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Welcome to the CMES Open House on May 18!

Published 4 May 2022 Photo: Linda Eitrem Holmgren On May 18, CMES scholars will be showcasing their ongoing Middle East research with posters on display at Finngatan 16. Come mingle, learn something new and enjoy some drinks, snacks and sweets! 18 May 2022 13:00 to 16:00 CMES scholars presenting their research: Ali Mansourian (Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science) – AI and Sustainable Dust-Sto - 2025-03-06

Launch of New CMES YouTube Channel!

Published 2 May 2022 We are happy to announce the launch of the CMES YouTube channel with brand new content on the latest in Middle East research! Want to learn more about what is happening in the Middle East in terms of climate change, authoritarian regimes or migration? Or perhaps you are interested in democratic reform, the war on terror or hydrosolidarity and peacebuilding in the MENA region? - 2025-03-06

Now Open: CMES Calls for Travel Grants and Research Initiation

Published 29 April 2022 CMES welcomes applications for travel grants and research initiation from employees at Lund University. Application deadline: May 30, 2022 Travel Grants CMES provides travel grants for conducting field work in the Middle East and conference/workshop participation with paper presentations focused on Middle East research. Applications are open to employees at Lund University. - 2025-03-06

CMES in Almedalen

Published 5 May 2022 CMES will host two events on democracy and gender-just peace in the MENA region (in Swedish) on July 6 during the Almedalen week in Visby. All welcome! Please note that the events will be held in Swedish! Democracy in the Middle East (Demokratispaning i Mellanöstern) July 6, 2022, 11:15-12:15, Hästgatan 13 in Visby The contemporary Middle East and North Africa is populated by - 2025-03-06

CMES Roundtable on May 19: Resistance, Diaspora and Sensory Material Culture

Published 9 May 2022 Shia Shrine in Iraq. Photo: Mhrezaa on Unsplash Welcome to a CMES Roundtable about current research on transnational Twelver Shiism with LU researchers Oula Kadhum, Fouad Marei, Stefan Williamson Fa, Nada Al-Hudaid and Yafa Shanneik! May 19, 15:00-16:30, at CMES (Finngatan 16) The Middle East has witnessed radical changes in the last 20 years with regimes being removed by fore - 2025-03-06

Media Coverage of Syrian Refugees in Turkey

Published 10 May 2022 CMES scholar Dalia Abdelhady has co-authored the article "Human Interest Stories in the Coverage of Syrian Refugees: A Case Study from Turkey" together with Fatmanur Delioglu (Yildiz Technical University), published in Mashriq & Mahjar - the Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies. This paper investigates the forms of representation of Syrian refugees in Za - 2025-03-06

Sarah Anne Rennick's Research Profiled in Lund University Magazine

By ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson (English translation: Linda Eitrem Holmgren)) - published 13 May 2022 Political scientist Sarah Anne Rennick is a guest researcher at the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies. Photo: Ulrika Oredsson How can youth movements influence and promote democratisation and social justice in the Middle East? Can researchers - 2025-03-06

Rola El-Husseini Dean Interviewed About Lebanese Election in Göteborgs-Posten

By linda [dot] eitrem_holmgren [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Original article by TT (English translation: Linda Eitrem Holmgren)) - published 16 May 2022 CMES scholar Rola El-Husseini Dean has been interviewed for an article about the Lebanese election in Göteborgs-Posten. Lebanon’s fraudulent elite predicted to remain in power For the first time since 2018, at a time when one crisis was followed b - 2025-03-06

Read the Latest CMES Newsletter (#28)

Published 16 May 2022 New CMES Newsletter about upcoming events and recent research activities and publications. The CMES Newsletter provides an up-to-date overview of Middle Eastern research, activities and events at Lund University and beyond. The Newsletter includes a message from the Director, latest research news, upcoming events and recent publications by CMES scholars. Read the latest issue - 2025-03-06

The Role of Drought in the Syrian War Was Exaggerated

Published 19 May 2022 Photo: Ahmed Akacha With the aid of satellite images, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have uncovered unique data on the severe drought that hit Syria between 2007 and 2009. Previously, many politicians and researchers believed that it was decisive for the outbreak of war in 2011. However, the new results indicate that agricultural land had already recovered by 2010. - 2025-03-06

Developing Surface Water Distribution Systems in Iran

Published 20 May 2022 CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Groundwater Extraction Reduction within an Irrigation District by Enhancing the Surface Water Distribution" together with Hamed Tork (University of Tehran), Saman Javadi (University of Tehran), Seyed Mehdy Hashemy Shahdany (University of Tehran) and Sami Ghordoyee Milan (University of Tehran). The article is p - 2025-03-06

Rola El-Husseini Dean Interviewed About Lebanese Election in Dagens Nyheter

Published 20 May 2022 Photo by Charbel Karam on Unsplash CMES scholar Rola El-Husseini Dean has been interviewed in an article about the Lebanese election in Dagens Nyheter. CMES scholar Rola El-Husseini Dean was recently interviewed in an article about the Lebanese general election published in Dagens Nyheter. The article was written (in Swedish) by Hanna Rydén and published on May 15, 2022. Belo - 2025-03-06

CMES Researchers Warn of Increased Fire Risk in War-Torn Ukraine

Published 25 May 2022 Satellite image showing fires in an agricultural area in the southwestern part of Chernobyl. Satellite image by Lina Eklund. In the wake of climate change and an increasingly warmer and drier climate, wildfires are becoming more common. In Ukraine, the war further increases the risk. Already in March this year, fires broke out around Chernobyl. CMES researcher Lina Eklund fea - 2025-03-06

PhD Thesis Defence: The Blurring Politics of Cyber Conflict in Palestine and Beyond

Published 30 May 2022 Cover: Lund University On Thursday June 2, Fabio Cristiano is defending his PhD thesis in Political Science "The Blurring Politics of Cyber Conflict: A Critical Study of the Digital in Palestine and Beyond". Welcome to attend! Fabio Cristiano is defending his PhD thesis in Political Science, The Blurring Politics of Cyber Conflict: A Critical Study of the Digital in Palestine - 2025-03-06

Estimating Pore Electrical Conductivity in Tunisian Soil

Published 2 June 2022 CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Evaluation of modified Hilhorst models for pore electrical conductivity estimation using a low-cost dielectric sensor" together with Nessrine Zemni (University of Tunis El Manar), Fethi Bouksila (National Institute for Research in Rural Engineering, Water, and Forestry Tunisia), Fairouz Slama (University of Tu - 2025-03-06

Fabio Cristiano Successfully Defends PhD thesis

Published 2 June 2022 Karin Aggestam (supervisor), Annika Björkdahl (supervisor), Fabio Cristiano (Dr.) and Anna Leander (discussant). Congratulations to Fabio Cristiano for successfully defending his thesis "The Blurring Politics of Cyber Conflict: A Critical Study of the Digital in Palestine and Beyond" earlier today! Dr. Fabio Cristiano has successfully defended his PhD thesis in Political Scie - 2025-03-06

New MECW Project on Politics of Memory, Space, and Religion in Middle Eastern Nationalisms

Published 3 June 2022 Photo (top left): Ricky Rachman/Tower of David Museum. Photo (bottom left): Gila Brand/Wikimedia Commons. Photo (top right): Torsten Janson/Panorama 1453 History Museum. Photo (bottom right): Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) The new MECW project starting in the fall of 2022 is titled "Beyond Sacred/Secular Cities: Exploring Politics of Memory, Space, and Religion in Middle Ea - 2025-03-06

PhD Thesis Defence: Advanced Remote Sensing Precipitation Input for Improved Runoff Simulation

Published 13 June 2022 Cover art: Hasan Hosseini On Thursday June 16, Hasan Hosseini is defending his PhD thesis in Water Resources Engineering, "Advanced Remote Sensing Precipitation Input for Improved Runoff Simulation – Local to Regional Scale Modelling". Welcome to attend! Hasan Hosseini is defending his PhD thesis in Water Resources Engineering, Advanced Remote Sensing Precipitation Input for - 2025-03-06

Agonistic Peace in the Middle East

Published 10 June 2022 CMES scholar Lisa Strömbom has co-edited the Special Issue "Agonistic Peace: Advancing Knowledge on Institutional Dynamics and Relational Transformation" in the journal Third World Quarterly, together with Isabel Bramsen (Lund University). The special issue contains several articles focusing specifically on the MENA region. The Special Issue is comprised of empirical studies - 2025-03-06

The Other Side of the Story – How Children of Immigrants Experience Life

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 16 June 2022 Children of immigrants are sorted on the basis of preconceived notions with measures that do not take into account their own perspectives. Photo: iStockphoto How does migration and globalisation shape the lives of individuals in various countries and how does it affect the children of immigrants in terms of - 2025-03-06