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Ekonomisk historia: Humankapital i ett historiskt perspektiv
Fokus ligger på humankapitalbildning, brett definierad, och utbildningens roll i ekonomin och politiken med historiska, jämförande och aktuella perspektiv. Ämnen inkluderar teorin om humankapital, utbildningens roll för ekonomisk tillväxt och inkomstfördelning samt för individuella karriärer och familjebildning, och jämlikhet ur olika aspekter. Kursen relaterar till ämnen på både makro- och mikronThe focus is on human capital formation, broadly defined, and the role of education in the economy and policy using historical, comparative, and current perspectives. Topics include the theory of human capital, the role of education in economic growth and income distribution as well as for individual careers and family formation, and equality along different lines. The course relates to both macro
Engelska: Engelsk litteraturhistoria
Engelska: Språkvetenskaplig analys
Engelska: Valbar kurs
Denna kurs (ENGG10) läses inom kandidatprogrammet i engelska (termin 6). Den utlyses normalt inte som fristående kurs och kan därför inte sökas av personer som inte är antagna till kandidatprogrammet.This course (ENGG10) is part of the BA Programme in English Studies (term 6). It is normally not offered as a free-standing course.
Entreprenörskap: Social innovation - en strategi för hållbarhet
Technical innovations alone have proven to be insufficient to address the pressing challenges of today such as climate change, resource depletion, economic deprivation, poverty alleviation, increased migration and improved life quality. Therefore non-technical innovations are also required to enable transitions to more sustainable solutions. Social innovations include new solutions (products, servTechnical innovations alone have proven to be insufficient to address the pressing challenges of today such as climate change, resource depletion, economic deprivation, poverty alleviation, increased migration and improved life quality. Therefore non-technical innovations are also required to enable transitions to more sustainable solutions. Social innovations include new solutions (products, serv
Engelska: Examensarbete i engelsk språkvetenskap
Denna kurs (ENGK60) läses inom kandidatprogrammet i engelska (termin 6). Den utlyses normalt inte som fristående kurs så den kan inte sökas av personer som inte är antagna till kandidatprogrammet. This course (ENGK60) is part of the BA Programme in English Studies (term 6). It is normally not offered as a free-standing course.
Engelska: Fortsättningskurs (31-45)
Denna kurs är mer avancerad än grundkursen och den akademiska nivån är högre. På denna kurs lär du dig mer om vad engelsk språk- och litteraturvetenskap innebär, men du blir även bättre på engelska i både tal och skrift. Ditt ordförråd blir ännu större, liksom din språkliga säkerhet. Att läsa fortsättningskursen i engelska är ett naturligt steg för den som vill bli riktigt duktig på engelska och sThis course is more advanced than English: Level 1, and the academic level is higher. You learn more about English linguistics and literature, but you also improve your spoken and written English. Your vocabulary gets even larger, just like your English proficiency in general. Taking English: Level 2 is a natural step for anyone who wants to be really good at English and who also is interested in
Engelska: Fortsättningskurs (46-60)
Kursen omfattar 15hp, och är därför en halvfartskurs, men är upplagd så att du läser två kurser parallellt under tre fjärdedelar av terminens längd – från och med terminens 6:e vecka fram till terminens slut. Detta innebär i realiteten en studietakt på två tredjedels fart när kursen har kommit igång Kursen består av följande två delkurser: Språkvetenskaplig analys (7,5hp) LitteraturvetenskapliThe course comprises 15 hp, making it a half-time course, but the course progression involves parallel courses during the last three quarters of the semester: from week six of the semester to the end of the semester. In practice, you therefore study at two-third speed once the course has started. This course is a very interesting mix of English proficiency, literature and linguistics.
Engelska: Kandidatkurs (61-75)
I Lund kan du läsa kandidatkursen i engelska med antingen språkvetenskaplig eller litteraturvetenskaplig inriktning. Detta val behöver du dock inte göra förrän kursen redan har börjat, men det kan vara bra att börja tänka i dessa banor redan innan kursen har börjat. Denna kurs (ENGH15) innehåller ingen kandidatuppsats, utan kandidatuppsatsen skrivs först när du läser ENGK06. Eftersom undervisninAt Lund University you get a BA in either English linguistics or English literature. However, your do not need to choose your specialisation before the start of the course, and you will get more information in the intro meeting. It may be a good idea, though, to start thinking about this choice as early as possible. Please note that you do not write your BA dissertation (degree project) during th
Ekonomi och samhälle: Kolonialism och förändring i Afrika, Asien och Latinamerika
The course considers the roots of contemporary development problems from a long run perspective. Emphasis is placed upon economic change in the south during the period 1500-1945. The course adopts a comparative approach by drawing upon the varying experiences of a number of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin American. Contemporary development issues are placed in the context of historical processThe course considers the roots of contemporary development problems from a long run perspective. Emphasis is placed upon economic change in the south during the period 1500-1945. The course adopts a comparative approach by drawing upon the varying experiences of a number of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin American. Contemporary development issues are placed in the context of historical process
Företagsekonomi: Strategisk organisering
Kursens övergripande mål är att bredda och fördjupa studenternas kunskaper inom organisationsteori samt att träna studenterna i avancerad problemlösning inom områden som byråkrati, hierarki, makt, styrning, integration, nätverk, strategi, ledarskap, förändring och lärande. Under kursen får du lära dig mer om aktuella forskningsfrågor inom organisationsområdet och lära dig att utveckla ett Kursens övergripande mål är att bredda och fördjupa studenternas kunskaper inom organisationsteori samt att träna studenterna i avancerad problemlösning inom områden som byråkrati, hierarki, makt, styrning, integration, nätverk, strategi, ledarskap, förändring och lärande. Under kursen får du lära dig mer om aktuella forskningfrågor inom organisationsområdet och lära dig att utveckla ett s
Business Administration: International Business and Multinational Enterprises
The main objective of the course is to provide the student with basic knowledge on the nature and scope of international business and multinational enterprises. The approach to the course is to discuss the following issues and to relate them to theoretical and empirical findings. Causes of competitive advantages related to international business, Co-ordination of international business activities,The main objective of the course is to provide the student with basic knowledge on the nature and scope of international business and multinational enterprises. The approach to the course is to discuss the following issues and to relate them to theoretical and empirical findings. Causes of competitive advantages related to international business, Co-ordination of international business activities,
Business Administration: Corporate Finance
The course is an elective course in business administration belonging to the finance specialization at the undergraduate level. The course can be studied within the Business Administration and Economics programme, the Bachelor programme in Business Administration and Economics, the degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics – Programme (Civilekonomprogrammet) as well as an independent-sThe course is an elective course in business administration belonging to the finance specialization at the undergraduate level. The course can be studied within the Business Administration and Economics programme, the Bachelor programme in Business Administration and Economics, the degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics – Programme (Civilekonomprogrammet) as well as an independent-s
Business Administration: Entrepreneurship
To be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative. In the course Entrepreneurship, you will get to learn about different useful tTo be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative. In the course Entrepreneurship, you will get to learn about different useful t
Peace and Conflict Studies: War and Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The course will introduce and elaborate on various theoretical perspectives of war and peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Central issues to be discussed and compared over time are (1) the causes of the conflict, such as identity, nationalism, religion, territory and great power politics; (2) the Middle Peace Process (MEPP), which highlights the various agreements, peacebuilding by third paThe course will introduce and elaborate on various theoretical perspectives of war and peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Central issues to be discussed and compared over time are (1) the causes of the conflict, such as identity, nationalism, religion, territory and great power politics; (2) the Middle Peace Process (MEPP), which highlights the various agreements, peacebuilding by third pa
Ekonomisk historia: Innovationsekonomi
This course covers several areas of innovation economics, such as their characteristics, their driving forces of innovation and how innovation affects economic growth. It covers several sub-themes, such as: Market structures and innovation - describes how competitive structures and imperfect competition may induce innovation in different industries. Institutions and innovation - drawing This course covers several areas of innovation economics, such as their characteristics, their driving forces of innovation and how innovation affects economic growth. It covers several sub-themes, such as: Market structures and innovation - describes how competitive structures and imperfect competition may induce innovation in different industries. Institutions and innovation - drawing
Kvantifiering av Ekonomisk tillväxt över tid
Kursens innehåll presenteras genom en kombination av undervisning, litteratur och lärandeverktyg utvecklade av instruktörerna. Modern ekonomisk tillväxt karaktäriseras av att levnadsstandarden kan fortsätta att stiga, trots befolkningsökning. Detta brott med den historiska normen inträffade först under de senaste tre århundradena. Även om vi vet att teknisk förändring är central för denna utveckliThe content of the course is presented through a combination of teaching, literature and learning tools developed by the instructors. Modern economic growth is often represented by the idea that living standards can continue to rise, despite population growth. This break with the historical norm only occurred within the last three centuries. While we know that technological change is central to th
Engelska: Skriftlig språkfärdighet och akademiskt skrivande
Engelska är det viktigaste språket för kommunikation mellan människor med olika modersmål i vår del av världen. Detta gäller inte minst inom högre utbildning och forskning på olika nivåer. Engelska är också det dominerande språket på internet och inom exempelvis film, TV, musik och datorspel. Den som behärskar reglerna för skriven, akademisk engelska klarar sig ofta bättre i arbetslivet och i mångEnglish is the most important language in our part of the world for communication between people with different language backgrounds. This is especially true of the academic world, where papers and articles are commonly written in English. English is also the dominant language on the Internet and in movies, TV, music and computer games. Those who master the rules of written, academic English gener
Engelska: Kandidatkurs
I Lund kan du läsa kandidatkursen i engelska med antingen språkvetenskaplig eller litteraturvetenskaplig inriktning. Detta val behöver du dock inte göra förrän kursen redan har börjat, men det kan vara bra att börja tänka i dessa banor även tidigare. Kursen kan även läsas på halvfart. Halvfartsstudenterna skriver sin kandidatuppsats under den andra terminen och läser övriga delkurser (se nedan) unAt Lund University you get a BA in either English linguistics or English literature. However, your do not need to choose your specialisation before the start of the course, and you will get more information in the intro meeting. It may be a good idea, though, to start thinking about this choice as early as possible. This course is also offered as a part-time course, in which term 1 consists of all