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Researchers reveal deficiencies in “corrosion-resistant” metallic materials

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 7 September 2023 Alfred Larsson assembles an electrochemical cell at the instrument "The Swedish Materials Science Beamline P21.2" at the PETRA III particle accelerator in Hamburg. Photo: Jinshan Pan Corrosion-resistant metallic materials are required in applications such as rocket engines, nuclear power stations and chemical in - 2025-01-13

ERC Starting Grant to NanoLundian Filip Lenrick

Published 5 September 2023 Welding, and whether new methods can be used to weld advanced alloys is in focus for the project for which Filip Lenrick has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant. Photo: Klas Holger Jönsson Among the four scholars from Lund University who have received ERC Starting Grants is Filip Lenrick, a researcher in industrial production, for the project “Bulk-like Joints by Gas Actu - 2025-01-13

NanoLund involved in Vinnova’s new competence centers

Published 5 September 2023 Eleven new competence centers in Sweden get funding from Vinnova – four of them reside in Lund and two of the new ones are directly connected to NanoLund. Foto: Kennet Ruona Sweden’s Innovation Agency, Vinnova, will invest in 11 new competence centers starting in January 2024. Among the new ones, two are directly connected to NanoLund – adding up to the already existing - 2025-01-13

Study shows the importance of taking nanosafety into account

Published 12 September 2023 Lung exposure to nanowires induces an inflammatory response and allergic response when tested on mice. “This emphasizes how important it is that we continue to take nanosafety into account”, says Professor Christelle Prinz, one of the researchers behind the study. In a collaboration with the National Research Center for the Working Environment in Copenhagen, led by Ulla - 2025-01-13

All over the place – NanoLund participated in the “Culture Night”

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Ivan Maximov, Adam Burke, Anna-Karin Alm, Alexandra Lindholm and Evelina Lindén) - published 21 September 2023 Lectures, lab tours, Science Slam – and giving sneak peeks at MAX IV Laboratory Open Day. NanoLund and Solid State Physics were all over the place during the annual event ”Culture Night” (Kulturnatten). This year NanoLund participated again in a j - 2025-01-13

Lund University’s gold medal to Anne L’Huillier

Published 26 September 2023 Anne L’Huillier will be awarded the Lund University Gold Medal for her outstanding contribution. Photo: Evelina Lindén At Lund University’s annual ceremony in January, Professor Anne L'Huillier will receive Lund University’s gold medal for her outstanding contributions to the university. Lund University can award silver and gold medals to people who have made important - 2025-01-13

...and the Nobel Prize is now announced!

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 3 October 2023 The hall was quickly filled with colleagues wanting to congratulate Anne L’Huillier at Fysicum, Lund University. Photo: Evelina LIndén For experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter, Professor Anne L’Huillier at Lund University is awarded the Nobel Pr - 2025-01-13

Maning Liu pioneers – WISE celebrates its first scientific publication

Published 5 October 2023 Unlocking the full potential of harnessing solar power requires significant advancements in the process of clean energy generation, including how we collect, convert, and store it. Maning Liu and his colleagues are exploring this on a molecular scale. “Twisted or planar?” is the question that our brand new NanoLundian, Assistant Professor Maning Liu, and his colleagues exp - 2025-01-13

Understanding the behaviour of light and matter – key to future technologies

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 12 October 2023 “If we manage to solve how and why particles and light behave the way they do, and under what conditions, we can lay the foundation to whatever new technology there might be,” says Ville Maisi. Photo: Pixabay If we can understand how and why light and matter behave as they do, we are one step closer to solving some o - 2025-01-13

Tenure track position as Assistant Professor in Physics: semiconductor optics

Published 13 October 2023 Take your chance to work in a thriving and excellent research environment, recently celebrating the honor of being the workplace of a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics. Spread the word: We are looking for an early career researcher with pioneering ideas in the field of optics of semi­conductor nanostructures. As an assistant professor, you will be embedded into the strategi - 2025-01-13

Helmholtz High Impact Award to NanoLund member Eva Unger

Published 17 October 2023 Eva Unger (in the middle) and Michael Saliba (next to her, right) receives the award from Helmholtz president Otmar D. Wiestler, Bettina Stark-Watzinger and Carla Seidel. Combining different disciplines and working together across centre boundaries to tackle one of the biggest challenges of our time – the energy transition – Eva Unger and her team fellows receive the firs - 2025-01-13

WISE funding call for graduate courses and summer schools

Published 20 October 2023 WISE (Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability) has opened two calls for the development of graduate courses and summer schools in 2024 with relevance to materials science for sustainability. The call for WISE Summer School 2024 aims to support the organisation of a one-week summer school. The summer school must be able to accommodate a minimum of 50 WIS - 2025-01-13

Controllable droplets carry promise for self-assembled nanodevices

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Emeile Hilner) - published 25 October 2023 The general concept of the droplet-free zone around the metal after heating to 600°C (left) and the destruction of the zone when heating to 650°C (right). Metal patterns printed on a III-V semiconductor material can control the appearance and positions of droplets arising on its surface when heated. The result is - 2025-01-13

Musikhögskolan i Malmö tar ledande roll i utvecklingen av ämneslärarutbildningen

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 14 augusti 2023 Lars Andersson, utbildningschef vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö. Musikhögskolan i Malmö kommer under nästa år att leda arbetet med att utveckla ämneslärarutbildningen i arbetsgruppen för lärarutbildning inom Lärosäten Syd. Lärosäten Syd är ett samarbete mellan sju lärosäten i södra Sverige; Lunds universi - 2025-01-13

Musikhögskolan i Malmö gästas av Augustin Hadelich

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 20 september 2023 I oktober får Musikhögskolan i Malmö besök av Augustin Hadelich - en av vår tids absolut största violinvirtuoser. Han kommer för att ge en av sina eftertraktade masterclasser och skolan välkomnar även allmänheten att sitta med och lyssna. Violinisten Augustin Hadelich har blivit erkänd över hela vä - 2025-01-13

Musikhögskolan i Malmö välkomnar Johan Bridger som ny slagverkslärare

Av ameliemalmgren [at] gmail [dot] com (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 6 oktober 2023 Musikhögskolan i Malmö anställer en ny lärare; Johan Bridger – en av Sveriges mest framstående slagverkare på den nationella och internationella scenen. "För ett intensivt personligt uttryck, briljant teknisk behärskning och en betvingande scenisk närvaro." Så löd motiveringen när Johan vann Solistpriset 2004. Sam - 2025-01-13

Ett samtal med professor Anna Houmann – forskning, undervisning och visioner för framtidens ämneslärarutbildning

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 18 oktober 2023 Anna Houmann installeras som professor vid Lunds universitet. Foto: Kennet Ruona. Anna Houmann är nyinstallerad professor i musikpedagogik med inriktning mot utbildningsvetenskap. Förutom att forska och undervisa vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö är hon även en flitig nätverkare, kreativ initiativtagare sam - 2025-01-13

Musikhögskolan i Malmö kan erbjuda masterclasser i opera tack vare generös donation

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 31 oktober 2023 Musikhögskolan i Malmös sång- och musikdramatikstudenter kan se fram emot en serie om tre masterclasser i opera tack vare en privat donation från Lars Werhagen, överläkare i neurologi och rehabiliteringsmedicin med stort operaintresse. Totalt har tre framstående operasångare kunnat bjudas in för att - 2025-01-13

Alumner från Musikhögskolan i Malmö bakom nystartad symfoniorkester

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 14 november 2023 Orkester Moderna Musica är en nystartad symfoniorkester som vill lyfta fram unga musiker, dirigenter och kompositörer. I våras intog de Malmös konsertscen med en skräll och har sedan dess blivit en riktig snackis i det regionala musiklivet. Bakom succén står fem alumner från Musikhögskolan i Malmö. - 2025-01-13

Romska rådets årliga minnesstund går i musikens tecken

Publicerad 11 januari 2024 Romska rådets minnesstund anordnas varje januari med anledning av Förintelsens minnesdag. I år har rådet valt att samarbeta med Musikhögskolan i Malmö för att sätta fokus på romsk musik som fristad. Den 27 januari samlas människor över hela världen för en årlig manifestation. Det är den internationella minnesdagen för Förintelsens offer – samma datum som förintelselägret - 2025-01-13