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Your search for "*" yielded 531885 hits

A significant correlation between body surface area and infrarenal aortic diameter is detected in a large screening population with possibly clinical implications

Published 8 January 2020 Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in elderly men reduces aneurysm related mortality. AAA is commonly defined as an infrarenal aortic diameter (IAD) of ≥30 mm, which is based on the definition of an arterial aneurysm as a focal dilation of 150% or more compared to the expected diameter of about 20 mm. The IAD has been shown to correlate to body surface area (BSA - 2025-02-28

Sharing data safely while preserving privacy

Published 8 January 2020 Analysing personal data is a privilege requiring researchers to safeguard data and to use data wisely. Safeguarding data means protecting the identity of individuals. Using data wisely means using, reusing, and sharing data to their maximum potential. More researchers should be given safe access to previously collected data from expensive clinical trials and laboratory or - 2025-02-28

Kvalitet, implementering och nytta - en handbok

Published 20 December 2019 FoU-handboken för statliga myndigheter är tänkt att vara ett stöd för dig som arbetar med forskning och utveckling på en svensk myndighet. Den innehåller tips och råd om hur du bäst planerar, implementerar och utvärderar forskningsinsatser och enskilda forskningsprojekt. Innehållet i handboken är resultatet av flera års arbete och diskussioner i Nätverket för FoU-myndigh - 2025-02-28

Future choices for the Swedish research system

Published 21 December 2019 Report from the Swedish Research Council (VR) In this report, the Swedish Research Council presents challenges and ways forward for the Swedish research system. The report is based on the report Direction to the Future Swedish Research System published in 2015, and is intended to constitute underlying documentation for the Swedish Research Council’s upcoming work and inp - 2025-02-28

Svenska listan – ett register över sakkunniggranskade publiceringskanaler i Swepub

Published 22 December 2019 I Swepub redovisas forskningspublikationer som har tagits fram vid svenska lärosäten och forskande myndigheter. För närvarande innehåller Swepub referenser till de publikationer som finns registrerade i ett fyrtiotal svenska lärosätens och andra myndigheters publiceringsdatabaser. Läs mer här. - 2025-02-28

VR announces new grants

Published 15 December 2017 It is now possible to apply for grants for international post doc position, conference organization, and NOP-HS for nordic scientific journals Internationell postdok – ger nydisputerade forskare med doktorsexamen från svenskt universitet möjlighet att forska utomlands.Konferensbidrag – främjar internationellt forskningssamarbete och erfarenhetsutbyte. Att ge forskare ver - 2025-02-28

Validating surgical procedure codes for inflammatory bowel disease in the Swedish National Patient Register

Published 9 January 2020 About 50% of patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) and about 20% of those with ulcerative colitis (UC) undergo surgery at some point during the course of the disease. The diagnostic validity of the Swedish National Patient Register (NPR) has previously been shown to be high for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but there are little data on the validity of IBD-related surgical - 2025-02-28

Outcome in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a population-based study from Sweden

Published 9 January 2020 The incidence of JIA in this well-defined, population-based cohort is slightly lower than in previously published studies from Scandinavia. The need for orthopedic surgery and the presence of uveitis are diminished compared to studies with patients diagnosed more than 20 years ago. Children with JIA however still experience disease activity more than 50% of the time. In co - 2025-02-28

Rationale and design of a statewide telestroke registry: Lone Star Stroke Consortium Telestroke Registry (LeSteR)

Published 10 January 2020 The Lone Star Stroke Consortium Telestroke Registry (LeSteR) currently consisting of 3 academic hub centres and 27 partner spokes is a statewide initiative organised by leading academic health centres in the State of Texas to understand practice patterns of acute stroke management via telestroke (TS) in Texas, a state with one of the largest rural populations in the USA. - 2025-02-28

Smoking and Alcohol Intake but Not Muscle Strength in Young Men Increase Fracture Risk at Middle Age: A Cohort Study Linked to the Swedish National Patient Registry

Published 10 January 2020 We aimed to determine the relationship between handgrip strength, smoking, and alcohol consumption in young men and fracture risk at middle age. Thus, we carried out a cohort study including young men undergoing conscription examination in Sweden from September 1969 to May 1970 at a typical age of 18 years. Data on muscle strength, height, weight, and lifestyle factors we - 2025-02-28

The Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Registry (UGICR): a clinical quality registry to monitor and improve care in upper gastrointestinal cancers

Published 11 January 2020 It supports four cancer modules: pancreatic, oesophagogastric, biliary and primary liver cancer. The pancreatic cancer (PC) module was the first module to be implemented, with others being established in a staged approach. Individuals are recruited to the registry if they are aged 18 years or older, have received care for their cancer at a participating public/private hos - 2025-02-28

The ratio of total cholesterol to high density lipoprotein cholesterol and myocardial infarction in Women’s health in the Lund area (WHILA): a 17-year follow-up cohort study

Published 11 January 2020 Identifying variables predictive of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in women is important. The use of the ratio of total cholesterol-to-high density lipoprotein cholesterol (TC/HDL-C) is often overlooked. The aim was to study TC/HDL-C in relation to later AMI, in a large sample of women, adjusted for age, educational status, smoking, waist-hip ratio, blood pressure, and - 2025-02-28

Datainspektionen will recieve more funding and change name

Published 19 December 2017 Datainspektionen (The Swedish Data Protection Authority) will change its name to integritetsskyddsmyndigheten and receive increased funding. The 30 million SEK increase in funding is primarliy aimed towards working with issues regarding personal integrity and the implications of the GDPR for the government sector, private companies and the general public. The agency will - 2025-02-28