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Global Sustainable Engagement

Global Sustainable Engagement (GSE) is a self-evident and essential part of Lund University’s activities. It helps to create the conditions for societal development and innovation, and for education and research. The global Covid-19 pandemic has changed how internationalisation is conducted, with changing patterns in student and staff mobility, such as the use of digital tools for education and me - 2025-01-13

Global Dynamic Engagement

Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) further develops previous strategic work on internationalisation and builds on existing collaborations at the University. The work is based on continuous analysis of the world around us. Using this as a starting point, the University produces documentation each year in the form of a framework for the geographical areas where we are engaged, as well as roadmaps outli - 2025-01-13

Funding collaborations and mobility

As an employee of Lund University, you have many opportunities to receive funding from different programmes if you work, or plan to work, abroad.  Funding collaborationsHere you will find brief descriptions about established programmes that offer various forms of project funding.Erasmus+ collaborative programmesNordplusSeed money for course and programme developmentSTINT Strategic Grants for Inter - 2025-01-13

Erasmus+ mobility programmes

Fund teaching and professional development in Europe For employees at Lund University planning to teach or develop professional skills in Europe, there are funding opportunities within the framework of Erasmus+, the EU's education programme. Teaching or teaching in combination with professional skills developmentRead more about Erasmus+ teaching staff mobilityJob shadowing, observation periods, tr - 2025-01-13

Contact officers

Who does what? The International Office works to create conditions for internationalisation of students and employees at the University. Their mission is also to communicate the University’s range of courses and programmes and opportunities internationally. International Office – External RelationsInternational Marketing and RecruitmentStrategic Partnerships, Networks & Staff MobilityStudent Exper - 2025-01-13

Erasmus+ collaborative programmes

Funding partnerships Erasmus+ is the EU programme for collaboration within higher education for the period 2021-2027.  The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education and training in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to drivin - 2025-01-13


Lund University has long had an extensive collaboration with Australia and New Zealand in research and education and through its membership in the Universitas 21 network. The university has student exchange agreements with Australian and New Zealand universities, both at university-wide level and at faculty level. Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) is an approach on which Lund University bases its wo - 2025-01-13


What does the programme offer?Nordplus is a project that supports cooperation between Nordic and Baltic countries. Nordplus offers funding for mobility, specific projects, networking activities, administrative staff exchanges and teaching staff scholarships.Who can apply to manage a grant?Higher education institutions in the Nordic countries and the Baltic.Where to apply?To the Nordic Council.Call - 2025-01-13

STINT Strategic Grants for Internationalisation

What does the programme offer?Strategic Grants offers funding for the renewal and development of internationalisation strategies at the university level. Applications must concern internationalisation efforts of strategic significance that also utilise the experience and dedication of individual leaders in their field.Who can apply to manage a grant?Applications are to be written on behalf of Lund - 2025-01-13

Lund University Magazine – LUM

13 Dec 2024 | News Major cost differences when comparing Science Village options Show more news About LUMThe first edition of Lund University Magazine – LUM – was published 1968. Today, the magazine reaches all employees and also people outside the university. The magazine is published six times per year. Editor Jan Olsson.LUM website in Swedish - 2025-01-13

Risky and harmful use of alcohol, other drugs and gambling

This page provides information and support regarding risky and harmful use of alcohol, other drugs and gambling. Content on this page:IntroductionTest your drinking habits anonymous onlineIf you have a problem with risky or harmful useIf you have concerns about a colleagueWould you like to find out more about risky and harmful use?Definitions of risky and harmful useIntroductionAs well as alcohol, - 2025-01-13

About this website

Staff Pages provides support to Lund University staff in their day-to-day work. The content of Staff Pages is the responsibility of the University’s central administration and is coordinated by a group of appointed representatives from each division. The role of the coordination group is to ensure that Staff Pages:  is up-to-date and correct contains information that is relevant to users maintains - 2025-01-13

Project model

Working in project form Within the University, large and small projects as well as inquiry assignments of various kinds are continuously being conducted. Lund University project model is intended as a support for assignments implemented in project form. TemplatesDirective, in Swedish (Word 108kB, new tab)Project plan, in Swedish (Word 194kB, new tab)Risk assessment, in Swedish, (Word 26kB, new tab - 2025-01-13

System governance model

SYSTEM GOVERNANCE MODEL AT LUND UNIVERSITY Within the University, there is a large number of systems dedicated to providing support in the implementation of education, research and support activities. The aim of system governance is to take a structured approach to ensuring that the systems benefit the organisation and run as cost-effectively as possible. How the University works with support syst - 2025-01-13

Personal data and data protection

Lund University processes personal data in accordance with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Swedish Data Protection Act. On these pages, you will find information, advice, and support for the processing of personal data within the university's operations. What is the purpose of GDPR?The General Data Protection Regulation  (GDPR) has two fundamental purposes. On the one ha - 2025-01-13

General information

On the sub-pages below you will find general information and support for GDPR matters relating to laws, principles, consent et cetera. You will also find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Please click on each link below in order to attain further information regarding:Laws and regulationsResponsibility for personal dataLegal basisGeneral principles for personal data processingInformati - 2025-01-13

Area-specific information

Here you will find information on selected areas of work, in which the processing of personal data is a common occurrence. Information on processing of personal data for staff working with:ResearchEducation - student contactExternal engagement and communicationHuman resourcesFinanceManagementCommittees and boardsIT systems  Contact Lund University has an external Data Protection Officer; Secure St - 2025-01-13

Laws and regulations

Laws and ordinancesThe GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is an EU-wide law, but it is complemented with laws and regulations in each country. In addition to laws and regulations, Sweden has carried out a range of preliminary work that shows the intention of legislators. GDPR regulates aspects such as:What is personal data?What is sensitive personal data?What is the legal basis for processi - 2025-01-13

Legal basis

In order to process personal data, you must have a legally valid reason, a so-called legal basis, for why processing should be carried out. For those working at Lund University, there are five legal bases of which the most common ones in education, research, and collaboration are the task of public interest and exercise of public authority 1. Task of public interestTask of public interest  is the - 2025-01-13


When is consent needed?In most cases you do not need to ask for consent, as personal data processing at the University is often supported by another legal basis. Nevertheless, there are instances when you do need to ask for consent, for example from people who are not actively involved in the University’s operations in situations such as:recruitment of staff and studentsadministration of lists or - 2025-01-13