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Your search for "*" yielded 530144 hits

Food intake in children and adolescents : a cross-sectional study from 2009/2010 to 2015/2016

The aim was to describe food intake over time in children and adolescents, with respect to age and gender. The present study was a repeated cross-sectional study using self-reported data from a health questionnaire. Data were collected from the School Health Services in south-east Sweden from 44 297 students, 10, 13-14 and 16 years of age, 48 % girls and 52 % boys from 2009/2010 to 2015/2016. Repo

Biodiversity decline with increasing crop productivity in agricultural fields revealed by satellite remote sensing

Increasing land-use intensity is a main driver of biodiversity loss in farmland, but measuring proxies for land-use intensity across entire landscapes is challenging. Here, we develop a novel method for the assessment of the impact of land-use intensity on biodiversity in agricultural landscapes using remote sensing parameters derived from the Sentinel-2 satellites. We link crop phenology and prod

Russian government quality award : 25 years towards organizational excellence

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review the Russian Federation Government Quality Award (RFGQA) over its 25-year existence. Design/methodology/approach: This paper looks into the evolution, model and key provisions of RFGQA, based on the authors’ long-time experience as an Award assessor. Apart from that, methodologically, this study uses the desktop research method, comparative literature

Analysis of nucleotide pools in bacteria using HPLC-MS in HILIC mode

Nucleotides, nucleosides and their derivatives are present in all cells at varying concentrations that change with the nutritional, and energetic status of the cell. Precise measurement of the concentrations of these molecules is instrumental for understanding their regulatory effects. Such measurement is challenging due to the inherent instability of these molecules and, despite many decades of r

ABCF ATPases Involved in Protein Synthesis, Ribosome Assembly and Antibiotic Resistance : Structural and Functional Diversification across the Tree of Life

Within the larger ABC superfamily of ATPases, ABCF family members eEF3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and EttA in Escherichia coli have been found to function as ribosomal translation factors. Several other ABCFs including biochemically characterized VgaA, LsaA and MsrE confer resistance to antibiotics that target the peptidyl transferase center and exit tunnel of the ribosome. However, the diversity

Persisters—as elusive as ever

Persisters—a drug-tolerant sub-population in an isogenic bacterial culture—have been featured throughout the last decade due to their important role in recurrent bacterial infections. Numerous investigations detail the mechanisms responsible for the formation of persisters and suggest exciting strategies for their eradication. In this review, we argue that the very term “persistence” is currently

Evolutionary and genetic analyses of mitochondrial translation initiation factors identify the missing mitochondrial IF3 in S. cerevisiae

Mitochondrial translation is essentially bacteria-like, reflecting the bacterial endosymbiotic ancestry of the eukaryotic organelle. However, unlike the translation system of its bacterial ancestors, mitochondrial translation is limited to just a few mRNAs, mainly coding for components of the respiratory complex. The classical bacterial initiation factors (IFs) IF1, IF2 and IF3 are universal in ba

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 4,8-decadienal, (4Z,8Z)-, CAS Registry Number 1958027-35-4

Summary: The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. 4,8-Decadienal, (4Z,8Z)- was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data from read-across analogs 4,7-decadienal (CAS # 934534-30-2) and nona-2-tran

A distributed time-lapse camera network to track vegetation phenology with high temporal detail and at varying scales

Near-surface remote sensing techniques are essential monitoring tools to provide spatial and temporal resolutions beyond the capabilities of orbital methods. This high level of detail is especially helpful to monitor specific plant communities and to accurately time the phenological stages of vegetation - which satellites can miss by days or weeks in frequently clouded areas such as the Arctic. In

VAScular and Chronic Obstructive Lung disease (VASCOL) : A longitudinal study on morbidity, symptoms and quality of life among older men in Blekinge county, Sweden

Purpose Despite data showing breathlessness to be more prevalent in older adults, we have little detail about the severity or multidimensional characteristics of breathlessness and other self-reported measures (such as quality of life and other cardiorespiratory-related symptoms) in this group at the population level. We also know little about the relationship between multidimensional breathlessne

Structural Adjustment, Urban Systems and Disaster Vulnerability in Developing Countries

Structural adjustment (SA) — or macroeconomic reform — has become a dominant characteristic especially in developing countries, where national economies are being reshaped to a common discipline regardless of local circumstances. Within this context, the paper examines the impact of structural adjustment on disaster vulnerability in the urban sector, through examining some structural consideration

Productivity, biodiversity trade-offs, and farm income in an agroforestry versus an arable system

The uptake of diversified farming systems is constrained by a scarcity of evidence regarding financial costs, benefits, and risks. Here, we evaluate the productivity and projected farm income of an agroforestry system, where apples are integrated with arable crops, by combining primary data with ecosystem service and cost-benefit models. Our ecosystem service assessments included: 1) weed and pest