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General principles for personal data processing

Article 5 of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes general principles for how personal data is to be processed. These principles act as guidelines for how you are to process personal data. Lawfullness, fairness and transparancy All processing of personal data is to be lawful, fair and characterised by transparency.Based on this principle, data subjects have the right to reque - 2025-01-13

Information for data subjects

Checklists When you process personal data, you need to inform the data subject (your target group/s) about the processing regardless of whether consent or another legal basis applies. To assist you, there are checklists that contain the information you are obliged to give the data subject. Checklists as a mean for information Who are the checklists for?The following checklists are intended for use - 2025-01-13

Data processing agreements (PUBA)

Information and templates When is a data processing agreement required?When the University engages or collaborates with another organisation that processes personal data for which the University is responsible, a data processing agreement between the parties is to be set up. The data processing agreement is usually a separate agreement which is distinct from the agreement that regulates the conten - 2025-01-13


When a person contacts you via email, you need to remember to inform the person about how the University processes personal data, whilst also bearing in mind how you manage and store emails. How do I provide information?You can inform the email recipient in a simple way by including the following text in your email signature:In Swedish: "När du skickar e-post till Lunds universitet behandlar vi di - 2025-01-13


What is personal data?Who is responsible for personal data processing at Lund University?When and how are you to process personal data?What is "sensitive" personal data?Does the GDPR affect how you process personal data collected before 25 May 2018?How are we to process personal data in everyday work?How are contact details for next of kin to be managed?How are you to inform the data subjects?What - 2025-01-13


Registration of personal data processingAll research projects that involve personal data processing are to be registered in Personal Data Lund University (PULU). This also applies if you have registered your research project previously.Above all, it is a matter of public confidence and the University’s credibility. People who participate in research projects must be able to trust that the Universi - 2025-01-13


Lund University is to be a safe and secure workplace for employees, students and visitors. To achieve this, employees and students are required to follow the security procedures that apply. On the following pages you will find security information that is relevant for those who work at the University. Important aspects to consider Study the evacuation plans shown on the signs and familiarise yours - 2025-01-13

Education – student contact

Personal data processing in contact with students Information about processing students’ personal data can be found on Personal data and data protection in education and when in contact with students  Contact Lund University has an external Data Protection Officer; Secure State Cyber AB and the contact person at Secure State Cyber AB is Sanja Hebib.Do you have questions regarding - 2025-01-13

External engagement and communication

External engagement with wider society and providing information on our activities is a part of the University’s mission. This means that the legal basis for processing is that the personal data is of public interest. You are permitted to process personal data in external engagement and to inform without asking for consent, but only if this involves necessary personal data. Necessary personal data - 2025-01-13


Internal newslettersNewsletters that are sent internally only to University staff are considered part of the information they require to carry out their duties. This means you may collect contact details of internal recipients for internal newsletters without needing to ask for consent. You are also not required to provide special information to staff about doing this.External newslettersYou must - 2025-01-13

Public events

The legal basis for processing personal data for eventsFor all personal data processing you need to ensure you have a legal basis and are aware of which legal basis is applicable. One of the legal bases is consent which is common within external engagement and communication.What information do I need to provide to external participants?Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, you have an obliga - 2025-01-13


Please contact infomaster [at] eken [dot] lu [dot] se (infomaster[at]eken[dot]lu[dot]se) for information on personal data processing in financial matters.  Contact Lund University has an external Data Protection Officer; Secure State Cyber AB and the contact person at Secure State Cyber AB is Sanja Hebib.Do you have questions regarding data protection - please contact:dataskyddsombud [at] lu [dot] - 2025-01-13

Human resources

Within human resources, personal data is processed for both staff and non-employees. For example, it may relate to recruitment, salary reviews or rehabilitation matters. When you process personal data within the area of human resources you must make sure you comply not only with the data protection legislation, but also other applicable laws and regulations (for example the Archives Act, and the P - 2025-01-13


Make an inventory and develop an action planIt is important that you form a picture of the personal data which is processed within your area of activities and how this processing occurs. In this way you can detect problems or risks.Checklist to review personal data processing in your area of activity:1) Which personal data do you process?Pay particular attention to how sensitive personal data and - 2025-01-13

Committees and boards

The legal basis for processing personal dataOne of the University’s responsibilities is to collaborate with wider society and to provide information on our activities. This includes providing information about our organisation, how the University is managed and the decisions that are made. This is a so-called public task which provides a legal basis for processing personal data. It means we can pr - 2025-01-13

IT systems

Personal data and the administration of IT systemsWithin the University, personal data is often processed using one of our IT system, for example systems used in research, education or administration.Legal basisYou must have a legal basis for processing personal data. The legal basis for processing personal data in IT systems entirely depends on its purpose. The person responsible for the content - 2025-01-13

Administrative systems

Login shortcuts Alphabetical list of administrative systems and tools intended for a wide target group and administered within the University administration. Please note that most of the systems are in Swedish. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W |CanvasIn this digital learning and teaching environment students, teachers and administrators can communic - 2025-01-13


Merparten av naturvetenskapliga fakultetens kurser kan läsas som fristående kurser så länge du uppfyller behörighetskraven. Att läsa fristående och enstaka kurser kan vara till nytta för dig som redan är yrkesverksam och vill fördjupa eller bredda dina kunskaper. Det kan också vara ett sätt för dig att ställa om karriärmässigt, utan att behöva läsa ett helt program.Kurser på avancerad nivåOm du ha - 2025-01-13

Föreläsningar från NMT-dagarna

Här hittar du länkar till filmade föreläsningar från Naturvetenskap-, medicin- och teknikdagarna vid Lunds universitet. Föreläsningar 2024Grön och hållbar kemiFöreläsare: Charlotta Turner.Se föreläsningen "Grön och hållbar kemi" på UR playHur kan konfliktområden studeras från rymden?Föreläsare: Lina Eklund.Se föreläsningen "Hur kan konfliktområden studeras från rymden?" på UR playSolens aktivitet, - 2025-01-13

Textversioner av poddavsnitten "Plugga naturvetenskap"

Klicka på länkarna nedan för att läsa textversionerna av poddavsnitten. Länkarna leder till sidor på Lunds universitets övergripande webbplats ( Plugga naturvetenskap - Astronomi och astrofysik Plugga naturvetenskap – Biologi Plugga naturvetenskap - fysik Plugga naturvetenskap – Geologi Plugga naturvetenskap - Kemi Plugga naturvetenskap - Matematik Plugga naturvetenskap - Miljö- och hälsosk - 2025-01-13