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Sustainable Growth theme for 2016 World Water Week in Stockholm

Published 11 July 2016 The 2016 World Water Week in Stockholm is held 28 August - 2 September 2016. World Water Week in Stockholm is the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues.It is organized by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). This year, the theme is "Water for Sustainable Growth". It is also the 20th jubilee of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize. In 2015, over 3,000 individ - 2025-03-15

PhD thesis on Subjectivity, Relatedness and Health among Urban Poor in Delhi

Published 11 July 2016 University of Copenhagen Emilija Zabiliute from the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen defended her PhD thesis entitled 'Living with Others: Subjectivity, Relatedness and Health among Urban Poor in Delhi' on 29 June 2016.  ‘Living with Others’ is an ethnographic study of everyday lives and health-seeking practices among urban poor liv - 2025-03-15

Lars Eklund reports from 24th European conference on south Asian studies in Warsaw

Published 29 July 2016 The 24th European Conference on South Asian Studies – ECSAS 2016 was successfully held at the University of Warsaw, Poland from 27 to 30 July 2016. The biannual conference, organised by the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS) was hosted by the Faculty of Oriental Studies at University of Warsaw. The chief convener was Prof. Danuta Stasik.  A total number of - 2025-03-15

NOFSA provides analyses and a discussion forum

Published 18 August 2016 NoFSA is a network linking Nordic resources on South Asia within research, culture, business, public administration, NGOs, the media, etc. The idea is to help people across sectors draw on each other´s experience and expertise, primarily though its mailinglist.NoFSA is an independent organisation hosted by the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages at the Uni - 2025-03-15

Two guest-researcher positions available

Published 18 August 2016 NIAS is now offering two guest-researcher positions in late 2016 for the duration of 1 to 3 months. NIAS academic aim is to promote inter-disciplinary, cross-cultural and thus comparative research. Its focal point is the role and impact of Asia in a globalizing world. Of special interest is the growing importance that Asia has for the Nordic region, including Asia and the - 2025-03-15

New book on Political Tolerance by Sten Widmalm

Published 18 August 2016 Sten Widmalm Professor Sten Widmalm published a book entitled: "Political Tolerance in the Global South – Images from India, Pakistan and Uganda". The book deals with the question “What makes people agree to the extension of political rights to those they clearly dislike?” It is based on a study that combines large scale survey data with in-depth interviews in each nationa - 2025-03-15

Conference on Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Plant Biomass

Published 18 August 2016 The Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Plant Biomass - Bioproducts, Biocatalysts, and Biorefinery (SUTB4) will be held in Coimbatore, India on November 17-18th 2016. The Conference is organised by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in association with Indian Biomass Association (IBA), Phycospectrum Environmental  Research Centre (PERC), L - 2025-03-15

Conference on Asian Primate in Colombo

Published 19 August 2016 Photo: From The 5th Asian Primate Symposium will be held on the 18th until the 20th of October 2016, at University of Sri Jayewardenepura in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to exchange knowledge concerning primates, introduce newly developed methodologies of study and their applications, and construct - 2025-03-15

SASNET/CREST scholarships for two Lund University masters students

Published 25 August 2016 Dea Busk Larsen, Masters student in Social Anthropology at Lund University; and Nashfa Hawwa, Masters student at the at the Environmental Management and Policy programme, also Lund University, have been selected by SASNET for a scholarship to be carried out in South Asia with the assistance of CREST, Centre for Research and Education for Social Transformation, in Kozhikode - 2025-03-15

31 young South Asian promising leaders come for 2016 SI programme

Published 25 August 2016 Photo: SI The 31 selected candidates for the Swedish Institute’s 2016 Young Connectors of the Future Programme (YCF) arrives to Sweden in the end of August and stay for three weeks. The YCF intercultural leadership programme aims to lay a foundation for dialogue and knowledge sharing among young leaders, promising professionals, social workers and entrepreneurs aged betwee - 2025-03-15

PhD candidate Florian Krampe defends his doctoral dissertation

Published 25 August 2016 Photo: Uppsala University PhD candidate Florian Krampe at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, defends his doctoral dissertation entitled ”Building Sustainable Peace: Understanding the Linkages between Social, Political, and Ecological Processes in Post-War Countries” on Saturday 10 September 2016 at 13.00. Venue: Auditorium Minus, Museum Gust - 2025-03-15

SASA travel grants to two Journalism students

Published 29 August 2016 Erika Bergman and Niklas Lindberg, two Masters students from the Journalism programmme at Lund University, have been awarded the SASA travel grants for the Fall 2016. The grants, covering travel expenses for applicants to do fieldwork in a South Asian country, are provided by the South Asian Students Association (SASA) at Lund University, in collaboration with SASNET. The - 2025-03-15

Copenhagen research symposium on Ways of Overlooking

Published 30 August 2016 Center for Global South Asian Studies at University of Copenhagen invites to a research symposium and a film screening on ”Ways of Overlooking” on 8–9 September 2016. This symposium, organized by the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, is an invitation to focus on the multiple ways of looking and overlooking that entangle and make everyday life. The eminent - 2025-03-15

Endangered Archives Programme funding to South Asia projects

Published 1 September 2016 Photo: British Library Endangered archives blog Every year, the Endangered Archives Programme at the British Library in London is accepting applications for funding to support the preservation of archival material worldwide that is in danger of destruction, neglect or physical deterioration, not the least in South Asia. The programme is being financed by Arcadia (formerl - 2025-03-15

Teknikbolaget Cognibotics tar in nytt kapital

Publicerad 24 augusti 2017 LU Holdings portföljbolag Cognibotics har tagit in tio miljoner kronor i nytt kapital rapporterar Rapidus. Det är en av de tidigare ägarna Porte-Monnaie Venture, som i och med emissionen dubblar sin ägarandel till 20 procent. Samtidigt kliver en representant från Porte-Monnaie, Bengt Christensson, med bakgrund från Axis, in i styrelsen. Det gör även Steve Murphy, som tid - 2025-03-15

LU Innovation sponsrar NLS Days 2017

Publicerad 1 september 2017 LU Innovation har i år valt att gå in som Gold Sponsor i samband med NLS Days 2017 på Malmömässan, 12-14 september! Nordic Life Science Days är den största Nordiska partnerkonferensen inom life science. Självklart vill LU Innovation vara en del av detta evenemang!Många smarta forskningsresultat når aldrig utanför universitetets väggar. Det vill vi ändra på. LU Innovatio - 2025-03-15

LU Holding-bolaget SenzaGen tar in storkapital

Publicerad 1 september 2017 Medicinteknikbolaget SenzaGen med rötter i Lunds universitet och LTH:s institution för immunteknologi siktar på att ta in 90 miljoner kronor inför listningen på First North i slutet av september, meddelar nyhetsbrevet Rapidus. 75 miljoner kronor är redan säkrade genom teckningsåtaganden, bland annat av författaren Leif GW Persson. Bland övriga som redan åtagit sig att t - 2025-03-15

LU Holding-bolaget BiBBInstruments erhåller CE-märkning

Publicerad 7 september 2017 LU Holding-bolaget BiBBInstruments erhåller CE-märkning för sitt första kommersiella biopsi-instrument, EndoDrill® GI Upper. CE-märkningen möjliggör för bolaget att börja leverera produkter till de sjukhus i Sverige som sedan tidigare lagt order. I augusti levererades sålunda EndoDrill® GI Upper till sex sjukhus i Sverige. Bolaget har mottagit flera nya offertförfrågnin - 2025-03-15

LU Holding storsatsar på studentinnovation

Publicerad 11 september 2017 LU Holding har ökat personalstyrkan för att kunna investera i flera studentprojekt i tidig fas. Under sommaren har två nya investeringar gjorts i bolagen Brantu och Bookboost, som båda är grundade av studenter från Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship vid Lunds universitet. - Vi ser att det finns fantastiskt spännande projekt som drivs av studenter och vi genomf - 2025-03-15