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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

“The background to results is important when communicating research”

By peter [dot] kjallkvist [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter Kjällkvist) - published 3 November 2022 It is important to show what has led to the results and not simplify too much when research is communicated, means researcher Anna Jonsson. Photo: Ivelin Radkov/Shutterstock The idea that research results should be simplified and related to a media logic when being communicated to the public is chal - 2025-03-06

Researcher raises awareness of coeliac disease in Ethiopia

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 3 November 2022 Adugna Negussie Gudeta, a doctoral student at the Department of Clinical Sciences in Malmö, teaches about coeliac disease to students in Ethiopia. Photo: Dr. Tamiru Coeliac disease, also known as gluten intolerance, has until now been all but unknown in Ethiopia. Yet as more people adopt a Western diet, t - 2025-03-06

Research collaboration with Iran far from certain

By jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 3 November 2022 Karin Aggestam och Ronny Berndtsson, director and deputy director at the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies. Photo: Jan Olsson Swedish universities and higher education institutions condemn the violence in Iran in which security forces have opened fire on protesting students. Collaborations an - 2025-03-06

Interdisciplinary research school on Skåne’s beaches

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 3 November 2022 Coastal engineer Caroline Hallin teaches doctoral students from the interdisciplinary ClimBEco Graduate Research School at Knäbäckshusen in Skåne, Sweden. Photo: Sara Håkansson The coast is changing. The sea is encroaching further inland, and the shoreline of childhood memory no longer looks the - 2025-03-06

Inner Development Goals for building sustainable development skills 18/11

By malin [dot] akerskog [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Malin Åkerskog) - published 7 November 2022 What skills and qualities are needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? Sarah Emond, CEO at By EMOND guides you through the Inner Development Goals framework, and Christine Wamsler, Professor of Sustainability Science, provides input from a research perspective. In 2015, the Sustainab - 2025-03-06

Salary review: It is soon time for salary-setting appraisals for Saco-S members and non-union employees

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 10 November 2022 If you are a member of Saco-S or not a member of an employee organisation i.e. a non-union employee, you will soon have a salary-setting appraisal with your manager. According to the University’s timetable for this year’s salary review, the salary-setting appraisal will be held between mid-November an - 2025-03-06

Changed Handling of Adobe Licenses

Published 14 November 2022 All existing Adobe licenses are valid until November 30, 2022, and will expire thereafter. The handling of licenses for Adobe Acrobat DC and Adobe Creative Cloud will change in connection with Lund University now entering a new agreement period with Adobe. To continue to have access to Adobe software, an application is required in In the attached file - 2025-03-06

Platform for strategic work will inspire and guide

Published 15 November 2022 There is now a new platform for strategic work at Lund University. It will guide and inspire the developments the University needs in order to strengthen competitiveness and continue to be a world-class university. The platform for strategic work applies for 2023 and 2024. The platform consists of four prioritised areas with associated measures: Strong research today and - 2025-03-06

New HR information makes things clearer for academic staff

By Stefan [dot] Danielson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Stefan Danielson) - published 14 November 2022 As a foreign citizen, what do you need to think about when you take up a position at the University? What terms of employment apply for those undertaking third-cycle studies? What are the different academic positions and what is the process when you apply to become a professor? For those - 2025-03-06

Apply for funding for equal opportunity initiatives

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 10 November 2022 Lund University wants to encourage initiatives relating to equal opportunities by means such as offering an opportunity to apply for targeted funding. Therefore, another opportunity has arisen to apply for funding for initiatives that aim to prevent discrimination, promote equal opportunities and gend - 2025-03-06

The Academy of Music’s Christmas concert in Lund (16 December) and Malmö (17 December)

By sylvia [dot] lysko [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se (Sylvia Lysko) - published 8 November 2022 A warm welcome to the Academy of Music’s traditional Christmas concert with a symphony orchestra, choir, soloists and ensembles – this year under the baton of Fredrik Malmberg. There will be three church concerts divided between Lund and Malmö. The Academy of Music’s Christmas concert will offer a cracking - 2025-03-06

Take a restart break and help to protect LU

Published 14 November 2022 Our IT security is only as strong as its weakest link. It is important that together we all help to keep our common IT systems as secure as possible and not give external parties an opportunity to exploit gaps in security. We can all contribute in small ways. An important element in this is not to ignore messages about security updates for too long. Security updates are - 2025-03-06

Mental well-being when moving to a new country - 28/11

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 9 November 2022 Let's talk about mental well-being when moving from your homeland to another country, with a professional psychologist who has personal experience of relocating and works with clients struggling to adapt to Swedish life. Get tips and inspiration to find your way to stay excited in your new life. It’s n - 2025-03-06

Christmas and Lucia with our student musicians at Odeum

Published 30 November 2022 The University’s cultural and public centres offer many events in the run-up to Christmas. Take the opportunity to check out the broad programme. As usual, Odeum, Lund University’s music centre, invites everyone to the traditional Christmas and Lucia concerts in the beautiful auditorium of the Main University Building. The Lund Academic Choir will conduct its atmospheric - 2025-03-06

The University offers many leadership development options for managers

Published 30 November 2022 There are many options for managers and leaders to develop at Lund University. In order to pinpoint and more clearly define what Lund University is to offer in terms of leadership development, I tasked Maria Flores and Andreas Bryngelsson at the start of the year with carrying out the investigation, Leadership in the Future. The aim of the investigation was to draw up pr - 2025-03-06

New travel agency from 1 February 2023

By maria [dot] plaschke [at] eken [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Plaschke) - published 29 November 2022 As of 1 February, all travel bookings are to be made via BCD Travel. Do you have future plans to travel? In that case, it is recommended that, if possible, you wait to book until after 1 February. This will make the transition easier. Bookings up to and including 31 January 2023 Are you going to trave - 2025-03-06

It is time to apply for annual leave for the Christmas and New Year holidays

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 29 November 2022 For those of you who plan to take days of annual leave during the Christmas and New Year holidays, now is the time to apply. Remember that annual leave must always be applied for and approved in Primula before withdrawal. Reduced working hours for technical and administrative staff (T/A) For T/A staff - 2025-03-06

Seed money for educational development

By sara [dot] westman [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Westman) - published 29 November 2022 Teachers at Lund University now have the opportunity to apply for seed money in three different calls, all of them with the deadline of February 1. The founds can be used during 2023. You can only be granted founds for either the U21 call, or the EUGLOH call. Below is a summary of the three calls: Course de - 2025-03-06

Christmas present campaign to support LU’s research

By oscar [dot] heimburg [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Oscar Heimburg) - published 26 November 2022 The Development Office has produced a campaign called “Give research as a Christmas present”, which is being arranged for the second year running. The primary message of the campaign is that you can make a difference by simply making a donation. In practical terms it could concern helping to reveal Upp - 2025-03-06

Coordinated Examination Service

By elin [dot] engman [at] ldc [dot] lu [dot] se (Elin Engman) - published 26 November 2022 Part 1 of the Coordinated Examination Service project is proceeding according to plan and from 1 March the project will be responsible for staffing invigilators for the exams conducted at the Annex (Sölvegatan 20, Lund). This is the first step towards a joint examination administration and organisation using - 2025-03-06