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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

High prevalence of hip and groin problems in professional ice hockey players, regardless of playing position

Published 20 November 2020 The prevalence of hip and groin problems in professional male ice hockey is unknown and suspected to differ between playing positions. The purpose of this study was to explore potential differences in the seasonal prevalence of hip and groin problems between playing positions in male elite ice hockey players and to explore the relationship between symptom duration and hi - 2025-03-05

Spatial patterns of tau deposition are associated with amyloid, ApoE, sex, and cognitive decline in older adults

Published 20 November 2020 The abnormal deposition of tau begins before the onset of clinical symptoms and seems to target specific brain networks. The aim of this study is to identify the spatial patterns of tau deposition in cognitively normal older adults and assess whether they are related to amyloid-β (Aβ), APOE, sex, and longitudinal cognitive decline. Read more at - 2025-03-05

Intake of fibre and plant foods and the risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm in a large prospective cohort study in Sweden

Published 21 November 2020 In this prospective cohort study, Malmö Diet and Cancer Study, baseline data collection was carried out 1991–1996. The study participants’ (n = 26,133) dietary habits were extensively recorded at baseline. The specific diagnosis of AAA in the in-hospital registry was found valid in 95%. The association between plant foods, such as cereals and types of vegetables, and AAA - 2025-03-05

Early life exposures and risk of adult respiratory disease during 50 years of follow-up

Published 21 November 2020 Adult health is influenced by factors during fetal life affecting organ development and birth weight. We aimed to study such factors in relation to adult respiratory disease (ARD) risk. The Helsingborg Birth Cohort, Sweden, contributed baseline data collected by medical staff through clinical examination and questionnaires on maternal and birth characteristics 1964–1967. - 2025-03-05

Associations among housing accessibility, housing-related control beliefs and independence in activities of daily living: a cross-sectional study among younger old in Sweden

Published 22 November 2020 There is some evidence that housing accessibility, external housing-related control beliefs (HCB) and activities of daily living (ADL) are associated in complex ways; however, these pathways have not been explored in younger old. The aim was to assess the role of external HCB in the relationship between housing accessibility and ADL by applying moderation and mediation m - 2025-03-05

The Intergenerational Effects of Intermarriage

Published 22 November 2020 This study closely examines long-term outcomes of intermarriage in Denmark in terms of children’s educational performance, studying grades from final examinations. The study uses rich register data, where families are linked across generations, and contributes to the migration literature by providing new insights into the human capital formation in inter-ethnic families. - 2025-03-05

Disease duration, age at diagnosis and organ damage are important factors for cardiovascular disease in SLE

Published 23 November 2020 262 patients with SLE were included in the study; of these 175 were from the defined population. Overall, 37 AMI and 44 CVE were recorded. An increased IRR of 3 for AMI was found (p<0.001). Smoking, hypertension and reduced renal function were risk factors for AMI. An increased IRR of 3.3 for ischaemic CVE was found for women (p<0.001). Hypertension and aCL were risk fac - 2025-03-05

Profiles of bystanders' motivation to defend school bully victims from a self‐determination perspective

Published 23 November 2020 This study was aimed at exploring which latent profiles emerge based on ratings of self‐determined motivation to defend victims of bullying, and to explore if they are related to bystander roles and victimization in bullying, as well as student–teacher relations. Data were collected from 1,800 Swedish and Italian students, with an age range between 10 and 18 years (M = 1 - 2025-03-05

Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in bioinformatics

Published 24 November 2020 We are looking for a researcher in bioinformatics with an orientation towards medical research who wants to participate in developing the faculty’s bioinformatics initiative, the goal of which is to create a bioinformatics infrastructure at the Faculty of Medicine. Deadline for applications 03/12/2020. Read more at Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in bioinformatics ( - 2025-03-05

Nyheter i Vetenskapsrådets utlysningar 2021

Published 25 November 2020 I nuläget är 35 utlysningar planerade 2021. Många av dem är återkommande. Till dem hör exempelvis internationell postdok, men där har vi gjort några förändringar i år. Några utlysningar gör vi för första gången, till exempel utlysningen om tvärsektoriella forskarskolor inom utvecklingsforskning och utlysningen av bidrag till investering i befintlig forskningsinfrastruktu - 2025-03-05

Hur väl lyckas forskare nå ut med sin forskning?

Published 26 November 2020 Att studera hur forskningskommunikation fungerar och når ut har blivit allt viktigare. Det visar inte minst det som händer under pandemin, när korrekt information snabbt måste nå så många som möjligt – och på ett sätt så att människor tar den till sig. Läs mer här Hur väl lyckas forskare nå ut med sin forskning? | Tidningen Curie - 2025-03-05

An integrated mental health and vocational intervention: A longitudinal study on mental health changes among young adults

Published 26 November 2020 This study aimed to investigate changes in mental health among young adults participating in an integrated mental health and vocational support intervention according to the Södertälje Supported Employment and Education model. Read more at An integrated mental health and vocational intervention: A longitudinal study on mental health changes among young adults - Liljeholm - 2025-03-05

Heavy metals and the skin: Sensitization patterns in Lithuanian metalworkers

Published 27 November 2020 Metalworkers younger than 40 years complained statistically significantly more often of skin symptoms, especially on the hands and face, than older workers. Physician‐diagnosed skin diseases were reported in 1.7% of cases. Metalworkers, working <20 years in the factory, more often had skin symptoms. Contact with chemicals at the workplace was suspected as the main factor - 2025-03-05

Use of cardiovascular drugs and risk of incident heart failure in patients with atrial fibrillation

Published 27 November 2020 Congestive heart failure (CHF) is the most important cause of death in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). We aimed to study the association between cardiovascular drugs in AF patients and incident CHF. The study population included all adults (n = 120 756) aged ≥45 years diagnosed with AF in Sweden diagnosed for the period 1998‐2006. Outcome was incident congestive - 2025-03-05

Self‐reported bowel symptoms are associated with differences in overall gut microbiota composition and enrichment of Blautia in a population‐based cohort

Published 28 November 2020 Altered gut microbiota have been suggested as part of an etiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but studies have shown contrasting results. Our aim was to examine gut microbiota composition in a large population‐based cohort, with respect to presence and severity of bowel symptoms. Read more at Self‐reported bowel symptoms are associated with differences in overall - 2025-03-05

Feelings of restriction and incompetence in parenting mediate the link between attachment anxiety and paternal postnatal depression.

Published 28 November 2020 Many fathers suffer from burdening depressive symptoms in the period after the birth of their child (postnatal depression [PND]). In mothers, attachment insecurity has been empirically linked to the development and maintenance of postpartum depression, but its role in father PND is not well understood. The present study investigated the link between attachment insecurity - 2025-03-05

Gender Differences in Problem Gamblers in an Online Gambling Setting

Published 29 November 2020 Problem gambling traditionally is markedly more common in men than in women. However, recent data in online gamblers have indicated at least a comparable risk of problem gambling in women in this sub-group. The present study aimed to compare the characteristics of male and female moderate-risk and problem gamblers in online gamblers in Sweden. Read more at Gender Differe - 2025-03-05

Time Trends in the Use of Coronary Procedures, Guideline-Based Therapy, and All-Cause Mortality following the Acute Coronary Syndrome in Patients with Schizophrenia

Published 29 November 2020 Schizophrenia is associated with high cardiovascular mortality predominantly as a result of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The aim of this study is to analyze time trends of coronary procedures, guideline-based therapy, and all-cause mortality in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Read more at Time Trends in the Use of Coronary Procedures, Guideline-Based Therapy, an - 2025-03-05