02-23

"Teachers should respect students, listen to them"

Published 24 November 2014 The past 12 years they have been educating educationalists worldwide on children's rights through the training programme "Child Rights, Classroom and School Management", sponsored by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). Per Wickenberg, director of studies at the Sociology of Law Department, Lund University, recently came back from Kozhikode in India where - 2025-02-23

Banakar’s new book on normativity in socio-legal research

Published 2 March 2015 Professor Reza Banakar’s book Normativity in Legal Sociology. Methodological Reflections on Law and Regulation in Late Modernity has recently been released. It studies of the role of normativity in socio-legal research also looking at the challenges posed to modern law by the socio-cultural implications of globalisation.The book explores issues of methodology from a doctrina - 2025-02-23

Vargas Falla talked about coming theses in Seattle

Published 15 June 2015 The self-regulation of rickshaw drivers in Bogota, Colombia was the topic of the talk when Ana Maria Vargas Falla presented a chapter of her coming dissertation at the annual meeting of The Law & Society Association in Seattle, May 28-31, 2015. The conference theme was Law’s Promise and Law’s Pathos in the Global North and Global South.Ana Maria Vargas Falla reports back tha - 2025-02-23