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SASNET visited the Aga Khan Centre in London

By hanna [dot] geschewski [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Geschewski) - published 21 March 2019 SASNET Director Andreas Johansson visited Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations in London from March 13 to 14. The Aga Khan Centre in London During the visit Andreas met with the Director of the Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, Profe - 2025-03-06

Report on Asian studies in Sweden published

By hanna [dot] geschewski [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Geschewski) - published 22 March 2019 Jakob Hernborg Axelson recently compiled a report on Asian studies in Sweden, highlighting the need to strengthen Swedish expertise on Asia. On behalf of the South Asia Initiative, Jakob Hernborg Axelson has prepared a report on Swedish education and research on Asia over the last 10 years. The Sou - 2025-03-06

New Publication by Andreas Johansson and Kristina Myrvold

By hanna [dot] geschewski [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Geschewski) - published 27 March 2019 SASNET Associate Researcher Kristina Myrvold and SASNET Director Andreas Johansson have published an article on religious comforts of Indian soldiers in the First World War. SASNET Associate Researcher Kristina Myrvold, together with the Director of SASNET, Andreas Johansson, has published an artic - 2025-03-06

NCI Grants for Research Visits to India

By hanna [dot] geschewski [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Geschewski) - published 28 March 2019 The Nordic Centre in India (NCI) is offering three different grants for scholars from NCI member universities to conduct research in India. As in previous years, the Nordic Centre in India, a consortium of leading universities and research institutions in the Nordic countries, will provide funding - 2025-03-06

New issue of Sydasien now available

By hanna [dot] geschewski [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Geschewski) - published 3 April 2019 The latest issue of the Sydasien magazine tells the story of a school for differently abled children in Nepal and takes a closer look at abortion practices in Sri Lanka, among others. Read the latest issue here. Through a new collaboration between Sydasien and SASNET the magazine once again appears - 2025-03-06

New publication by affiliated researcher Parama Sinha Palit on Fake News in Indian Elections

By hanna [dot] geschewski [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Geschewski) - published 3 April 2019 Parama Sinha Pali has published an article in the Asia Dialogue entitled "Indian Elections 2019: Social media and fake news" In light of the upcoming General Elections in India, SASNET affiliated researcher Parama Sinha Pali writes about the role of social media in shaping India’s political discours - 2025-03-06

New book by Andreas Johansson

Published 8 April 2019 SASNET Director Andreas Johansson has published a book on Pragmatic Muslim Politics in Sri Lanka. This book, based on Andreas’ PhD thesis, analyses and discusses the use of Islamic terms and symbols in the political party Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC). It is based on interviews with the leading members of the party and on analyses of the party’s official documents. It des - 2025-03-06

Panel discussion on the Indian General Elections 2019

By hanna [dot] geschewski [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Geschewski) - published 16 April 2019 On May 9, three experts will discuss past and current Indian politics in view of the ongoing elections. In view of the ongoing Indian General Elections, Swedish South Asian Studies Network invites you to a panel discussion on the past and current political scenario in India with a main focus on the - 2025-03-06

Networking Day on Nordic South Asian Studies

Published 8 March 2016 Nearly 40 Nordic researchers and academics from 15 universities in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland have so far registered to participate in the Networking Day on South Asian Studies, that SASNET organizes in Lund on Monday 25 April 2016. They are all working on South Asia-related issues, and have been invited to discuss ways to expand collaboration on education and resea - 2025-03-06

Andreas Johansson commented on the attacks in Sri Lanka

Published 21 April 2019 Director Andreas Johansson was interviewed in several media around the world about the recent attacks in Sri Lanka. Links below:TV 4Sverigesradio (Ekot, P4)TRT World Dubai Eye (Live) ToyokeizaiP3 NyheterTT (Published in, Aftonbladet, Corren, Nsd, Folkbladet, Pressen, allanyheter, Uppsala Nya Tidning, Sydsvenskan, Hallands Nyheter, Kristianstadsbladet, Blekinge Läns Tidning, - 2025-03-06

Two more articles by Andreas Johansson on recent attacks in Sri Lanka published

Published 23 April 2019 The SASNET Director provides an analysis of the past and current political and ethno-religious scenarios in conflict-ridden Sri Lanka. On April 22, 2019, SASNET Director Andreas Johansson’s article “Sri Lanka’s violent past has created a polarised society ripe for radicalisation” was published in The Independent in light of the deadly attacks on three churches and four hote - 2025-03-06

Researcher awarded price from Society for Risk Analysis

Published 9 January 2017 Ullrika Sahlin, Researcher at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, has been awarded Richard J. Burk Outstanding Service Award for her work in the field of risk analyses. Ullrika Sahlin, Researcher at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, has been awarded Richard J. Burk Outstanding Service Award for her work in the field of risk analyse - 2025-03-06

Welcome BECC guest researcher Liba Pejchar, Associate Professor from Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology at Colorado State University

Published 18 January 2017 The purpose of Dr. Pejchar's visit is to advance science at the intersection of biodiversity, ecosystem services and agriculture in collaboration with BECC researchers. Dr. Liba Pejchar brings expertise in several emerging topics in BECC at the intersection of biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being. Her lively research program explores innovative strategies - 2025-03-06

Workshop on tools for researchers at LU

Published 1 February 2017 • Do you get your Friday emails from Research professional with the latest funding opportunities? • Is your profile in LUCRIS, ORCID-ID and PRISMA in order? • What happens with your articles once they are published? How do you get them in all these databases? Warmly welcome to a workshop on tools for researchers at LU on 9 February 10–12. This event is open to both CEC Fe - 2025-03-06

Lund University and SEI sign MoU

Published 3 February 2017 In January 2017, Lund University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Stockholm Environmental Institute, SEI. The relationship between Lund University and SEI has a long history, covering areas such as climate adaptation and low carbon transitions in Sweden, agriculture and food security, and, most recently, with a common 58 MSEK Mistra Geopolitics programme. Future - 2025-03-06

Potato project awarded grant

Published 6 February 2017 Johanna Alkan Olsson from CEC, Lund University was awarded 5,000 Euros for her project on algorithmic potato farming at Climate-KIC Nordic Ideation Day 27 January. The project will create a method for farmers to better handle outbreaks of late blight on crops, a disease expected to become more problematic in a changing climate. This was the second ever Climate-KIC Nordic - 2025-03-06

Final evaluation report of the Swedish rural programme 2007–2013

Published 10 February 2017 Four different research teams have shared the assignment of evaluating the the Swedish rural programme 2007–2013. One of the groups have been responsible for the second partial report, with the assignment of evaluating the programmes effect when it comes to measures for improving the environment. This research group has worked under the supervision of Henrik Smith who ha - 2025-03-06

Arguments for more ecosystem services

Published 15 February 2017 Anna Persson, researcher at the CEC is one of the authors of a new publication from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency: "Arguments for more ecosystem services". From the report; Ecosystem services are the foundation of human welfare, yet the services are often invisible in many of society’s decision-making processes. This report contains statistics, studies and - 2025-03-06

Final conference: The value of ecosystem services

Published 6 March 2017 The research project Valuation of ecosystem services in agriculture – a path towards effective decision making (VESA) led by Katarina Hedlund will present their results at the Environmental Protection Agency's final conference March 21 in Stockholm. One of the results of VESA is C-bank, which is a web-based tool that can be used by farmers and advisers to value ecosystem ser - 2025-03-06