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Vi strävar efter att Odeums lokaler ska vara tillgängliga för alla. Har du frågor eller förslag är du välkommen att kontakta oss!KapellsalenKapellsalen ligger på övre våningen i Palaestra et Odeum och är lättillgänglig via trappor eller hiss.Hissen kommer att vara ur funktion under en överskådlig tid på grund av ett större fel.Rörelsehindrade rekommenderas att ta hissen som rymmer 4 personer resp. - 2025-03-19

Anmälan: Lunds akademiska körs 75-årsjubileumskonsert

Fira med oss Lunds akademiska körs 75-årsjubileum! När: Lördag, 18 november, kl. 17.00 Plats: Universitetsaulan, Paradisgatan 2, Lund Namn (obligatorisk) Email (obligatorisk) plus medföljande person Integritet & personuppgifter (obligatorisk) Läs de regler som styr hur Lunds universitet behandlar personuppgifter i detta sammanhang. Integritet & personuppgifter Jag är medveten om de regler som styr - 2025-03-19


Inom Odeum finns tre studentbaserade ensembler: symfoniorkestern Akademiska kapellet samt körerna Lunds akademiska kör och Palaestra vokalensemble. Akademiska kapellet Lunds akademiska kör Palaestra vokalensemble Bli medlem i någon av Odeums ensembler - 2025-03-19

Anmälan till konsert & fest: Lunds akademiska körs 75-årsjubileum

Fira med oss Lunds akademiska körs 75-årsjubileum! När: Lördag, 18 november, kl. 17.00 (konsert) & kl. 19.00 (fest) Plats: Universitetsaulan, Paradisgatan 2, Lund (konsert) & Magle Konserthus, Magle Stora Kyrkogata 4, Lund (fest) Sista dag för anmälan: torsdag, 12 oktober Namn (obligatorisk) Email (obligatorisk) Matpreferenser Integritet & personuppgifter (obligatorisk) Läs de regler som styr hur - 2025-03-19


Fri entréVåra evenemang utan entréavgift är ofta fullsatta, särskilt i Kapellsalen. Vi rekommenderar därför att du kommer i god tid, eftersom vi bara har ett begränsat antal platser.EntréMånga av Odeums konserter är utan entréavgift men vid en del större arrangemang har vi entré. Våra biljettpriser är generösa och vi har alltid ordentliga rabatter till studenter, pensionärer och barn upp till 18 å - 2025-03-19

LUCC - Breast and Imaging & nuclear medicine/radiology: Retreat

20 March 2025 11:00 to 21 March 2025 13:00 | Other Dear LUCC-Breast & Imaging & nuclear medicine/radiology: network:If you are interested in joining a working group for the LUCC Breast retreat scheduled for March 20-21 2025 (SAVE THE DATE), please do not hesitate to contact Lao or Ida.More information will be posted as soon as it becomes availible - the time points are preliminary and might be sub - 2025-03-19

LUCC - Nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care: network meeting

6 May 2025 13:00 to 16:00 | Meeting Welcome to a LUCC half day meeting in nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care.LUCC - Nursing, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care - Theme psychometrics and health economicsResponsible persons: Cecilia Follin & Sixten BorgMore information will be posted as soon as it becomes availableWelcomeMarlene Malmström (Marlene [dot] Malmstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se) - 2025-03-19

LUCC - Nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care: PhD seminar & supervisor

22 April 2025 14:30 to 16:00 | Meeting Welcome to a LUCC meeting in nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care.LUCC - Nursing, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care - PhD seminar together with supervisorsResponsible persons: Cecilia De Carvalho & Sofia PerssonMore information will be posted as soon as it becomes availableWelcomeMarlene Malmström (Marlene [dot] Malmstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se) - 2025-03-19

LUCC - Gastrointestinal - Colorectal

4 April 2025 12:00 to 14:00 | Seminar Lund University Cancer Centre colorectal invites toA research seminar presentation bridging clinical and preclinical studiesWhen: 2024-04-04 kl  12-14Where: Skånes Universitetssjukhus Kirurgens biblioteket plan , Carl-Bertil Laurells gata 9Online: followed by discussion.Lunch will be served.Cordially welcome!Pame - 2025-03-19

LUCC@MV Seminar

8 April 2025 13:30 to 14:30 | Seminar LUCC@MV SeminarTuesday 8 april 2025; 13.30 - 14.30Medicon Village, Inspira Building - Auditorium, Scheeletorget 1, Lund Gaetano Gargiulo, Max Delbrück Center, Berlin"Cell States in Glioblastoma"  About the eventLocation:Medicon Village, Inspira building - Auditorium, Scheeletorget 1, lundContact:johanna [dot] verngren [at] med - 2025-03-19

Innovation & Collaboration

- Implementation: Efficiently translating research findings into patient and societal benefit A crucial aim for LUCC is to enable a more efficient implementation of research findings into clinical practice and in generating innovations for sustainable growth. Importantly, LUCC provides support to facilitate the transition of basic research findings into clinical trials and clinical practice, as we - 2025-03-19


LUCC supports and promotes innovation LUCC work on the commercialization of cancer research in collaboration with LU Innovation. We identify and evaluate commercially viable projects together with researchers, as well as facilitate and support the process from idea to company formation or licensing.Innovation support needed?LUCC Innovation Manager Cecilia Jädert can help you to develop your resear - 2025-03-19

Idea and business development at LU Innovation

We provide you with free commercial advice throughout the process. Our experienced business developers have worked in both academia and industry. Our primary task is to guide and move you forward but all projects are different and there are no ready-made solutions. And remember – without your commitment there is no project to work with. We usually start by mapping the situation, looking at aspects - 2025-03-19

Internal Reference Group

Internal Reference Group (heads of strategic networks)Sara Alkner (Breast)Daniel Ansari (Gastrointestinal)Håkan Axelson (UroCan-LUCC)Monika Bauden (Gastrointestinal)Daniel Bexell (Child)Pamela Buchwald (Gastrointestinal)Ana Carneiro (Clinical trials & drug development)Ida Dalene Skarping (Imaging & nuclear medicine/radiology)Maria Gebre-Medhin (Head & neck)Lennart Greiff (Head & neck)Anna Hagström - 2025-03-19


Calendar Link to RSS 20 March 2025 11:00 to 21 March 2025 13:00 | Other LUCC - Breast and Imaging & nuclear medicine/radiology: Retreat 4 April 2025 12:00 to 14:00 | Seminar LUCC - Gastrointestinal - Colorectal 8 April 2025 13:30 to 14:30 | Seminar LUCC@MV Seminar 22 April 2025 14:30 to 16:00 | Meeting LUCC - Nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care: PhD seminar & supervisor 6 May 2025 13:00 to - 2025-03-19

Accessibility of

The website is managed by Lund University Cancer Center administration. We want as many people as possible to be able to use the site. This document describes how complies with the accessibility regulations, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report problems so we can fix them How accesssible is know some parts of this website aren't - 2025-03-19

Immunology, tumour microenvironment & metastasis

Immunology, tumour microenvironment & metastasis - is a technical and knowledge-based forum for cancer researchers at Lund University with specific interest in immunology, tumour microenvironment & metastasis. The immune system is involved in the progression and development of cancer and immunotherapy can be used to treat cancer. Increased knowledge between these interactions is important to devel - 2025-03-19

Welcome to the Clinical Center for Spectral and Acoustic Imaging

Lund University  Clinical Center for Spectral and Acoustic Imaging is an interdisciplinary center that have been established at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Enginering (LTH) at Lund University to ensure a solid platform with the required expertise. Our vision is to make photoacoustics a new clinical diagnostic tool and become world leaders in photoacoustic research. The infrastructur - 2025-03-19

Photoacoustic Imaging

Photoacoustic imaging is one of the most promising non-invasive biomedical imaging techniques. It combines laser light and ultrasound to generate high resolution 3D images (resolution 15–40 μm, 2 cm depth) of the tissue structure and molecular composition. The analyzed tissue is irradiated with pulsed laser light, which causes so-called thermoelastic expansion, which in turn generates mechanical w - 2025-03-19