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NME006F NME007F-Eng

Microsoft Word - NME006F_NME007F_Den radiobiologiska grunden för strÃ¥lbehandling_01 Date 16 December 2021 Reg. No. U 2021/919 SYLLABUS Syllabus for the course The Radiobiological Basis for Radiation Therapy, NME006F/NME007F Swedish title: Den radiobiologiska grunden för strålbehandling The course syllabus was confirmed by the Faculty board for graduate studies 16 December 2021. The course is in - 2025-02-10

NME006F NME007F-Sve

Microsoft Word - NME006F_NME007F_Den radiobiologiska grunden för strÃ¥lbehandling_01 Datum 2021-12-16 Diarienummer U 2021/919 KURSPLAN Kursplan för kursen Den radiobiologiska grunden för strålbehandling, NME006F/NME007F. Engelsk titel: The Radiobiological Basis for Radiation Therapy Kursplanen är fastställd av fakultetens nämnd för utbildning på forskarnivå 2021-12- 16. Kursen ges på forskarnivå - 2025-02-10

Delkursperioder H2022-V2023

Brevmall Postal address 221 00 Lund, Sweden Telephone +46-46-173985 E-mail Web Avdeln ingen för Medi c in sk Strå ln ingsfy s i k S jukhusfy s i kerutb i ldn inge n , N ASJ F, senare de l Datum: 2021-10-26 Version: 1 Dnr: Sidor: 1 Utarbetad av: Crister Ceberg Fastställd av: Delkursperioder H2022-V2023 Läsårsindelning Start Slut Höstte - 2025-02-10

Litteraturlista MSFN02 - H22

SJUKHUSFYSIKERPROGRAMMET 2021-11-09 LITTERATURLISTA MSFN02 Medicinsk strålningsfysik – SJUKHUSFYSIK (60 hp) HT22/VT23 Gonzalez, R.C. and Woods, R.E. Digital Image Processing. Pearson Education 2018. ISBN 9781292223070. Boken finns för hemlån på avdelningen för Medicinsk strålningsfysik. Används på delkursen Bildbehandling och matematiska metoder. McRobbie, D. W., Moore, E. A. Graves, M. J., Prince - 2025-02-10

MR course info Dec12-16

December 12-16 Course for postgraduate students - Advanced MR physics The course amounts to 7.5 credits. Registration deadline 25 November 2022 Course content This post-graduate course is aimed at doctoral students of MR Physics aiming to broaden their knowledge in the field. Basic knowledge of MRI is required. The course will cover, for example, the following topics and methods: Fast imaging, spa - 2025-02-10

H22 V23 Kursanalys MSFM02 (23-08-29)

H22_V23_Kursanalys_MSFM02 (23-08-29) Avdeln ingen för Medic insk Strå ln ingsfys ik S jukhusfys ikerutb i ldningen, NASJF , senare de l HT2022 – VT2023 Kursanalys MSFM02 Medicinsk strålningsfysik - Grundkurs Joniserande strålning: Produktion Bo-Anders Jönsson Undervisningsform och examination Kursen genomfördes i stort sett som tidigare läsår med 10-talet föreläsningstimmar (med innehåll enligt ku - 2025-02-10

Delkursperioder H2024-V2025

Examinationsgrundande_moment_Delkursperioder Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner 2024-05-23 Läsårsindelning Start Slut Höstterminen 2024-09-02 2025-01-19 Vårterminen 2025-01-20 2025-06-08 MSFM02 Medicinsk strålningsfysik: Grundkurs Delkurs Start Slut Joniserande strålning: produktion 2024-09-02 2024-12-08 Joniserande strålning: växelverkan 2024-09-02 2024-12-08 Joniserande strålning: detektion 2024-09-02 2 - 2025-02-10

Kurslitteratur - MSFN02 - Sjukhusfysikerprogrammet

Kurslitteratur - MSFN02: NASJF - Sjukhusfysikerprogrammet för lärare Kurslitteratur - MSFN02 SJUKHUSFYSIKERPROGRAMMET MSFN02 Medicinsk strålningsfysik – SJUKHUSFYSIK (60 hp) Gonzalez, R.C. and Woods, R.E. Digital Image Processing. Pearson Education 2018. ISBN 9781292223070. Boken finns att låna under kurstiden. Används på delkursen Bildbehandling och matematiska metoder. McRobbie, D. W., Moore, E. - 2025-02-10

H23 V24 Kursanalys MSFM02 combined

H23_V24_Kursanalys_MSFM02_combined Avde ln ingen för Medic insk S t rå ln ings fys ik S jukhusfys ikerutb i ldn ingen, NASJF , senare de l HT2023 – VT2024 Kursanalys MSFM02 Medicinsk strålningsfysik - Grundkurs Produktion Bo-Anders Jönsson Undervisningsform och examination Kursen hade i år 9 studenter från start, men en valde att hoppa av efter ungefär halva terminen. Kursen genomfördes som tidiga - 2025-02-10

Behavioral Rat node inftrastructure report 2021

Microsoft Word - Behavioral Rat node_ inftrastructure report 2021.docx Multipark infrastructure report form 2021 In Vivo platform – rat node Malin Parmar 1. Short description of the infrastructure. The rat node of the MuPa Behavoural platform offers setups for motor and cognitive testing in animal models of neurodegenerative disease. It consists of multiple laboratories and equipment to do compreh - 2025-02-10

Behavioral Terminal node inftrastructure report 2021

Microsoft Word - Behavioral Terminal node_inftrastructure report 2021.docx Multipark infrastructure report form 2021 In vivo- terminal node Cecilia Lundberg 1. Short description of the infrastructure. The terminal room contains two set ups for perfusion of rodents and instruments for fresh dissection of brains. Furthermore, there are facilities to prepare solutions and weigh drugs as well as store - 2025-02-10

Bioinformatics clinical inftrastructure report 2021

Multipark infrastructure report form 2021 NEUROLOGY - Bioinformatics [Andreas Puschmann] 1. Short description of the infrastructure. Multipark (MP) budgeted for 2018, 2019 and 2020 the sum of 425 000 SEK / year (minus overhead of 23.5% = 325 125 SEK) for “Bioinformatics (50% FTE or user fees at NBIS for example) clinic” under Infrastructure and salaries – Clinical - Neurology/Neurosurgery. Thus in - 2025-02-10

Cellomics platform inftrastructure report 2021

Microsoft Word - Cellomics_inftrastructure report 2021.docx Multipark infrastructure report form 2021 Cellomics Platform High content screening (HCS) / Analysis (HCA) Anna Hammarberg 1. Short description of the infrastructure. The Cellomics ArrayScan VTI HCS Reader is available for everyone to use. Cellomics, or HCS / HCA, enables automated acquisition, visualization and quantification of a large - 2025-02-10

Confocal microscope A10 Inftrastructure report 2021

Microsoft Word - Confocal A10_Inftrastructure report 2021.docx Multipark infrastructure report form 2021 [Confocal Microscope, A10] [Jia-Yi Li, Gunnar Gouras/Caroline Haikal, Megg Garcia] 1. Short description of the infrastructure. This Leica TCS SP8 confocal laser scanning microscope is currently located in A10 room 1054. It is an inverted microscope system, and is equipped with the following obj - 2025-02-10

FACS Aria III inftrastructure report 2021

Microsoft Word - FACS_inftrastructure report 2021.docx Multipark infrastructure report form 2021 FACS Aria III Flow Cytometry Analysis and Fluoresence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) Anna Hammarberg 1. Short description of the infrastructure. The FACS facility is available for everyone to use. Flow cytometry enables measurement of fluorescence intensity of particles (cells) in a liquid stream. Analy - 2025-02-10

Plate Runner inftrastructure report 2021

Microsoft Word - Plate Runner_inftrastructure report 2021.docx Multipark infrastructure report form 2021 Plate Runner Platform High content screening (HCS) / Analysis (HCA) Laurent Roybon/Anna Hammarberg 1. Short description of the infrastructure. 2. Is this infrastructure receiving support also from other Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) or organizations at Lund University (e.g. Medical faculty, L - 2025-02-10

Rules of Procedure for MultiPark rev 20210302

Microsoft Word - Rules of Procedure for MultiPark rev 20210302.docx Rules of Procedure for MultiPark According to Lund University’s guidelines for MultiPark, the board is to establish written rules of procedure for their work. The rules of procedure have been revised and complemented at the request of MultiPark’s steering group. The board MultiPark’s board is mainly appointed by the board of the F - 2025-02-10

Translational Cell therapy infrastructure report 2021

Microsoft Word - Translational Cell therapy_infrastructure report 2021.docx Multipark infrastructure report form 2021 Translational Cell therapy Malin Parmar 1. Short description of the infrastructure. The goal of the translational platform is to establish competence and resources for conducting first-in-human trials of advanced therapies, including ATMPs, with PD as a forerunner. It spans from pr - 2025-02-10