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Dimensionering med BIM kopplat till FEM

The deployment of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Swedish building industry has begun. A BIM-model, briefly explained, is an object orientated 3D model that contains the available information about a building. Currently it’s mostly used for enabling a more effective collision control, quantity takeoff and production of shop and construction drawings. Thanks to its 3D nature it is easier

Maintaining and improving supplier relations with auditing– A study at ABB Sweden and Singapore

Background: In today’s globalized world, many producing companies depend on large supplier networks. Supplier relations require maintenance and a tool for that is supplier auditing. ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable industrial customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. ABB business division Process Automation (PA) and business unit Control

The Free Trade Agreement between India and European Union and its Implications to Access to HIV/AIDS Medicines

This thesis examines how the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that India is currently negotiating with the European Union (IndEUFTA) may impede the production of Indian generic version of HIV/AIDS medicines and thereby hinder access to HIV/AIDS medicines. The reason for discussing specifically HIV medicines in the context of Indian generic manufacture is important in two ways. First, considering the dis

Skruvarmering som förstärkning i trä vid belastning vinkelrätt fiberriktningen : en försöksstudie.

Detta arbete bygger på en studie av träs beteende vid belastning vinkelrätt fiberriktningen med och utan förstärkning i form av skruvar SFS WT-T-8,2xL. Uppdragsgivaren var Arne Emilsson på Limträteknik i Falun som önskade förstärka träet vinkelrätt fiberriktningen i kritiska punkter där laster tas ned. Träets uppförande vid belastning med och utan förstärkning har studerats genom en försöksserie o

Deformationstillstånd hos håldäcksplattor.

This report contains a study of early deflections and crackingloads in precast prestressed hollow core slabs and the parameters affecting these. The objective of the report is, by conducting measurements of the modulus of elasticity and split-tension on the concrete, to compute the deflection and crackingloads for two types of hollow core slabs manufactured by the company Starka. The analysis is

Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymers for Flexural Strengthening of Concrete Beams : Rupture Failure Mode.

This study provides direct design equations that can be used for FRP reinforced beams with a rupture mode of FRP rupture. An analytical perspective to simplify calculations by developing exact and approximate set of closed form equations is used. This paper is collaboration between the Department of Civil engineering at Kansas State University in Manhattan Kansas and the Department of Structural E

Automated modelling and optimization of a ratioed logic inverter utilizing nanowire-based transistors

Trenden för miniatyrisering av mikroelektronik närmar sig gränsen för vad som är möjligt att uppnå med konventionell kiselteknologi. En teknik, med potential att pressa utveckling mot allt mindre komponenter, är nanotrådstransistorer. I detta examensarbete studeras implementering av dessa transistorer i digitala kretsar. En fullständig analys av en krets innebär flera påföljande steg, innefattandThe continuing trend of electronic miniaturization is approaching a critical limit for conventional silicon based technology. Transistors based on nanowires are an interesting concept that might extend this trend deeper into the nano-scale domain. In this work, the usage of nanowire-based transistors is studied in the context of digital circuit design. The authors propose a complete workflow from

Tolkning av försäkringsvillkor

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur försäkringsvillkor ska tolkas när tvist om detta uppstår mellan försäkringstagaren och försäkringsbolaget. Det finns inget klart svar på denna fråga men en rad tolkningsmetoder har utvecklats genom praxis. Till skillnad från vid vanlig avtalstolkning har den subjektiva tolkningsmetoden inte någon framträdande betydelse vid tolkning av försäkringsvillkoThe aim of this paper is to examine how insurance provisions are to be interpreted in the event of a dispute over them arising between the insured and the insurer. There is no clear answer to this question but a number of methods for interpretation have been developed in case-law. As opposed to the traditional interpretation of contracts, the subjective method of interpretation has no important ro

Svikt och vibrationer hos lätta bjälklag.

CmTent methods to design and test vibration of lightweight floor structures are reviewed and investigated. The review includes the relation between measured performance and human response to vibrations. Vibration tests are performed on a lightweight floor structure. The available calculation methods are evaluated against the results from these tests. (Swedish)

Principer för beräkning av deformationer i armerade betongkonstruktioner.

The purpose of this report is to analyse principles for calculations of deflections the serviceability state. Methods made in the following three codes have been considered: the Swedish BKR 99, the European Eurocode 2 and the American ACI Building Code and Requirements of Reinforced Concrete. Deflections for short term as weil as for long term loading have been investigated. The analyse has been p

Volumetric Quantification of Metastatic Burden from SPECT/CT Images

Bone scintigraphy images are used to investigate the presence of metastases in patients with prostate cancer. An analysis of these images indicates the proportion of cancer in the bones; the Bone Scan Index (BSI). This value is an important prognostic factor used to predict the future for the patients. It is common to extend the examination with a combination of SPECT and CT images to be able to s


The thesis is concerning the lack of emphasis of human rights in the works and treaties of World Intellectual Property Organization. So, it looked at finding a human rights framework for World Intellectual Property Organization, which would provide greater accessibility and participation by the society. In order to frame it, the impacts of intellectual property on human rights were analyzed. The i

Infästning av byggnadsmonterat vindkraftverk

In order to better utilize the wind in urban areas, small-scale wind-turbines can be retro-fitted on existing buildings. However, wind-turbines are as structures very prone to oscillate. If the turbines would be mounted with a stiff connection, these vibrations would transmit to the building structure where high-frequency vibrations will transmit as structure-borne noise, and low-frequency vibrati

Trade-offs in Control of Switched Reluctance Motors (Avvägningar vid reglering av switchade reluktansmotorer)

Soaring prices for rare earth metals have led to significantly increased production costs for permanent magnet motors. This has motivated research into alternative motor types, one of them, the switched reluctance motor (SRM), will be discussed in this thesis. The SRM has several positive and negative characteristics as well as highly nonlinear dynamics. It is not clear how trade-offs between thes

Urd, Verdandi och Skuld: En studie om vikingarnas trosuppfattningar kring ödet såsom de nedskrevs på 1200-talet.

The social significance of destiny in old Icelandic sagas and eddas from the thirteenth century is examined in this paper. I ask the question how destiny is explained and in what shape it is described, what it means to the characters in the sagas and how they handle the predictions of their future. The role of the gods and the creatures such as nornor and valkyrior is a central part in trying to u

Rökning i hyreslägenheten och på tillhörande balkong

Rökning ses enligt praxis idag ännu som något normalt och något hyresgästen får göra i lägenheten och på tillhörande balkong. Rökning i hyreslägenheten kan dock medföra att tvister uppstår mellan hyresgäst och hyresvärd av olika skäl. Det står klart att en hyresgäst kan bli skadeståndsskyldig för skador som orsakats av rökning i lägenheten. De kriterier som bedöms när det gäller frågan om hyresgäAccording to Swedish law, smoking is considered normal behavior and tenants are allowed to smoke in a rented flat. Smoking in the rented flat may still result in disputes between tenants and landlords, for various reasons. It has been established that a tenant can be liable for damage caused by smoking in the flat. The criteria considered for the tenant's liability is the damage caused and it

Protective Earplug Designed for Water Activities

This report is a result of a Master Thesis in Mechanical Engineering with Product Development at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. The Master Thesis was performed during the spring of 2012 at Frankly Development in Malmö. Frankly is Product Creation Company with great knowledge in developing consumer electronics, sports equipment and other type of products. The thesis was initiated by C

Tagorefeber i Stockholm : en studie av synen på den indiske författaren Rabindranath Tagore i svensk tidningspress 1913 och 1921

Uppsatsen är en diskursanalytisk studie av hur den indiske författaren Rabindranath Tagore blev skildrad i svensk tidningspress 1913 då han fick nobelpriset i litteratur och 1921 då han besökte Sverige för att retroaktivt ta emot sitt pris. Utöver analysen av tidningarnas skildringar har ambitionen även varit att problematisera Edward Saids teorier om orientalism.