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Your search for "*" yielded 125829 hits

Grades, credits and certificates

At Lund University we use the internationally recognised European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The grading system used varies depending on the faculty and programme. Use the links below to find out more about grades, credits and degrees. Academic degrees and creditsEducation at Lund University is internationally recognised and in line with the ECTS credit system. Find out more a - 2025-03-14

Study guidance and career

We provide advice and support services to help you make informed decisions before and during your studies. We also offer a range of career support services to help you prepare for your future. Use the links below to find out more. Study guidanceTo help you choose the right degree or course for you, there are several sources of study guidance available. Depending on your needs, you can contact:your - 2025-03-14

What Farwa says about the Master's in Food Technology and Nutrition

Farwa from PakistanWhy did you choose Lund University? "I decided to choose Lund University because of its research facilities and positive learning environment, as it perfectly aligns with my research expectations in the domain of Food Technology and Nutrition. "What are your first impressions of your programme? Does it meet your expectations? "My first impressions of the programme were good. The - 2025-03-14

What Julia says about the Master's in Global Development, Population and Economic Change

Julia from GermanyAbout the programme and the teaching style How did you find out about Lund University? "I wanted to study in English because I really enjoy the language and I thought it would be nice to have an extra challenge besides just studying. At the time that I was doing some research for potential universities, I was volunteering in the UK and I initially thought of staying there to stud - 2025-03-14

Corporate publications and strategic documents

The following Lund University corporate publications are available to download or read online. All PDF documents on this page open in a new tab. Annual reportAnnual Report 2023Please contact infomaster [at] eken [dot] lu [dot] se (infomaster[at]eken[dot]lu[dot]se) to receive selected sections of the Financial Annual Report 2023 in English.Swedish version of the Annual Report 2023, 'Årsredovisning - 2025-03-14

What Julia says about the Bachelor's in Economy and Society

Introducing Julia  Hi! My name is Julia, and I'm the student ambassador for the Bachelor’s programme in Economy and Society. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about the programme, courses, student life, and life in Lund and Sweden via the Unibuddy Platform, where you can chat with me (see below). Please note that I cannot answer questions about the application process, scholarships - 2025-03-14

FAQs about note-taking

On this page, we have compiled the most commonly asked questions about the note-taking assignment. General questions about the assignmentWhat applies in general for those who have received an assignment as a note-taker. Does the note-taking assignment also apply to notes taken in connection with your own studies? No, note-taking support applies only to lectures and seminars. Note-taking support do - 2025-03-14

Alumni video testimonials – Master's programme in Embedded Electronics Engineering

Rehenuma shares her experience of the programme and her current career at Ericsson. RehenumaRehenuma is working on the Integration Team at Ericsson as an ASIC Developer. Listen to her experiences studying the Master's in Embedded Electronics Engineering at Lund University and the importance of the close collaboration and tight contact between Ericsson and the LTH (Faculty of Engineering) during th - 2025-03-14

Interview with the Programme Director – Sustainable Energy Engineering

Hesameddin Fatehi – Director and teacherAbout the programme and research in the fieldHow would you describe the Sustainable Energy Engineering Master's Programme at Lund University to a potential student?"It is a comprehensive and forward-thinking course of study that equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make significant contributions to the field of sustainable energy. The p - 2025-03-14


We conduct pioneering neuroscientific research. Through experimental, clinical and point-of-care research, our researchers are making discoveries that are being used to treat various brain disorders. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are examples of neurodegenerative disorders in which large groups of nerve cells in the brain are destroyed, leading to reduced motor and cognitive abilities. Current medic - 2025-03-14

What Suze says about the Master's in Bioinformatics

Suze from the Netherlands – Alumna and PhD studentThe programme and the teaching styleWhy did you choose this programme? "I chose this programme because I wanted to bring together my biology background and my computational knowledge. I wanted to merge them so I thought learning how to integrate biological data and computational science would be good. I knew Sweden had quite a good technical scene. - 2025-03-14

Stem cell research

We are advancing stem cell research, unlocking the potential of stem cells to develop improved treatments and cures for the patients of tomorrow. A stem cell is a cell that can both replicate itself and develop into various specialised cells in the body, such as blood cells, nerve cells or insulin-producing cells. This combination of unique abilities makes stem cells an invaluable resource when pa - 2025-03-14

Master's in Embedded Electronics Engineering: Alumni Survey

On this page, you will find some highlights from the EEE Alumni Survey. The survey was sent out about 18 months after graduation, to the cohorts of students of the Master’s programme in Embedded Electronic Engineering in 2015-2020, at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. Employment statistics82% of the respondents found a job in Embedded Electronics Engineering field, or related, within 6 - 2025-03-14

What Shuai Xu says about the Master's in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Shuai Xu from ChinaThe programme and the teaching styleWhy did you choose this programme and Lund University?"I chose the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality programme at Lund University because I was looking for a two-year Master's programme. During my Bachelor’s, I did a lot of computer graphics and image analysis so I wanted to continue with this. I quite like games so I thought it would be v - 2025-03-14


By studying genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors, our researchers can explore why specific groups are more susceptible to certain diseases than others. This knowledge helps us prevent disease and promote good health. Epidemiologists study our most common diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.Analysing large volumes of health dataEpidemiological (registry) s - 2025-03-14

Alcohol and other drugs – guidelines and support

Lund University strives to provide a work environment for students and staff that is free from risky or harmful use. If you engage in risky or harmful use of, for example, alcohol or other drugs, help and support is available. Swedish laws and cultural norms regarding alcohol and drugsStudents should be aware that tobacco and alcohol are the only legal drugs in Sweden if you are of legal age to co - 2025-03-14

Become a study support mentor

As study support mentor for a student with a disability, you have a very important role. The role involves helping a student to plan and structure their studies. In this way, you can help a student study more successfully, while learning a lot yourself. The mentorship assignment By starting a mentorship assignment, you can help to improve the study situation of a student who needs learning support - 2025-03-14

Become a note-taker

An assignment as a note-taker means that you take notes at lectures and seminars, and share these with one or more students who have been approved for learning support. Here you will find information about the assignment and how to register your interest. The note-taking assignmentThe assignment means that you digitally share clear notes after each lecture and seminar with one or more students who - 2025-03-14

International Office

This page is for universities and partners looking to establish new collaborations or find the right contacts for existing initiatives. Shortcuts to page content:Division of External Relations – enquiries at university levelFaculty International Offices – enquiries at faculty level Division of External Relations You can contact the Division of External Relations about:university-wide strategic par - 2025-03-14

Sustainable student life

As a student, there are many ways to get involved in different aspects of sustainability and live a more sustainable student life. Join (or start) a student organisation focused on sustainability, attend events and find out what you can do as an individual. Join a sustainability initiativeDo you want to play an active role in sustainability issues? Getting involved with a sustainability-focused st - 2025-03-14