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Reproductive strategies and liming responses in forest field-layer flora

Popular Abstract in Swedish Skogskalkning ledde till ökat artantal, ökat antal individer av enskilda arter och ökad omsättning av arter i fältskiktet i bokskog. För gulplister var individstorleken och sexuell respektive vegetativ förökning opåverkad av kalkningen. Sexuell och vegetativ förökning ökade med ökad individstorlek hos gulplister, både i en population av omanipulerade individer som växteLiming increased species richness, in accordance with the species pool hypothesis, and number of plants of individual species in beech forest field-layer vegetation, by increasing establishment by seedlings and vegetative offspring. Turnover rates also increased, suggesting the explanatory value of the carousel model. Plant size, absolute measures of reproduction, and poportional measures of sexua

How visual is visual culture

If we admit that, with the exception of language, human perception is predominantly visual, it is reasonable to think that all phenomena conveyed by the visual senses have something in common, but then visual semiotics/visual culture will comprehend much more than painting, sculpture, and architecture. The double coding hypotheses of cognitive psychology, as well as Lessing’s classical opposition

CNN image processing on a Xilinx Virtex-II 6000

Image processing is one of the popular applications of Cellular Neural Networks. Macro enriched field-programmable gate-arrays can be used to realize such systems on silicon. The paper discusses a pipelined implementation that supports the handling of gray-level images at 180 to 240 Mpixels per second by exploiting the Virtex-II macros to spatially unroll the local feedback

The otitis-prone child : studies of a condition with a multifactorial background

Popular Abstract in Swedish Akut öroninflammation är vanligt hos barn och många barn får sin första öroninflammation redan vid tidig ålder. Öronbarn kallas de barn som drabbas av upprepade öroninflammationer. Dessa barn drabbas oftare än andra barn också av andra infektioner. Flera undersökningar har utförts tidigare för att kartlägga olika riskfaktorer. Undersökningarna har visat varierande resulAcute otitis media (AOM) is a common complication after episodes of respiratory tract infections in childhood. Some children have recurrent episodes and they are often called otitis-prone. These children are prone not only to middle-ear diseases but also to other infectious diseases. The aims of the present study of otitis-prone children and controls were to describe the overall illness and need f

Modern Greek in the 10th c. AD

A short study of linguistical features in authors of the 10th c. AD which may indicate a subtext similar to Modern Greek.

Att forma vår framtid : bioteknikens möjligheter och problem

Boken är producerad inom Etikforskningsprogrammet i anslutning till Swegene och Wallenberg Consortium North (WCN). 24 författare diskuterar olika aspekter av biotekniken, framför allt genteknik, stamcellsforskning och nanoteknik, under följande huvudrubriker: Frontlinjer och framtidsperspektiv, Biotekniken och samhället, Etiska frågor, Rättsliga frågor, Genetisk kunskap och information i sjukvårde

Vitreoscilla Haemoglobin. Genetic Fusions and Metabolic Characterisation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Genteknik innebär stora möjligheter att förändra och förbättra organismers egenskaper. Genom att i en organism föra in en främmande gen kan man ge den helt nya egenskaper som den aldrig skulle ha förvärvat på naturlig väg. Genmodifierade bakterier odlas idag industriellt i stora bioreaktorer för tillverkning av olika proteiner, till exempel insulin till diabetiker, humaVitreoscilla is an obligate aerobic bacterium living in oxygen-poor environments such as stagnant ponds and decaying vegetable matter. Vitreoscilla expresses a homodimeric haemoglobin (VHb) when subjected to oxygen-limited conditions. In several organisms, expression of VHb has been shown to increase microaerobic cell growth and enhance oxygen-dependent cell metabolism. Moreover, the presence of V

Towards More Specific Microcalorimetric Studies With Special Emphasis on Biological Systems

A new approach in isothermal heat conduction microcalorimetric studies of chemical and biological processes is explored. The general (non-specific) method of calorimetry is combined with more specific analytical methods of analysis to "multi-functional microcalorimetric process monitors". A microcalorimeter with specific analytical sensors placed in the reaction vessel for studies of processes in

Tunable Doniach phase diagram for strongly-correlated nanoclusters

Exact diagonalization calculations reveal that the energy spacing Delta in the conduction band tunes the interplay between the local Kondo and nonlocal Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interactions, giving rise to a Doniach phase diagram for a nanocluster with regions of prevailing Kondo or RKKY correlations. The parity of the total number of electrons alters the competition between the Kondo

The biology of filamentous phage infection - implications for display technology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns ett stort behov av molekyler eller reagenser för korrekt och snabb diagnos och/eller behandling av sjukdom. På laboratorier används särskilda verktyg för att ta fram sådana reagenser. Verktygen utgörs ibland av levande organismer, som t ex bakterier och virus, och kallas bioteknologiska verktyg. Ett av dessa verktyg baseras på användandet av en speciell typ avPhage display technology is a biotechnological tool that can be used to obtain molecules/reagents able to discriminate between target molecules. Reagents with such features can be used in diverse settings like biological chemistry, diagnostics and in therapeutic applications. Phage display technology is based on the use of recombinant DNA technology, bacteria and a special kind of bacterial virus,

An effective subdivision algorithm for diffuse scattering of ray tracing

Accurate modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation by means of ray tracing (RT) includes not only specular reflection, penetration through dielectric blocks and diffraction, but also diffuse scattering mechanisms. The accuracy, supported by a precise description of the environment, is achieved at a very high computational complexity. This computational complexity scales directly with the number