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Power Plays in a Multipolar World: Mapping India’s Global Game

Published 24 January 2025 Jagannath Panda (Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs) visited SASNET for a talk on India’s strategic choices in the Indo-Pacific. Yesterday, January 23, Jagannath Panda delivered a public SASNET Lecture at the Eden Auditorium, focusing on India's foreign policy and strategic choices in the Indo-Pacific. The event was co-organized with the - 2025-03-23

Karlstad conference on Women Activism and Politics in Sweden and India

Published 13 June 2016 A conference on ‘Women Activism and Politics in Sweden and India’ will be held on 20 – 21 June 2016 at Karlstad University. It is organised by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in collaboration with the Malaviya Centre for Peace Research at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in Varanasi, India, as a part of a series of conferences to be held in Sweden and India. The - 2025-03-23

First Annual Bridge Summit in Lund to find solutions to major challenges

Published 13 June 2016 On 22-23 June 2016, Invest in Skåne and Medicon Village – connected to Lund University – organize for the first time a summit entitled The Bridge. The aim of the summit is to enable and drive dialogue, cooperation and research within Life and Materials Science, and by these means help solve some of today’s biggest challenges in areas like energy, health, environment, water a - 2025-03-23

Fifth Young South Asia Scholars Meet Workshop to be held in Göttingen

Published 13 June 2016 The fifth annual Young South Asia Scholars Meet (Y-SASM) Workshop will be held from 24–25 June 2015 in Göttingen, Germany. The theme of the workshop is ”Transformations of ‘the Political’” and the themes discussed will be: - State and Governance; - Politics of knowledge production, - Political performance, - Development and Dissent; - Labouring Lives and the Politics of Labo - 2025-03-23

June 2016 to July 2016 Turin Summer School on Social Change in Contemporary India

Published 13 June 2016 The Department of Culture, Politics and Society at University of Turin, Italy, holds its second edition of the Summer School on “Politics, Development and Social Change in Contemporary India” from 27 June – 1 July 2016. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the School provides students with an opportunity to analyze key social, political and economic issues of contemporary - 2025-03-23

23rd Conference of the European Association for South Asia Archaeology and Art announced

Published 13 June 2016 On 4–8 July 2016, the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art will take place in Cardiff, Wales, UK. Conference contributions should draw on current and unpublished research relating to the archaeology and art history of South Asia from all periods. Topics from neighboring regions will also be considered if they throw light on South Asian archaeology or art - 2025-03-23

Craig Jeffrey keynote speaker at ASAA conference in Canberra

Published 13 June 2016 The Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) holds its next Biennial Conference at the Australian National University in Canberra on 5 – 7 July 2016. The South Asian Studies Association of Australia (SASAA) – the organisation behind the excellent South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies – actively participates in the Canberra conference with special panels; and Profes - 2025-03-23

Call for papers on Economic Transformation and Urbanisation in India

Published 13 June 2016 A Call for papers has been announced for a panel on ”Economic Transformation and Urbanisation: The future of pluriactive small farmers and rural workers in South Asia?” to be held at the International Sociological Association (ISA) Third Forum of Sociology in Vienna, Austria, 10 – 14 July 2016. The panel will be chaired by Prof. Staffan Lindberg, Lund University, and Prof. S - 2025-03-23

SASNET now located at Villa Norlind

Published 21 November 2016 After 2,5 years being hosted by the Department of Sociology at Paradisgatan 5 in the city centre of Lund, SASNET again shifted locality in early 2016. This time the move was to Villa Norlind, a rather small building located at Biskopsgatan 5, a house that used to accommodate the Dept. of Musicology, but recently was taken over by the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (CM - 2025-03-23

Seminar about alcohol consumption

Published 15 October 2015 Seminar by Anuradha Rose on alcohol consumption in South India to be held in Stockholm. On November 16, 2015 from 14.00-15.30, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm hosts a lecture by Dr. Anuradha Rose, associate professor of community medicine and bioethicist at Widerströmska huset, Tomtebodavägen 18A. The talk is titled Addressing Alcohol problems: Temptations in the tribes a - 2025-03-23

Summer Courses in India for Nordic students

Published 22 November 2016 The Nordic Centre in India (NCI) is continuing its three short-term summer courses for Nordic students. The courses are as follows:Contemporary India: An Interdisciplinary Introduction CourseUniversity of Hyderabad, Hyderabad2nd to 29th July 2017Capacity: 50 studentsApproaching the Environment in India: Issues and Methods in the Study of the Nature-Economy-Society Interf - 2025-03-23

Public lecture in Uppsala: Rethinking women's issues in 19th century Hindi writings of Mallika

Published 22 November 2016 On Wednesday 23 November 2016, 14.15-15.45 Raj Kumar from Benares Hindu University will hold a lecture entitled: "Rethinking women's issues in 19th century Hindi writings of Mallika" at Uppsala University. Abstract:Mallika may be regarded as the first woman writer of Hindi in 19th century north India since nothing much is known about women writing of that time yet.Though - 2025-03-23

Public Lecture in Uppsala: Religious Education in South Asia

Published 22 November 2016 On 30 November 2016 14.15-15.45, Professor Ruby Sain from Centre for the Study of Religion and Society in the Department of Sociology at Jadavpur University, will hold a lecture entitled: "Religious Education in South Asia" at Uppsala University. Abstract: The exploration of religion in India is as old as that country, as it has been depicted in various religious texts, - 2025-03-23

FATA Conference at University of Peshawar

Published 22 November 2016 Photo: Wikimedia Commons The Cell for FATA studies (CFS) at University of Peshawar organizes its 2nd National Conference on FATA entitled: "Economic Currents and Opportunities for Economic Development in FATA" from the 17th until the 18th of January 2017. CFS successfully implemented the “First National Conference on Socioeconomic & Political Currents in FATA” in 2015. T - 2025-03-23

Lund University has its own official stamps

Published 22 November 2016 The stamps were recently launched at a special ceremony, as part of the upcoming Lund University 350th jubilee celebrations. The selected stamp motifs highlight both the University’s history and the cutting-edge research conducted at the University. You can buy them here in Lund, at the LU shop on Winstrupsgatan 8 or online at You can even order them online - 2025-03-23

A Week of Silence Planned in Lund

Published 23 November 2016 An enormous Freedom of Expression cube will be turned on and a week of activities will kick-off outside of Lund Cathedral on Dec. 2 at 12:30 to commemorate Sweden’s 250-year anniversary of freedom of speech. Lund is commemorating “The Week of Silence”, a week of activities, including the launch of a human rights cube and film, a silent minute, and a concert and panel dis - 2025-03-23

Pakistani activist against bonded labour visited SASNET

Published 24 November 2016 On Wednesday 23 November 2016, Liaqat Javed, Executive Director for the Backwards Rehabilitation and Improvement Commission Pakistan (BRIC), visited SASNET at Lund University. Javed had come to Lund - as part of a Sweden tour - on invitation from the regional outfit of ABF, Sweden’s largest adult non-profit educational organisation and a collaboration partner of SASNET. - 2025-03-23

Sign up for IIAS newsletter

Published 15 October 2015 Call for Contributions to IIAS magazine The Newsletter 2016. The Newsletter is a free, non-peer reviewed Asian Studies magazine published three times a year by the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden the Netherlands. With approximately 17,000 worldwide subscribers, the magazine is an outstanding forum for Asia scholars to share commentary, research es - 2025-03-23

Jan Breman guest lectures in Copenhagen

Published 15 October 2015 Guest lectures to be held by Prof Jan Breman at the University of Copenhagen. On October 20th and 21st 2015 the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen hosts two talks by Professor Jan Breman from the University of Amsterdam. The first lecture takes place on the 20th of October from 12.00-13.30 in room 16.2.55 CSS at the Department of Sociology and is titled Inf - 2025-03-23

PhD thesis on Finnish business leader’s India experiences

Published 5 December 2016 Photo: University of Vaasa Narashima Boopathi Sivasubramanian from the Department of Management at University of Vaasa, Finland, defends his doctoral dissertation entitled ”Managing across cultures with Cultural Intelligence Quotient (CQ) - Study of Finnish business leaders experience in India”, on Friday 16 December 2016 at 12.00. aNarashima Boopathi Sivasubramanian from - 2025-03-23