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Decision on University Board’s external members for the upcoming term of office

By anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 25 September 2024 Photo of Ingrid Petersson. Photographer: Elisabeth Ohlson. On 12 September, the Government decided on the appointment of the chair and other external members of the University Board for the period 1 October 2024–30 April 2028. Ingrid Petersson continues as chair. The new external board members - 2024-12-26

The next occasion for celebrating long and devoted public service (NOR) will be held in the autumn of 2025

By webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (HR-sektionens webbansvarig) - published 24 September 2024 For those eligible for the award, applications open 1 February 2025. In previous years, the ceremony has been held in spring. The Vice-Chancellor has now decided that the awards ceremony is to be held every 18 months instead of annually, in order to cut costs. This means that no ceremony will take - 2024-12-26

Checklist for those organising open events

By webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (HR-sektionens webbansvarig) - published 18 October 2024 Many different kinds of open events and public lectures are arranged under the auspices of Lund University. There is now a checklist to help all event organisers within the University to deliver their events in a way that is orderly and secure for everyone – staff, students and external participants - 2024-12-26

Extra window for equal opportunities funding applications

By webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (HR-sektionens webbansvarig) - published 22 September 2024 There is now an additional window to apply for funding for visiting professors of the underrepresented gender as part of the University’s work to encourage equal opportunities. Lund University actively promotes equal opportunities, including by providing the opportunity to apply for targeted fundin - 2024-12-26

One LU for Everyone 2024 – a conference on inclusive teaching

By maria [dot] esaiasson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Esaiasson) - published 20 September 2024 On Tuesday 15 October, we will meet for the second time to listen, learn and discuss the subject of accessible and inclusive teaching. The conference is free and open to teaching staff members and colleagues with close contact with students at Lund University. Our students are not a homoge - 2024-12-26

Inauguration ceremony for new professors, 18 October

By Maria [dot] Blad [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Blad) - published 24 September 2024 The inauguration 2023. The time has come for the inauguration of 28 new professors at the University. They will be inaugurated at a formal ceremony and all are welcome. The inauguration will take place in the Main University Building auditorium, followed by informal networking in Pelarsalen.Time and - 2024-12-26

New programme tailored for those who want to explore innovation

By lina [dot] tornquist [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Törnquist) - published 7 October 2024 To make it easier for more people to see the innovative potential in their research, LU Innovation is now launching 'The Insights Programme'. The Insights Programme is designed to support primarily researchers and doctoral students who want to explore how their innovative research or idea can crea - 2024-12-26

LU Open Science Days 19-20 November – Theme: Crossing boundaries with Open Science

By karolina [dot] lindh [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (Karolina Lindh) - published 7 October 2024 The Palaestra building in Lundagård. This is the second instalment of LU Open Science Days, organised by the cross-faculty Open Science Champions group. The focus this year is on how Open Science can bridge boundaries, both within academia and in society at large. The theme alludes to four different types - 2024-12-26

Join the Agenda 2030 Graduate School at Lund University

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 7 October 2024 The 2030 Agenda Graduate School is interdisciplinary, with doctoral students from all faculties of the University. The Graduate School now welcomes new doctoral students from the beginning of the year. The photo was taken during a kick-off event. Are you a PhD student at Lund University interested in sus - 2024-12-26

Makeover for the Staff Pages

By stefan [dot] danielson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Stefan Danielsson) - published 8 October 2024 On 8 October, a new homepage for the Staff Pages (Medarbetarwebben) was launched. The aim of the new homepage is to provide a better overview, and to prioritise and make the most sought-after content accessible. The new homepage is also better adapted for visitors using mobile phones and t - 2024-12-26

The sustainability plan is being updated – Have your say!

By jenny [dot] hansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Hansson) - published 8 October 2024 This autumn will see comprehensive work on updating the University’s sustainability plan. The changes are to make sustainability efforts over the next two years more concrete. Boards and parts of the central administration will now identify various activities and see what resources are available to achieve - 2024-12-26

Anne L’Huillier ‒ a year on from the Nobel Prize in Physics

Published 8 October 2024 It has been a year since Anne L’Huillier became Lund University’s first Nobel Prize laureate. Since then, she has been trying to use the huge attention to stir interest in research and physics. She has also had to cope with the very peculiar experience of being a rock star of science, who gets asked for selfies in town.Watch an interview with Anne L’Huillier about life as - 2024-12-26

The Sphinxes have landed!

By anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 8 October 2024 After three years’ work, the newly cast sphinxes have returned to the roof of the Main University Building. The work, which uses a crane, began on 2 October. Now all the four of theme are landed. It was during an inspection of the University Main Building’s facade that the National Property Board - 2024-12-26

New webpage about rankings

By anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 8 October 2024 A new webpage summarising our rankings has been added to the University’s external website There are around 20,000 higher education institutions in the world, and Lund University regularly ranks as one of the world’s best in several of the most reputable rankings.There is now a new webpage - 2024-12-26

Strategies are in development for international issues, innovation and quality enhancement

Published 1 October 2024 The University’s strategic platform has been updated for 2025 and is now applicable until 2027. Looking ahead, the platform will now be reviewed annually to ensure that it is optimally calibrated. "It is very pleasing to see that the University has started to climb the rankings in recent years. Lots of measures across many fronts have played a role, including the initiativ - 2024-12-26

Lund University in the top 100 in THE ranking

By Lotte [dot] Billing [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Billing) - published 9 October 2024 Today, Times Higher Education (THE) published their latest ranking and Lund University has been ranked 95. This is an improvement of 11 places compared to last year. This means that Lund University has made strong progress in all three major rankings this year. The THE ranking is based on 13 indi - 2024-12-26

LU prövade nytt upplägg i Almedalen

Av minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - publicerad 12 september 2024 Lunds universitet testade ett nytt upplägg under årets Almedalsvecka. Årets Almedalsvecka såg något annorlunda ut för Lunds universitets del. För första gången fick de intresserade fakulteterna själva sköta arrangemanget kring seminarierna. Anledningen till det förändrade upplägge - 2024-12-26

Blivande EU-kommissionären: ”Visa studenterna på möjlig karriär inom EU”

Av jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - publicerad 12 september 2024 Kort efter sommarens konferens om Europauniversitet i Lund föreslog regeringen att EU-ministern Jessika Roswall blir Sveriges nya EU-kommissionär. Tillträdet sker i höst. Foto: Jan Olsson Karriärvägar. Sveriges blivande EU-kommissionär Jessika Roswall vill se fler svenskar i Bryssel. Universitet oc - 2024-12-26

Doktorand bjöds in att dela sina forskningsresultat i Élyséepalatset

Av ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson) - publicerad 12 september 2024 Mathilde Martin och hennes avhandling tog sig hela vägen till Elyséepalatset. Foto: Mathilde Martin Hur når man egentligen ut med sin forskning? Nydisputerade kulturgeografen Mathilde Martin vet. Någon vecka före sin disputation fick hon möjlighet att berätta om sina forskningsresultat fö - 2024-12-26

Tema innovation: Naturvetare går mot strömmen med produkt för översvämningsanalyser

Av johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - publicerad 12 september 2024 Petter Pilesjö har tillsammans med två kollegor utvecklat en algoritm som visar hur vatten rör sig vid översvämningar. Foto: Johan Joelsson Naturvetenskapliga forskare brukar inte direkt vara kända för sitt entreprenörskap. Men på Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystem­vetenskap finns en i - 2024-12-26