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A Postmodern Exploration of the Screened Dialogue between Past and Present and the Acceptance of Domestic Gender Performativity in Ventura Pons’ Barcelona (un mapa) (2007)

This paper explores the postmodern elements in Pons’ film Barcelona (un mapa) (2007). Of interest is the screened portrayal of the tolerant relationship between a Catalan husband and wife and the fluid gender notions adhered to by the former; a man who repeatedly engages in gender performativity within the safety of his own home and who by refraining from doing so in a public external space could

Steroid transformation by living cells immobilized in calcium alginate

Whole cells of Arthrobacter simplex were immobilized in a living state in calcium alginate gel. The bacteria showed steroid-Δ1-dehydrogenase activity and the production of prednisolone from cortisol was investigated. The Δ1-dehydrogenase activity of the immobilized cells could be increased about ten-fold by incubation in nutrient media (e.g., containing 0.5% peptone abd 0.2% glucose). The reason f

For an ethics of generosity : Values for ethnography in a time of regulatory ethics

The paper recommends a values-driven regeneration of research ethics for ethnography. In contrast to the current regulatory version of research ethics we propose a more subtle, field-oriented and traditional version, grounded in ethnographic experience. The paper is in three parts. The first part highlights the tacit assumptions of current systems of ethical approval for social research and their

Recovery, Functional Status, and Health-Related Quality of Life Status up to 4 Years after First-Ever Stroke Onset : A Population-Based Study

Background: Stroke is a leading cause of acquired disability in adults worldwide, and the burden of stroke is projected to increase. Current long-term stroke outcome data including functional status, activity, and participation limitations as well as information on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are vital for future rehabilitation and resource planning of stroke survivors. Methods: First-e

Stadsträdens resiliens under ett förändrat klimat En fallstudie i Malmö stad

Solen skiner, det är tidigt på morgonen och det känns redan varmt i staden. En sådan dag är det många som söker svalkan, men vart ska de gå i städerna? Stadsmiljön domineras ofta av bebyggelse, gator och andra hårdgjorda ytor som kan upplevas väldigt varma. Många söker sig till områden i städer där de kan svalka sig och undkomma värmen, vilket blir allt viktigare för invånare i urbana områden och Recent years of reoccurring heatwaves in urban areas have led to an awareness of the negative effect heat can have on people and ecosystems. Trees play an important role in cooling urban areas but need to maintain their vitality to do so. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the resilience of the tree community in Malmö from the perspective of an increased mean annual temperature (MAT). In th

Cardiovascular risk factor assessment in late-onset seizures : A study protocol to assess the value of structured intervention

Objective: A growing body of evidence suggests patients with late-onset seizures are at an increased risk of stroke, but the potential for reducing cardiovascular morbidity through risk factor screening and management is unknown. We aim to determine whether individuals with new-onset unprovoked seizures after middle age should undergo vascular risk assessment. The long follow-up needed to assess s

Hungary in Democratic Backsliding - An Overview of Internal and External Explanations

Democracy has been the cornerstone of the European Union since its foundation, however, since Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party took office, what has been happening in Hungary is greatly undermining the democratic values in the EU. In that context, this thesis seeks to examine what results in the democratic backsliding in a country which was once one of the most successful stories of democratizati

P-wave indices predict efficacy outcomes in long-term flecainide treated patients with atrial fibrillation

Background/introductionFlecainide is a commonly used efficient antiarrhythmic drug against atrial fibrillation (AF). P-wave indices reflect the atrial substrate and can predict incident AF, but their role as predictors of treatment outcomes for flecainide-treated AF patients are unknown.PurposeTo assess if P-wave indices can predict efficacy outcomes in long-term flecainide treated AF patients.Met

The ALIRT Model: An Adaptive Language-Based Assessment Model for Diagnosing Mental Disorders

In this project, I investigate the combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Item Response Theory (IRT) to advance the assessment and scoring of open response items. Traditional psychometric assessments are grounded in well-defined quality standards, yet assessments based on natural language have missed meeting these standards. To address this gap, I integrate NLP processed open respon

Does the Gender-Equality-Personality-Paradox Depend on the Scoring Method? The Implications of Measurement Invariance

With increasing country-level gender equality, country-level gender differences in personality are found to increase. This is known as the Gender-Equality-Personality-Paradox (GEPP). Possibly, the GEPP is a methodological artefact. So far, the personality trait scoring method has not been investigated as a potential source of the GEPP. Three kinds of scores were investigated in the present study:

Certifying MIP-Based Presolve Reductions for 0–1 Integer Linear Programs

It is well known that reformulating the original problem can be crucial for the performance of mixed-integer programming (MIP) solvers. To ensure correctness, all transformations must preserve the feasibility status and optimal value of the problem, but there is currently no established methodology to express and verify the equivalence of two mixed-integer programs. In this work, we take a first s