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French President Macron visits Lund and learns about IIIEE

Published 31 January 2024 IIIEE is representing some of the unique features of Lund University in the information provided to President Macron. Today, Lund University has received a special guest, President Emmanuel Macron, who joins the event "Studentafton" to discuss with students on the process to create a resilient European Union. The IIIEE was featured in the information material from our Vic - 2025-03-13

How to mitigate unintended negative effects from changes to the energy system?

Published 5 February 2024 IIIEE research Jenny Palm together with Patrik Thollander from the Division of Energy Systems at Linköping University have published a new article discussing the "unhinged paradox" in relation to changes to the energy system. An unhinged paradox implies that introducing a new concept, such as a new governance or management model, might lead to unintended consequences wher - 2025-03-13

Fresh new article: “Flexible electricity consumption policies in Norway and Sweden: Implications for energy justice”

Published 9 February 2024 IIIEE researcher Jenny Palm together with Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg and Eivind Hjort Matthiasen (both at Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway) have published a new article “Flexible electricity consumption policies in Norway and Sweden: Implications for energy justice”. In the article the consultation processes around electricity grid tariff models in Norway and Sweden are - 2025-03-13

Study visit at a pulp mill to discuss recycled blended textile fiber

Published 12 February 2024 The spring semester course on environmental management in industry was kicked-started with a study visit to the company Södra Cell and their plant in Mörrum. Södra Cell posses valuable experience from a range of sustainability oriented business practices - and blended textile fiber is one of them. Students from Batch 30 from the master's program Environmental Management - 2025-03-13

How can we "re-puzzle" our lifestyles to meet the 1.5° target?

Published 14 February 2024 Together with the Lund Society for Nature Conservation, the EU the 1.5° Lifestyles project with IIIEE researchers invited the public to a workshop on climate footprint. The workshop was hosted by Lund's city library. About 20 Lund residents participated in the workshop, which revolved around what different lifestyle choices mean for the climate. IIIEE researchers Matthia - 2025-03-13

New Publication: Exploring Swedish energy utilities' understandings of energy justice and user flexibility in a just energy transition

Published 21 February 2024 How does Swedish energy utilities perceive themselves and their role in a just energy transition? And how do they understand energy justice and the justice implications of user flexibility? These questions are asked by Frans Libertson, doctoral student at IIIEE, in a newly published research article in Energy Research and Social Science. There is a general understanding - 2025-03-13

Are you longing to feel climate hope? Recent public panel discussion with IIIEE researcher Matthias Lehner.

Published 23 February 2024 On 21st February, largest study association for adult education in Sweden, Studiefrämjandet Skåne, together with the Nature Conservation Association in Malmö offered a public panel discussion on how to influence the work with climate issues. The event was arranged at the City Library in Malmö and among the speakers were a researcher from IIIEE. The panel discussion was n - 2025-03-13

Renewal of UNESCO Chair for professor Lena Neij

Published 28 February 2024 UNESCO has decided to renew the Lund university UNESCO chair under the leadership of professor Lena Neij, IIIEE. In the renewal of the chair (2024-2028), Lena Neij and the IIIEE will advance knowledge on local aspects of sustainability transitions –applying an integrated approach to research, education, training and outreach. A special focus will be on strengthening the - 2025-03-13

IIIEE alumna invited to LU webinar on International Women's Day

Published 4 March 2024 Photo: Håkan Rodhe On 8th March, the Alumni Relations office at Lund University offers a webinar as a digital celebration of International Women's Day 2024. The guests are three inspiring alumnae: Camilla Mellander, Consul General of Sweden in New York, MSc Economics, Charlotte Beskow, now retired from a long career within the European Space Agency, MSc Electrical Engineerin - 2025-03-13

Design Workshop for Post-Conflict Sustainability Labs

Published 18 January 2016 Photo: Demolished houses in Syria On 11 February 2016, the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) and the Center for Middle East Studies (CMES) at Lund University are organising a joint initiative on the theme: “Conflict and Violence in the Middle East: Far away but close to home” Creating spaces for hope and a better future through Post-Co - 2025-03-13

Empowering Citizens as Agents of Climate Action: Insights from New Research

Published 6 March 2024 In the efforts to combat climate change, much attention has been focused on external solutions such as technological innovations, policy changes, and industry shifts. However, a new study conducted by researchers Gustav Osberg from IIIEE together with Mine Islar and Christine Wamsler from LUCSUS sheds light on an often-overlooked aspect of the transition: the role of citizen - 2025-03-13

Visiting fellow Bert Keirsbilck from KU Leuven

Published 12 March 2024 The IIIEE has the pleasure to welcome Bert Keirsbilck as a visiting fellow in the spring 2024.  Bert is a Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of KU Leuven. He lectures Commercial law, EU Law and European Economic Law in Brussels, Leuven and Kortrijk. He is a co-director of Consumer Competition Market (CCM) and is a co-promotor of the CE Center – Steunpunt - 2025-03-13

Playing games and exploring complex topics

Published 14 March 2024 IIIEE students have run a workshop with their teachers (!) in a so called Climate Fresk. The purpose was to encourage teachers to employ pedagogical tools such as interactive Fresks/Collages. Many thanks to the students in B29 and B30! IIIEE teachers joined the student-led workshop and were all up for the challenge to learn about it and to facilitate fresks in their own cou - 2025-03-13

Meet IIIEE researcher Naoko Tojo

Published 19 January 2016 Photo: IIIEE researcher Naoko Tojo Textile – a growing sustainability challengeWe are buying more clothes than ever before, but there is still no efficient system to close the material loop. What if we handed over responsibility of our discarded clothes to the producers – would it lead to a quality rise in our wardrobes? IIIEE researcher Naoko Tojo has looked into textile - 2025-03-13

Public Co-working – changing travel patterns?

Published 21 March 2024 Offices in Swedish public agencies have much lower occupancy rates than before the pandemic, primarily due to two post-pandemic trends: increased teleworking and nation-wide recruitments. An estimated 100 000 office spaces are vacant, and many agencies are looking for alternative ways to use these spaces. At the same time, it’s increasingly common that public agencies recru - 2025-03-13

Meet IIIEE researcher Mikael Backman

Published 21 January 2016 Photo: IIIEE researcher Mikael Backman From waste to green gold: Lund's role in the transition of one of Europe's most polluted citiesMalgorzata Mańka-Szulik, mayor of Zabrze in Poland, was impressed with what she saw – a city with a waste management system resulting in as little as 3 per cent waste going to landfills.“She looked at me and said: ‘I want my city to be like - 2025-03-13

Mobile research lab on food sharing in Barcelona

Published 25 March 2024 The first mobile research lab on food sharing as part of the EU project CULTIVATE is now concluded. The mobile research lab provided for a fruitful space for reflection, discussion, and exchange within the transdisciplinary team. On 18-23 March 2024, the IIIEE research team Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Vera Sadovska, Oksana Mont and Andrius Plepys participated in the first mobil - 2025-03-13

The IIIEE got its first Wallenberg Scholar!

Published 26 March 2024 Today, 12 researchers at Lund University have been appointed Wallenberg Scholars, and one of them is Oksana Mont at the IIIEE. The program is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation supporting high class research in medicine, technology and natural sciences. Today, the Wallenberg Scholars grants for the applications submitted in spring 2023 have been announced. I - 2025-03-13

Meet IIIEE researcher Alvar Palm

Published 21 January 2016 IIIEE researcher Alvar Palm Local inspiration behind increases in solar powerInstalling a solar power plant is increasingly popular among Swedish homeowners. Despite nationally applied policies and subsidies, however, PV systems are much more common on house roofs in some municipalities than in others. When IIIEE researcher Alvar Palm tried to find an explanation for this - 2025-03-13

Meet researcher Luis Mundaca

Published 21 January 2016 IIIEE researcher Luis Mundaca Photo: Sara Bernstrup Nilsson Green economy depends on high national ambitionsSustainable growth, supporting a resource efficient and low-carbon economy, is a high priority for most governments today. But which way is the most effective for the transition towards a green economy? IIIEE researchers Luis Mundaca and Lena Neij are soon wrapping - 2025-03-13