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Your search for "*" yielded 534303 hits

Biologists found new insect species just around the corner

Published 24 September 2018 In mid-June, the University’s biologists fine-combed grass, bushes, trees, asphalt and waterways around the department’s buildings. Their aim was to find out what species of plants and animals lived there. Now their mapping project is complete, and their findings include 21 endangered species and six species never previously encountered in Sweden. “All six of them are h - 2025-03-13

Secret Donald Duck translator supports the Humanities

Published 24 September 2018 Instead of leaving a will, she prefers to participate and contribute now. Maibrit Westrin, a 94-year-old former senior lecturer in French and Spanish, supports students and researchers in the Humanities – and finds that she gets a lot out of it. With determined steps, aided by walking sticks and wearing a cap on her head, Maibrit Westrin enters the main University build - 2025-03-13

Less noise for more efficient brain work

Published 24 September 2018 We know that noise affects our ability to learn as well as generating irritation and stress. This, in turn, reduces efficiency and well-being in the workplace. Some research findings indicate that workplace efficiency could increase by as much as 50% with the right sound environment.     Memory researchers and cognitive scientists have conducted a lot of research into h - 2025-03-13

Better project management is to get MAX IV back on track

Published 24 September 2018 A lack of professional project management, unclear decision-making processes and shortcomings in communication underpin delays in the beamline programme at MAX IV. A new plan of measures will prioritise tackling these problems. Ian McNulty is the acting director at MAX IV. “We must get more beamlines ready faster, and that requires increased efficiency in the organisati - 2025-03-13

Top research gathers high-level climate data

Published 25 September 2018 Data gathering for European climate research goes on around the clock at the University’s Hyltemossa research station. The tallest of its two masts reaches as high as 150 metres straight up into the sky. Every other week, the station’s staff must climb to the top of the mast to clean two sensors. Recently, intensive work has been conducted on the lower mast to install e - 2025-03-13

Rescue Operation

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 13 December 2018 Firas Jumaah and Charlotta Turner. Photo:Kennet Ruona During a unique rescue operation, Lund University sent armed security forces into an Islamic State (IS) warzone to rescue a doctoral student and his family. For several years, Firas Jumaah, his supervisor Charlotta Turner and former chief se - 2025-03-13

The role of relatives needs to be highlighted in cancer care

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 13 December 2018 Marlene Malmström. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter Although patient influence in healthcare has gradually started to increase, the role of the patient's next of kin is still very limited. Despite the fact that the disease affects the whole family, public healthcare often does not utilise the patient's relatives - 2025-03-13

Heads should help reduce flying

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 13 December 2018 Photo: Jan-Erik Kaiser/mostphotos Lund University sits at number 11 of 29 Swedish universities when it comes to most flights per employee. The new travel policy currently being prepared for approval places emphasis on the need for managers to consider a travel-free meeting or a train trip befor - 2025-03-13

Reopened museum looks to the future

By evelina [dot] linden [at] luhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 17 December 2018 The Historical Museum has a new prominent glass entrance. The Historical Museum at Lund University reopened during the first weekend of December after almost one year of renovation and rebuilding. “It feels great to be able to welcome new and previous visitors to the museum at last. We hope that they - 2025-03-13

The importance of an LU interdisciplinary AI initiative

By johan [dot] nyman [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Nyman) - published 17 December 2018 Sylvia Schwaag Serger. Photo:Kennet Ruona Deputy vice-chancellor Sylvia Schwaag Serger sees an opportunity in the future to start a university-wide AI graduate school, similar to the one for Agenda 2030. “The discussions have started, but they are at a very early stage.” Developments in AI are happ - 2025-03-13

Safer research in new animal testing facility

Published 17 December 2018 There are plans to build a new animal testing facility at Brunnshög in north-east Lund. It is a strategic decision by the Faculty of Medicine based on the need to replace the present animal facility, which is no longer optimal for breeding, and the desire aim to offer international researchers a safer research environment. LUM spoke to three of LU’s experts on animal tes - 2025-03-13

Lund University’s Administrative Prize 2019

Published 21 December 2018 Sara Virkelyst, project manager at the Planning office of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor, and Johan Lind, finance officer at the Department Office of Clinical Sciences, are awarded the Lund University’s Administrative Prize 2019. Sara Virkelyst och Johan Lind will each receive SEK 15 000 for their own professional development. From the nominations:Johan Lind’s functio - 2025-03-13

Maria Åkesson har tilldelats Oscar II:s stipendium för sin avhandling

Publicerad 5 maj 2015 Maria Åkesson har tilldelats Oscar II:s stipendium på 4400 kr för sin avhandling "On the scope and assessment of pesticides in groundwater in Skåne, Sweden". Maria disputerade den 19 september 2014 och arbetar idag som hydrogeolog på Tyréns i Malmö. Handledare var Charlotte Sparrenbom och Dan Hammarlund (Geologiska Institutionen) samt Christel Carlsson (SGI). Stort Grattis Ma - 2025-03-13

Jorunn Falkenhaug får pris av SGU för bästa examensarbete

Publicerad 5 maj 2015 Jorunn Falkenhaug får av SGU pris för bästa examensarbete med sitt kandidatarbete "Vattnets kretslopp i området vid Lilla Klåveröd: ett kunskapsprojekt med vatten i fokus". Hon kommer att belönas med 10 000 kr vid en prisceremoni med lunch och GD den 27 maj Uppsala. Handledare Göran Persson (HP-Borrningar), Mattias Gustafsson och Peter Dahlqvist (SGU) samt Charlotte Sparrenbo - 2025-03-13

Symposium “Climate development and ocean dynamics during the last glacial - interglacial cycle” June 12 09.00-16.50

Publicerad 5 juni 2015 Department of Geology organizes a full day symposium on the theme “Climate development and ocean dynamics during the last glacial - interglacial cycle” as a tribute to Professor Svante Björck and his research in Quaternary Science for more than 40 years because of his retirement from the Chair in Quaternary Geology on February 2015 02 28.Program - 2025-03-13

Föredrag om vatten på geologins dag den 12/9

Publicerad 8 september 2015 I samband med geologins dag i Sverige (12:e september) kommer Jorunn Falkenhaug, som vunnit SGU's pris för bästa examensarbete 2015 att prata om vattnets kretslopp (9.00), och Charlotte Sparrenbom (lektor vid Geologiska Institutionen) att prata om vattenkvalitet (13.00). Detta äger rum på Lilla Klåveröd, Söderåsen och arrangemanget ordnas av HPborrningar. Fler föreläsni - 2025-03-13