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Nytt Forte-projekt om Coping genom sensorisk modulering!

Publicerad 8 oktober 2020 Forte har beviljat medel för ett nytt CEPI-projekt. Det är Elisabeth Argentzell vid hälsovetenskaper vid Lunds universitet som med start nästa år ska leda detta Forte-finansierade projekt inom Region Skåne tillsammans med Ulrika Bejerholm, Sigrid Stjernswärd, Björn Hofvander och Livia Ambrus, och såklart personal och patienter. Projektet heter ”Coping genom sensorisk modu - 2025-02-11

CEPIs webbinarium med Studentlitteratur blev uppskattat!

Publicerad 12 november 2020 Idag har CEPI hållt ett webbinarium för allmänheten om boken Att leva med psykisk funktionsnedsättning, som är den tredje upplagan. Traditionen om att skriva en bok tillsammans bottnar i ett gemensamt intresse av ökad delaktighet och inflytande, ökat välbefinnande och ökade möjligheter för personlig återhämtning bland personer som har erfarenhet av psykisk ohälsa och fu - 2025-02-11

mWorks är redo för testing och bjuder in intresserade för att vara med!

Publicerad 16 november 2020 I 3 år har vi utvecklat mWorks. Men det är 13 års forskning som ligger bakom idén om hur man bäst kommer tillbaka till arbete efter sjukskrivning vid psykisk ohälsa. Nu är det dags att testa hur mWorks fungerar i primärvården och om användningen leder till ökad egenmakt, delaktighet och minskade sjukskrivningsdagar. Därför vill berätta mer om mWorks och vårt projekt för - 2025-02-11

New Cleaning Video Published

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Mikko Jokela Måsbäck) - published 5 February 2021 One of our professional cleaning colleagues has collaborated with us to create a helpful video on how to clean your common areas (kitchen, bathroom and corridors). It's important to keep your accommodation clean, and even more so if you share with other people.  In this video, Samuel Kwarteng goes through th - 2025-02-11

News updates from 2016

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Mikko Jokela Måsbäck) - published 8 February 2021 Summary of news items from 2016. Brunnsbo Brunnsbo will not be available to apply for starting from Spring 2017. Eddan Eddan is a new housing area that was finished during summer 2016. It is a housing area with 119 corridor rooms with private WC/shower and shared kitchen. Read more here! Spoletorp South and - 2025-02-11

News updates from 2017

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Mikko Jokela Måsbäck) - published 8 February 2021 2017-12-15 Greenhouse Greenhouse is no longer a housing option offered by LU Accommodation. If you are interested in living at Greenhouse then please contact the owners of the housing area directly. Information about room availability and prices can be obtained by either sending an email to newgreenhouse [at - 2025-02-11

News updates from 2018

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Mikko Jokela Måsbäck) - published 8 February 2021 2018-08-21 The post-Arrival Day waiting list Housing applicants present at our Housing lottery on Arrival day, that did not receive a housing offer, have been placed on the post-Arrival day waiting list. This new waiting list follows the order established through the Housing lottery process. This list is now - 2025-02-11

News updates from 2019

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Mikko Jokela Måsbäck) - published 8 February 2021 2019-12-16 The yearly winter cleaning competition in most of LU Accommodation's corridor housing ended today. The winners this year was the following corridors: Eddan C            1101 - 1106      1st Prize Eddan D            1205-1209        1st Prize Eddan E             1501-1506       1st Prize North Spol - 2025-02-11

News updates from 2020

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Mikko Jokela Måsbäck) - published 8 February 2021 2020-11-25 CoVid-restrictions Dear tenants, Yesterday new restrictions started to apply in Sweden and Skåne in regards to the CoVid-19 pandemic. The new restrictions are not recommendations but musts, and will apply for 4 weeks from now.   The following information is crucial and LU Accommodation requires al - 2025-02-11

Accommodation Available

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Mikko Jokela Måsbäck) - published 8 February 2021 There are accommodations available for both International Students and Guest Researchers. International Students We have had our two major move-in dates so far this semester. Most international students' contract started on the 11th of January, but some had a start date on the 4th of February this semester. - 2025-02-11

New website launched!

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Mikko Jokela Måsbäck) - published 15 February 2021 Our website has been relaunched in a new format. Today (Monday 15th February) our website has launched a new version! The redesign is an ongoing process, and the website will see further changes during the coming weeks.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, trouble finding somethi - 2025-02-11

Updates at Östra Torn

By sebastian [dot] thor [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Sebastian Thor) - published 13 July 2021 We have now updated the locks to the two bedroom apartments. We now have RCO locks that is unlocked with a tag. We are also putting up new ceiling lights in the bedrooms at Östra Torn. New Locks We have now updated the locks in the shared two bedroom apartments at Östra Torn. This is an ongoing process - 2025-02-11

Servicing of email (Solved)

By sebastian [dot] thor [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Sebastian Thor) - published 20 July 2021 We can currently not see incoming mail due to our email server being serviced. Please be understanding of why we currently cannot respond to you if you have urgent queries. Edit: The problem seems to have been solved. Thank you for your patience Dear tenants,  We are currently experiencing problems wit - 2025-02-11

Arrival Day (Spring 2022)

Published 10 January 2022 Ingvar Kamprad Designcentrum LU Accommodation is expecting about 160 new tenants with a starting date today (January 10th). Spring 2022 Arrival Day Date: 10 January Time: 09:00–20:00 Place: Ingvar Kamprad Designcentrum (Address: Sölvegatan 26, 22362 Lund)  Links: Arrival Days:… Google map (new window) - 2025-02-11

Biskopsgatan denounced

Published 25 January 2022 LU Accommodation has during January 2022 denounced Biskopsgatan due to issues with renovations not being done on time for the Spring semester 2022. Biskopsgatan denounced After a visit to the housing area Biskopsgatan during January 2022 LU Accommodation has decided to denounce Biskopsgatan. The renovations that were expected to be done by the start of the semester were n - 2025-02-11

5 tips for college students to avoid burnout

Published 1 March 2022 LU Accommodation has received information that depression and mental health issues have increased during the ongoing CoVid-19 pandemic. We want to be part of helping students find information about selfcare and mental health progress. The article in The Conversation gives a few tips of how to avoid burnout, by asking yourself questions about why you study, visualizing the wo - 2025-02-11

Hot water down at Klostergården, in southern Lund

By luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Sebastian Thor) - published 7 April 2022 The hot water access to parts of southern Lund are currently down. The housing area of Klostergården Student House is affected. During the afternoon today, Thursday 7 April, the hot water was cut off at parts of southern Lund. Out of our areas, Klostergården Student House seems to be the only area affected. We have c - 2025-02-11

Results of Second Application Round during Autumn 2014 for Minor Field Studies Scholarships

Published 25 November 2014 During this application round four (4) applications were received. A decision has now been taken to award two scholarships, which consequently go to:Beatrice Fäldt - Gender, Children and Commercial Sexual Exploitation - A study on gender relations in the Nicaraguan contextCecilia Emilsson - Chachawarmi and Its Effects on Female Participation in Rural BoliviaWe would like - 2025-02-11

LUCID announces PhD position in Human Ecology and PhD position in Human Geography

Published 20 January 2015 A research programme in Sustainability Science at Lund University (LUCID) invites applications for up to eight PhD positions and one post-doc position, including PhD in Human Geography and PhD in Human Ecology.LUCID is a Linnaeus programme sponsored by The Swedish Research Council Formas for the period 2008-2018. It operates as a cross-faculty consortium of four departmen - 2025-02-11