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Film Screening of India’s Daughter

Published 23 February 2018 On international women's day March 8, 17.00-20.00, there will be a film Screening of the movie India’s Daughter at Stora Algatan 4 International Desk at Lund University. The event is open to everyone and as usual we will serve fika! India's Daughter narrates the story of an ordinary girl with an extremely cruel life experience which broke the silence around rape culture - 2025-03-10

SASNET Work Report 2015 published

Published 5 March 2016 The complete SASNET Work Report 2015 (Verksamhetsberättelse) was published on 29 February 2016. It contains an extensive summary of the work being done by SASNET at Lund University in 2015, in Swedish. An impressive amount of activities have been carried out, including a major research conference in May, and two South Asia Media Project workshops in the fall.An external eval - 2025-03-10

Seminar on the Afghan Shia: Politics, Piety, and Diaspora

Published 23 February 2018 On Wednesday 25 April 13.00-15-00 SASNET is hosting a seminar on the Afghan Shia: Politics, Piety, and Diaspora in LUX Building, B417. Welcome! Robert D. Crews The talk by Robert D. Crews, Professor of History at Stanford University, examines the revolutionary politics of Shi’i communities in Afghanistan and the diaspora from the 1970s to the present. It focuses on the e - 2025-03-10

Lecture on Indian independent documentary

Published 26 February 2018 On Friday 16, 09.00-10.30, there will be a lecture on Indian independent documentary at Gamla Kirurgen, floor 3 at Lund University. The event is a collaboration with School of Journalism and the event is open to everyone. The documentary participant is largely a site of anxiety, viewed through the discourse of documentary image ethics and its construction of moral obliga - 2025-03-10

Book Launch – Miraklet Indien och dess baksida

Published 13 March 2018 On Tuesday 3 April 16.00-17.30 SASNET is pleased to invite everyone for the launch of the new book Miraklet Indien och dess baksida. The book is edited by former SASNET employees Lars Eklund and Staffan Lindberg at Eden 131, Paradisgatan 5H, Lund University. The event is open to the public. Indian delights will be served! With contributions from, among others, Kenneth Bo Ni - 2025-03-10

New NCI Grants

Published 21 March 2018 The Nordic Centre in India announces two new grants for its member universities. NCI will be supporting collaborative academic activities between member universities and Indian higher educational institutions through Academic Activity Grants that will be announced twice a year NCI will also support travel grants to India. As Lund University is a member of NCI employees at o - 2025-03-10

SASNET involved in the Young Connectors of the Future program

Published 3 April 2018 On March 22 the director of SASNET, Andreas Johansson, took part of Young Connectors of the Future (YCF) program elections committee. Andreas helped select candidates from Sri Lanka and Pakistan for the 2018 program, which will kick off in September. The program YCF is a part of the Swedish institute (SI).“YCF aims to support young leaders in South Asia by giving them the to - 2025-03-10

Visit to Karlstad University

Published 3 April 2018 On March 27 the director of SASNET, Andreas Johansson, visited Karlstad University (KAU) to discuss possibilities for future collaboration. SASNET is keen on working together with KAU since it has, since 1995, been collaborating with various institutions in India. Andreas meet with Katarina Plank and Kristian Niemi (picture) and dissucssed KAU:sa study center at Varanasi and - 2025-03-10

Talk on colonial authority and British India

Published 3 April 2018 On Monday 9 April 15.00-17.00 there will be a lecture on the forms of colonial authority along the external frontier of British India, l in Edens hörsal, Paradisgatan 5H. Welcome. Benjamin D. Hopkins is a specialist in modern South Asian history, in particular that of Afghanistan, as well as British imperialism. His research focuses on the role of the colonial state in creat - 2025-03-10

New issue of Sydasien now available

Published 5 April 2018 The magazine Sydasien ( is an important channel for spreading news and analyses about South Asia in the Swedish language. Sydasien was founded in 1977. First appearing in print, Sydasien transitioned into an online-only format in 2011. sydasien_2_2017_korrutskrift_7.pdf  Through a new collaboration between Sydasien and SASNET the magazine once again appears i - 2025-03-10

Talk on the role of Pakistan in Federally Administered Tribal Areas

Published 16 April 2018 On Tuesday 15 May 11.00-12.00 there will be a seminar on the role of Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal area in villa Norlind, Biskopsgatan 5. Welcome. The talk is held by Dr. Naheed S. Goraya, and she is currently a Visiting Post Doc at V-Dem/Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. She is an Assistant Professor in the Centre for South Asian S - 2025-03-10

SASNET hosted a workshop on nationalisms in South Asia

Published 16 April 2018 On 14-15 April SASNET hosted a workshop on Nationalisms in South Asia. The workshop was generously funded by the Crafoord Foundation. Professor Frank Korom (Boston University), Associate Professor Jan Magnusson (Lund University) and the director of SASNET Andreas Johansson took the lead in organizing the workshop.  The core idea of the workshop builds on a generation of sch - 2025-03-10

Time to apply for funding from Swedish Research Council

Published 5 March 2016 The 2016 general call for applications to the Swedish Research Council(Vetenskapsrådet) for Project Research Grants for most subject areas. Humanities & Social Sciences; Medicine & Health; Artistic Research; and Culture & Cutural Heritage Research – closes on Tuesday 15 March. For research in Economics and Natural Sciences, the deadline is Tuesday 5 April.Of even more intere - 2025-03-10

Talk on post-war Sri Lanka

Published 16 April 2018 On Tuesday 8 May 15.00-17.00 there will be a talk on post-war Sri Lanka at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (seminar room), Finngatan 16. Welcome. The talk is held by Dr. Vagisha Gunasekara. Dr. Gurnasekara is a Sri Lankan researcher, affiliated with the Social Scientists’ Association (SSA) that studies particular entanglements of gender and conflict in rapidly changin - 2025-03-10

Conference on the Situation for Afghan Refugees in Sweden

Published 17 April 2018 The Afghanistan and Central Asian Association (ACAA) and SASNET welcomes you to a two-day conference on the situation for Afghan refugees in Sweden. The conference will take place in May 11-12, LUX Aula 3 Helgonavägen, Lund. This conference will discuss the current situation in Afghanistan, challenges faced by returning refugees and how Sweden can support refugees who retur - 2025-03-10

Workshop on how to cover the Indian elections

Published 18 April 2018 On Friday 27 April 13.00-16.00 there will be a workshop on covering the political election in India. The workshop is held at School of Journalism (Journalistutbildningen), Gamla Kirurgen, floor 3. Welcome. In 2019, the world's largest democracy India will hold its 17th general election, where over 20 political parties and as many as a 4000 candidates will try to grab a seat - 2025-03-10

New blog about the South Asia Initiative

Published 18 April 2018 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) and the Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET) at Lund University launched the South Asia Initiative in 2018. The South Asia Initiative produces both research and analysis. In doing so, it aims to build a strong research environment with an international impact. The South Asia Initiative website will feature a blog t - 2025-03-10