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Open Position: Associate Senior Lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies and Political Science

Published 8 July 2022 CMES is looking to employ an ambitious Middle Eastern scholar and political scientist. Last application day: September 15, 2022 General Information Last application date: September 15, 2022 11:59 PM CEST Type of employment: Permanent position Contract type: Full time First day of employment: By agreement Reference number: PA2022/2541 Link to the job listing in English Link to - 2025-03-20

Lina Eklund's Research Featured in New Book on Climate Change in Sweden

Published 1 July 2022 Cover: MTM CMES researcher Lina Eklund has been interviewed by climate journalist Peter Alestig for his new book on the effects of climate change in Sweden. The book,Världen som väntar: vårt liv i klimatförändringens Sverige (English translation: The World That Awaits: Our Life in Sweden During Climate Change) addresses the changes we are seeing in Sweden in terms of climate - 2025-03-20

Sustainable Water Management, Mitigation and Adaptation

Published 15 August 2022 Cover: Springer CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the chapter "Mitigation and Adaptation Measures" together with Sahar Baghban (University of Tehran), Omid Bozorg-Haddad (University of Tehran), Mike Hobbins (University of Colorado-Boulder) and Nadhir Al-Ansari (Luleå University of Technology) in a new edited volume published by Springer. The chapter, wh - 2025-03-20

Sarah Anne Rennick Interviewed About Tunisia in BBC Podcast

Published 17 August 2022 Photo: Ulrika Oredsson CMES scholar Sarah Anne Rennick has been interviewed about Tunisia in the BBC World Service Podcast "The Inquiry". The podcast episode (from July 28, 2022) addresses the question of why Tunisia turned its back on democracy. Tunisia was a beacon of hope for democracy after the Arab Spring. The country rid itself of dictator Ben Ali after 24 years of r - 2025-03-20

Water Scarcity Modeling in Iran

Published 19 August 2022 CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Towards an integrated system modeling of water scarcity with projected changes in climate and socioeconomic conditions" together with S. Dehghani (University of Tehran), A.R. Massah Bavani (University of Tehran), A. Roozbahani (University of Tehran) and A. Gohari (Isfahan University of Technology), publishe - 2025-03-20

The Gender-Resilience Nexus in Peacebuilding: The Quest for Sustainable Peace

Published 16 August 2022 CMES Director Karin Aggestam and Coordinator Linda Eitrem Holmgren have authored the article "The gender-resilience nexus in peacebuilding: the quest for sustainable peace" published in the Journal of International Relations and Development. Resilience and gender have become new buzzwords for expressing renewal in peacebuilding. This article unpacks the gender-resilience n - 2025-03-20

CMES Panel Discussion in Almedalen on Democracy in the Middle East

Published 16 August 2022 The well-attended CMES panel in Almedalen on democracy in the Middle East is now available on YouTube (in Swedish)! Democracy in the Middle East (Demokratispaning i Mellanöstern) July 6, 2022, 11:15-12:15, Hästgatan 13 in Visby The contemporary Middle East and North Africa is populated by authoritarian one-party states, monarchies and sheikdoms, with a few democratic state - 2025-03-20

PhD Thesis Defence: The Street of Associations - Migration and Infrastructural (Re)Production of Norra Grängesbergsgatan, Malmö

Published 29 August 2022 Cover: Lund University On Friday September 2, Laleh Foroughanfar is defending her PhD thesis in Architecture and Built Environment, "The Street of Associations - Migration and Infrastructural (Re)Production of Norra Grängesbergsgatan, Malmö". Welcome to attend! Laleh Foroughanfar will be defending her PhD thesis The Street of Associations - Migration and Infrastructural (R - 2025-03-20

Syrian Refugees in the Swedish Labour Market

Published 23 August 2022 CMES researcher Dalia Abdelhady has co-authored the article "How capital shapes refugees’ access to the labour market: the case of Syrians in Sweden" together with Akram Al Ariss (TBS Education), published in the International Journal of Human Resource Management. This paper highlights the ways Syrian refugees in Sweden utilise the different forms of capital available to t - 2025-03-20

CMES Panel Discussion in Almedalen on Gender-Just Peace in the Middle East

Published 22 August 2022 The well-attended CMES panel in Almedalen on gender-just peace in the Middle East is now available on YouTube (in Swedish)! Gender-Just Peace in the Middle East - Is It Possible? (Jämställd fred i Mellanöstern – är det möjligt?) July 6, 2022, 13:45-14:45, Hästgatan 13 in Visby How is the UN's Women, Peace and Security agenda implemented in the Middle East and North Africa - 2025-03-20

Killer Heat May Make the Middle East Uninhabitable Within a Century

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 30 August 2022 Photo: Jason Blackeye on Unsplash The summer 2022 brought extreme heatwaves in many places globally, and the debate has included the term "killer heat". In moist areas the high temperatures will be even harder to the human body, and the rising temperatures may make certain areas very hard to live in b - 2025-03-20

Laleh Foroughanfar Successfully Defends PhD Thesis

By linda [dot] eitrem_holmgren [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Linda Eitrem Holmgren) - published 2 September 2022 Jennifer Mack (Supervisor), Carina Listerborn (Supervisor), Laleh Foroughanfar (Dr.), Michele Lancione (Faculty Opponent) and Mattias Kärrholm (Main Supervisor). Photo: Linda Eitrem Holmgren Congratulations to Laleh Foroughanfar for successfully defending her thesis "The Street of Associ - 2025-03-20

New Wildfire Photo Exhibition: The World is Burning

Published 7 September 2022 Farmers trying to save their livestock from a spreading forest fire in Turkey in 2021. Photo: Yasin Akgül The World is Burning is a photo exhibition about the causes and effects of wildfires in the anthropocene. It opens on Sept. 17 at 12:30 and runs until October 10 in the garden of the Pufendorf Institute. All are welcome! Over the last years, wildfires have become mor - 2025-03-20

Lina Eklund Interviewed About Climate Migration in Pakistan in Dagens Nyheter

By linda [dot] eitrem_holmgren [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Linda Eitrem Holmgren) - published 6 September 2022 CMES scholar Lina Eklund has been interviewed in an article about the recent floods in Pakistan in Dagens Nyheter. The article was written (in Swedish) by Alexandra Urisman Otto and published on August 30, 2022. Below are some excerpts from the article translated into English. More than - 2025-03-20

Yemeni Capacity-Building Workshop for Climate Adaptation

Published 13 September 2022 A presentation during the conference, the conference poster and the Columbia Global Center in Amman. Photo: Helen Avery CMES scholar Helen Avery organized a well-attended and successful two-day workshop on community capacity-building in Yemen for climate adaptation. The workshop, "Community capacity-building in Yemen for climate adaptation of agriculture and water manag - 2025-03-20

Modelling and Predicting Streamflow in Iran

Published 14 September 2022 CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Linking Hydro-Physical Variables and Landscape Metrics using Advanced Data Mining for Stream-Flow Prediction" together with Vahid Moosavi (Tarbiat Modares University), Ayoob Karami (Pooyeshgaran Forogh Fardad Consulting Eng., Science and Technology Park), Negin Behnia (Yazd University) and Christian Mass - 2025-03-20

After Work Panel Discussion on Climate Change in the Middle East

Published 27 September 2022 Welcome to Pufendorf & Friends – A dialogue forum and After Work series at the Pufendorf IAS at Lund University. The event is co-hosted with The Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) and the strategic research area (SRA) “The Middle East in the Contemporary World”. After work panel discussion on climate change in the Middle East With CMES researchers: Dalia - 2025-03-20

Read the Latest CMES Newsletter (#30)

Published 28 September 2022 New CMES Newsletter about upcoming events and recent research activities and publications. The CMES Newsletter provides an up-to-date overview of Middle Eastern research, activities and events at Lund University and beyond. The Newsletter includes a message from the Director, latest research news, upcoming events and recent publications by CMES scholars. Read the latest - 2025-03-20

Techno-Orientalism, Gender, and Saudi Politics

Published 29 September 2022 CMES PhD researcher Joel Abdelmoez has authored the article "Good Tidings for Saudi Women? Techno-Orientalism, Gender, and Saudi Politics in Global Media Discourse", published in CyberOrient. Gender equality in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is still a contentious and hotly debated issue, both within the country and in global news media as well as social media. Not least h - 2025-03-20

Masculinity in the Middle East and North Africa

Published 3 October 2022 CMES PhD researcher Joel Abdelmoez has reviewed the book "Constructions of Masculinity in the Middle East and North Africa" edited by Mohja Kahf and Nadine Sinno. The book review is published in Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication. In the review, Joel writes: "While many works have taken an anthropological or ethnographical approach (cf. Ghannam, 2013; Naguib, - 2025-03-20