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Extreme Ultraviolet Beam Enhancement by Relativistic Surface Plasmons

The emission of high-order harmonics in the extreme ultraviolet range from the interaction of a short, intense laser pulse with a grating target is investigated experimentally. When resonantly exciting a surface plasmon, both the intensity and the highest order observed for the harmonic emission along the grating surface increase with respect to a flat target. Harmonics are obtained when a suitabl

Extensive study of electron acceleration by relativistic surface plasmons

The excitation of surface plasmons with ultra-intense (I ∼ 5 × 1019 W/cm2), high contrast (∼1012) laser pulses on periodically modulated solid targets has been recently demonstrated to produce collimated bunches of energetic electrons along the target surface [Fedeli et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 015001 (2016)]. Here, we report an extensive experimental and numerical study aimed to a complete char

The Influence of Charge Inhomogeneity on the HCCI Combustion Process

In-cylinder crank-angle resolved imaging of fuel and OH was obtained using planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) in a Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine. Investigations were carried out to ascertain the extent to which the combustion process in an HCCI engine is affected by the charge homogeneity. In the experiments, the heterogeneity of the charge was varied and the effect on

Tecken som gör skillnad! : Interpunktion och grafisk struktur i de nordiska översättningarna av Salka Valka

Till bilden av den unge Halldór Laxness (1902–1998) som enfant terrible på Island hörde hans normstridiga stavning och interpunktion, inte oväsentligt i ett land där språknormering gärna blir föremål för symbolstrider. Vid översättning normaliseras dessa språkliga nivåer regelmässigt, även om det finns skäl att anta en generell utveckling under 1900-talet mot ökad adekvans (≈ trohet) […] I förenin

Protein C inhibitor in human body fluids. Seminal plasma is rich in inhibitor antigen deriving from cells throughout the male reproductive system

An assay was developed for the measurement of human protein C inhibitor antigen (PCI) in blood plasma and other biological fluids. Both native PCI, modified inhibitor, and complexes of inhibitor with activated protein C or plasma kallikrein could be measured with the assay. Inhibitor antigen concentrations were found to be very high in seminal plasma (greater than 200 mg/liter), more than 40 times

Monte Carlo generators

I discuss some recent development of Monte Carlo event generators and point out some problems. Starting with the issue of combining matrix element generators and parton shower algorithms, I will continue with discussing the problems associated with describing small-x final states and discuss some recent model developments for describing multiple partonic scatterings and underlying events in hadron

Characterization of the response function of a Si(Li) detector using an absorber technique

The non-Gaussian response function of a Si(Li) detector has been measured for characteristic Kα X-rays in the energy interval 1.5-8.6 keV using an absorber technique. The method is based on the different response to an attenuating absorber placed in front of the detector for the detector tail as compared to fully absorbed photons in the same position in the spectrum. The shape of the tail of a Kα