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Your search for "*" yielded 534329 hits

Challenges of Achieving a Green Future and Financial Security - A Multiple Case Study of Swedish Pension Firms' Green Bond Assessment Processes

Deriving from an increased awareness of the devastating effects of global warming consequences, the interest for green bonds is growing at an explosive pace. However, researchers and practitioners have raised concerns about the challenges of assessing green bonds. Responding to a well-defined research gap stemming from identified challenges to assess green bonds, the primary purpose of this study

What's Next in Sustainable Acoustic Materials?

Allteftersom företag har börjat att ompröva sättet de designar, tillverkar och avyttrar produkter inom ramarna för hållbar utveckling så har tillverkare av akustiska produkter varit långsamma ur startblocken. Majoriteten av akustiska produkter är fortfarande primärt sammansatta av nyråvara från petrokemiska resurser, vilka har en signifikant påverkan på miljön. Det är problematiskt ur både en miljAs industries have begun to rethink the way they design, make and dispose of products for the purpose of sustainable development, manufacturers of acoustic products have been slow off the mark. The majority of acoustic products are still made of primarily virgin material made from petrochemical resources, which have a significant impact on the environment. This is problematic from an environmental

Koncept för utvärdering av energiundervisning på Miljöverkstaden

Ett kunskapsområde som elever i grundskolan förväntas behärska handlar om energi och miljö. Som ett stöd till sko-lans ordinarie energiundervisning har Helsingborgs stad gjort en satsning i form av Miljöverkstaden som elever från Helsingborg med kranskommuner kommer till för att utbil-das inom energiområdet. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utvärdera Miljöverkstadens energiundervisnings målup

Who runs the movement? : a feminist empirical analysis of gender dimensions of the climate movement in Sweden

Rooted in the environmental movement, the climate movement in Sweden is on the rise and increasingly gaining support in its fight against climate change and its unequal impacts. If successful, the movement can play an important role in changing society. There is increased awareness and proof of the gendered effects of climate change, but awareness of the role of gender in the climate movement seem

Gender Congruence in Sport Sponsoring

This Master thesis investigated the perceived congruence between the gender of male and female football teams and the gender of the companies that are engaging in the sponsoring of these football teams. By applying the theory of brand gender, each sponsoring company has been classified in the feminine/masculine/androgynous gender domain, thereby allowing for the comparison between the gender of th

Methods and Strategies for Engaging Disengaged Students in the Digital Language Classroom: An explorative and dialectical study based on educational and socio–psychological theory and teacher’s lived experience

Disengagement is a phenomenon that exists to some degree in all levels of education. Socio-psychological in nature, it manifests in a wide array of behaviours, from inactivity to disruptive behaviour. This thesis is an explorative and dialectical study of the methods and strategies used to engage disengaged students, focusing on the digital language classroom. Using qualitative research methods,

What the heck? Who the hell am I? Multiple logics and organizational members’ identity in social enterprises: A case in the retail ind

Social enterprises are hybrid organizations with two institutional logics, one focusing on social goals and the other one focusing on economic profitability. Both logics set the attributes for an organization. These attributes are, for instance, goals, values, or beliefs. The presence of two different logics can generate tension in these attributes. One type of tension is belonging tension. This t

Crisis Management and Crisis Preparedness among Swedish Universities - Capturing Crisis Work in Pandemic Times

This study examines crisis management work and crisis preparedness ability among Swedish universities - contributing to fill out the existing research gap within this area. It takes 20 crisis management plans into account, focusing on four more in particular along with the undertaking of semi-structured interviews with four university Vice-Chancellors. Furthermore, a conventional content analy

Ekonomiska nyttan med partnering – en fallstudie av avslutade projekt

Sammanfattning Titel: Ekonomiska nyttan med partnering – en fallstudie av avslutade projekt Författare: Robert Baric & Martin Linell Handledare: Stefan Olander, Universitetslektor, Avdelning för Byggproduktion, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Johan Andersson, Partneringledare, Skanska Sverige Examinator: Radhlinah Aulin, Universitetslektor, Avdelning för Byggproduktion, Lunds Tekniska Högskola

Trygghetsskapande vid tågstationer : en jämförelse av detaljplaneringsarbeten i Hyllie, Rosengård och Åkarp

This comparative thesis investigates in what ways municipal detailed planning of three train station areas considered perceived safety. It further examines how strengths and weaknesses in each case’s perceived safety methodology can be understood through established planning models/concepts and existing academic research on Swedish perceived safety planning. Finally, the study concludes how future

Design of solvent vapor annealing tool and study of kinetics of selfassembly of block copolymers for nano-lithography

Block copolymer lithography is a very promising candidate for nanoscale fabrication and is economically viable. It provides a high resolution, inexpensive, and straightforward approach to nano-size patterning. In this thesis, fundamental concepts and theories of block copolymer lithography are introduced. A well-controlled dynamic solvent vapor annealing chamber is built, and the best annealing co

Diskussioner om värde och värdet av diskussioner

As the digital revolution change how people interact, it becomes integral for all types of industries to understand how these interactions happen. The publishing industry is no exception. This paper analyses how Facebook-groups about literature function when it comes to discussions of value and creation of identity and communities. It is done by examining Facebook-posts from two groups, Litteratur


Empirical data of this thesis is based on qualitative methods and answers to the research question: How does branding by actors affiliated with the surfing community enact social inclusion or exclusion? Empirical data demonstrates that branding does not play an essential role in the social inclusiveness of local surfing communities. Not least, marketing communication executed by the biggest repres

Att växa upp med minst en förälder som har ett substansbrukssyndrom : En kvalitativ studie ur ett emotionssociologiskt och dramaturgiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to study the experiences that children had growing up in poor living conditions due to their parent's substance abuse. The children included in this study are in adult age describing their childhood in relation to their parents substance abuse and the effect it had on them. The consequences both short-term and long-term, as well as the mental health of t

An Investigation on how the use of Big Data Analytics is impacting Auditing and reshaping the Audit Profession

Purpose The thesis examines the use of Big Data Analytics by audit firms. The purpose of the study is to establish the impact of this new audit technology in practice. Three research questions are developed. The first question investigates how BDA is impacting the audit process. The second research question analyses how the use of BDA is affecting the application of professional judgement by audit

Hållbarhetsrapportering - Hållbart företagande

Hållbar utveckling är ett begrepp som länge varit ett aktuellt ämne och under de senaste två decennierna har även hållbart företagande kommit att få en allt viktigare roll i vår globala värld. Medvetenheten har ökat hos både aktörer och konsumenter vilket innebär att allt fler bryr sig om hur, var och av vem som produkter är tillverkade och tjänster utförda. Detta har lett till att det idag ställsSustainable development is a concept that has long been a current global issue and over the past two decades sustainable entrepreneurship has also come to play an increasingly important role in our global world. Awareness has increased among both stakeholders and consumers, which means that more and more people care about how, where and by who products are manufactured and services are provided. A

Dödsbo och dödsbodelägare - en rättslig analys

Denna uppsats behandlar dödsbodelägarens tillgång i oskiftad kvarlåtenskap samt vilka rättigheter respektive skyldigheter som delägarskap i dödsbon medför. I egenskap av dödsbodelägare, tilldelas var delägare en andelsrätt motsvarande sin respektive lott, i en förmögenhetsmassa bestående av arvlåtarens efterlämnade egendom (den s.k. kvarlåtenskapen). Under utredningen av boet förvaltar delägarna gThis thesis addresses the share of estate and what rights and obligations, the share of the estate entails. Party to an estate are given a share corresponding to their inheritance share in the total assets, which the estate is consisting of. During the estate's administration, parties manage the estate before they inherit the estate. The administration characterizes the estate as a special leg

Free online platforms: Abuse of dominance under Art. 102

Data as a commodity is undervalued for its economic value. Moreover, the concept is difficult to define from the perspective of EU competition law. Increasingly, companies are relying on consumer data to streamline and modernize their business models and provide faster, more efficient and even cheaper services in some cases. In this thesis the role of data in digital markets will be assessed throu

I skuggan av en pandemi - En kvantitativ studie om välmående, oro och medgörlighet i coronapandemin

Vi lever idag i en unik världsomfattande situation till följd av den snabba och utbredda spridningen av coronaviruset covid-19. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka psykiskt välmående, oro och medgörlighet bland svenskar i den rådande pandemin. Mer specifikt undersöktes skillnader i dessa variabler mellan Stockholm och flera större svenska städer samt skillnader mellan kön. Dels undersöks skiThe current situation in the world is a unique one, as a result of the rapid and far-reaching spread of the COVID-19 virus. The purpose of this study was to investigate Swedish citizens' mental well-being, worry, and compliance amid the ongoing pandemic. Specifically, differences between Stockholm and other large Swedish cities, and differences between genders were explored, as well as correla

GDPR: Har maktmonopolet skiftats? En studie om hur informerade användare nyttjar sina rättigheter för att reglera sin spårbarhet online.

Under 2000-talet har allt fler tjänster flyttats online och mängden data som dagligen samlas om användare har blivit allt mer omfattande. Efter flertalet skandaler rörande personuppgifter har diskussionen kring integritet på nätet blivit ett vanligt inslag. För att jämna ut maktförhållandet mellan företag och användare infördes under mitten av 2018 dataskyddsförordningen GDPR inom EU vilken innehö