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I Saudiarabien tvättas inte byken offentligt
Challenging Information Literacies for a Democratic Society
Revising and pausing in relation to syntactic development
John Rufus and the World Vision of Anti-Chalcedonian Culture
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns skSl att betrakta kyrkomstet i Chalcedon 451 som det historiskt mest betydelsefulla av de sju sŒ kallade ÒekumeniskaÓ kyrkomsterna. Vid Chalcedon hade fastslagits en kristologisk definition dSr Kristus bekSndes vara konstituerad av en fsrening av tvŒ naturer. Redan innan konciliet hade hunnit avslutats uppstod emellertid i det sstra imperiet en konflikt som skThe present study deals with the works of John Rufus, disciple of Peter the Iberian at Gaza. There are three works preserved from him, composed in Greek at the turn of the sixth century, and preserved in Syriac: the Life of Peter the Iberian, the Commemoration of the Death of Theodosius, and the Plerophories. This study reads the hagiographic works of John Rufus in search for the basic ideological
ICTs in Teaching and Learning women's Studies: Perspectives and practices in Europe
Spatially distributed life science systems: epistemic communities as global lifeworlds
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Lärande i organisationer
Product Service Systems for Office Furniture: Barriers and Opportunities on the European Market
Det åligger rektor - normer för utövande av rektors ledarskap
Optimized Truncation of a wide acceptance angle CPC
Antibody microarrays – developing a tool for high-throughput proteomics
De lindrigaste påföljdsalternativen vid en internationell harmonisering av det straffrättsliga reaktionssystemet. Rapportunderlåtelse, åtalsunderlåtelse, påföljdseftergift etc. som en del av straffsystemen i Norden
Genom det kroppsliga nålsögat, om könstrubbel och queerteoretisk socialpsykologi
A physical bound on high impedance surfaces
A high surface impedance can be achieved in a limited frequency band by using composite structures. Based on the principles of causality, passivity, linearity, and time translational invariance we demonstrate that this bandwidth is bounded by the thickness and magnetic polarizability per unit area of the structure at normal incidence.
The building process as a tool towards an all-inclusive school. A Swedish example focusing on children with defined concentration difficulties such as ADHD, autism and Down’s syndrome
Professionals who take part in the building process have long been concerned with the same environmental factors, e.g. spatial layout, capacity, and function, as well as user demography. Through the knowledge gained on the ways environmental factors affect users of buildings, the need to understand how to handle these factors has grown, due to their influence on the building process. It will be sh