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Your search for "*" yielded 527586 hits

Publication in experimental neurology

doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2005.11.025 Neurogenin2 identifies a transplantable dopamine neuron precursor in the developing ventral mesencephalon Lachlan H. Thompson a,1, Elin Andersson a,1, Josephine B. Jensen a, Perrine Barraud a, Francois Guillemot b, Malin Parmar a, Anders Björklund a,⁎ a Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Department of Experimental Medical Science, and Lund Strategic Center for Stem - 2025-01-14

Publication in molecular and cellular neuroscience

Regional Specification of Neurosphere Cultures Derived from Subregions of the Embryonic Telencephalon Regional Specification of Neurosphere Cultures Derived from Subregions of the Embryonic Telencephalon M alin P arm ar,1 C harlotta S kogh, And ers Björklund , and K enneth C a m p b ell2 Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Division of Neurobiology, Lund University, Solvegatan 17, BMC A11, S-221 84 Lu - 2025-01-14

Publication in nat commun

Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals midbrain dopamine neuron diversity emerging during mouse brain development ARTICLE Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals midbrain dopamine neuron diversity emerging during mouse brain development Katarína Tiklová1, Åsa K. Björklund 2, Laura Lahti1, Alessandro Fiorenzano3, Sara Nolbrant3, Linda Gillberg1, Nikolaos Volakakis1, Chika Yokota4, Markus M. Hilscher4, Thoma - 2025-01-14

Publication in nature com

Single cell transcriptomics identifies stem cell-derived graft composition in a model of Parkinson’s disease ARTICLE Single cell transcriptomics identifies stem cell-derived graft composition in a model of Parkinson’s disease Katarína Tiklová1,2,6, Sara Nolbrant 3,6, Alessandro Fiorenzano3,6, Åsa K. Björklund 4, Yogita Sharma3, Andreas Heuer 3, Linda Gillberg1,2, Deirdre B. Hoban3, Tiago Cardoso - 2025-01-14

Publication in nature protocols

Generation of high-purity human ventral midbrain dopaminergic progenitors for in vitro maturation and intracerebral transplantation © 2 01 7 N at u re A m er ic a, In c. , p ar t o f S p ri n g er N at u re . A ll ri g h ts r es er ve d . © 2 01 7 N at u re A m er ic a, In c. , p ar t o f S p ri n g er N at u re . A ll ri g h ts r es er ve d . © 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer - 2025-01-14

Publication in neuroreport

untitled Human foetal brain tissue as quality control when developing stem cells towards cell replacement therapy for neurological diseases Jenny Nelander, Shane Grealish and Malin Parmar Human foetal brain tissue has been used in experimental and clinical trials to develop cell replacement therapy in neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease. These pioneerin - 2025-01-14

Publication in philos trans r soc lond b biol sci

untitled on May 31, 2018 from Review Cite this article: Hagbard L, Cameron K, August P, Penton C, Parmar M, Hay DC, Kallur T. 2018 Developing defined substrates for stem cell culture and differentiation. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170230. Accepted: 27 March 2018 One contribu - 2025-01-14

Publication in pnas 4

A systematic capsid evolution approach performed in vivo for the design of AAV vectors with tailored properties and tropism A systematic capsid evolution approach performed in vivo for the design of AAV vectors with tailored properties and tropism Marcus Davidssona,1, Gang Wanga,1,2, Patrick Aldrin-Kirka, Tiago Cardosob, Sara Nolbrantb, Morgan Hartnora, Janitha Mudannayakea, Malin Parmarb, and Tom - 2025-01-14

Publication in pnas 6

Activity in grafted human iPS cell–derived cortical neurons integrated in stroke-injured rat brain regulates motor behavior Activity in grafted human iPS cell–derived cortical neurons integrated in stroke-injured rat brain regulates motor behavior Sara Palma-Tortosaa,1, Daniel Torneroa,b,1 , Marita Grønning Hansena, Emanuela Monnia, Mazin Hajya, Sopiko Kartsivadzea,c, Sibel Aktaya, Oleg Tsupykov - 2025-01-14

Publication in sci rep

Small molecules increase direct neural conversion of human fibroblasts 1Scientific RepoRts | 6:38290 | DOI: 10.1038/srep38290 Small molecules increase direct neural conversion of human fibroblasts Ulrich Pfisterer1,2, Fredrik Ek3, Stefan Lang2,4, Shamit Soneji2,4, Roger Olsson3 & Malin Parmar1,2 The generation of human induced neurons (hiNs) via exogenous delivery - 2025-01-14

Publication in stem cell res ther

Term amniotic fluid: an unexploited reserve of mesenchymal stromal cells for reprogramming and potential cell therapy applications RESEARCH Open Access Term amniotic fluid: an unexploited reserve of mesenchymal stromal cells for reprogramming and potential cell therapy applications Roksana Moraghebi1, Agnete Kirkeby2, Patricia Chaves3, Roger E. Rönn1, Ewa Sitnicka3, Malin Parmar2, Marcus Larsson4* - 2025-01-14

Rogelius et al exp neurol 2006 0

doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2006.04.022 Retrovirally delivered Islet-1 increases recruitment of Ng2 expressing cells from the postnatal SVZ into the striatum Nina Rogelius a,⁎, Josephine B. Jensen a,b, Cecilia Lundberg a, Malin Parmar a,b,⁎ a Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Department of Experimental Medical Science, Lund University, BMC A11, SE-221 84 Lund, Sweden b Lund Strategic Center for Stem Cel - 2025-01-14

Rogelius et al mol cell neurosci 2008

doi:10.1016/j.mcn.2008.04.008 Reprogramming of neonatal SVZ progenitors by Islet-1 and Neurogenin-2 Nina Rogeliusa, Josephine B. Hebsgaarda,b, Cecilia Lundberga, Malin Parmara,b,⁎ a Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Department of Experimental Medical Science, Lund University, BMC A11, SE-221 84 Lund, Sweden b Lund Strategic Center for Stem Cell Biology and Cell Therapy, Lund University, BMC A11, SE- - 2025-01-14

Skogh et al neuroscience 2003

doi:10.1016/S0306-4522(03)00427-5 THE DIFFERENTIATION POTENTIAL OF PRECURSOR CELLS FROM THE MOUSE LATERAL GANGLIONIC EMINENCE IS RESTRICTED BY IN VITRO EXPANSION C. SKOGH,a M. PARMARa AND K. CAMPBELLb* aWallenberg Neuroscience Center, Division of Neurobiology, Lund University, Solvegatan 17, BMC A11, S-221 84 Lund, Sweden bDivision of Developmental Biology, Children’s Hospital Research Foundation, - 2025-01-14

The fantastic four

THE FANTASTIC FOUR n the retail business, the term G-force is routinely used to promote “hi-tech” products, whether it be racing gear, clothing or watches with uniquely durable qualities. In May of this year, a group of Parkinson’s researchers chose that same name for a global alliance with real technological prowess. As we stand on the threshold of the first cell transplants in Parkinson’s patien - 2025-01-14