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Alumna Mariella Louise Otto, Online show @Hangar Cia, Lisbon

Published 31 March 2021 TALK – Covered in dark. Behind her word, beneath that rhyme; Tulip Online talk with Swedish artist Mariella Louise Otto, who will present her ongoing installation of sound and cyanotypes, also exhibited at Hangar Online.… - 2025-03-07

Alumna Maria Norrman exhibitis at gallery Ping-pong

Published 9 April 2021 The exhibition at Galleri Ping-Pong shows the project Jane Avril which revolves around my relationship with the historical person Jane Avril (1868-1943), a French dance artist mostly known today through the posters of her friend Toulouse-Lautrec.   10 - 30 April 2021 Galleri Ping-Pong, Malmö, Swed - 2025-03-07

Alumna Majse Vilstrup CPH DOX

Published 22 April 2021 CPH:DOX presents: SUPPLY AND A MILLION TIMES GOODBYE by Majse Vilstrup where and what Online Premiere at CPH:DOX film festival 2021 April 25, 15.00 pm. Access the film through: Physical Premiere at CPH:DOX film festival 2021 CINEMATEKET, Gothersgade 55, Copenhagen K May 7, 17.00 pm. Press-release_CPHDOX2021.p - 2025-03-07

Alumna: Jonna Hägg

Published 4 May 2021 The Sound Bench: The Garden During the Sustainability Week (3-8 May 2021) and until mid-summer, the bench will be placed in the Botanical Garden, where a site-specific sound artwork has been developed especially for the bench by the artist Jonna Hägg. For several years Jonna Hägg has been exploring how the soundscape of the world in general is changing. Human sounds have becom - 2025-03-07

Alumnus: LealVeileby

Published 6 May 2021 Wherever the Sunbeam falls May 8 - June 6 Curator: C. Grace Chang As long as there’s light, life carries on—the only variable is the form it takes. Through play and elements of speculative fiction, this exhibition explores this vital connection. In both Kenji Hirotomi and Yankun Yang’s interactive installation Speech Painter and LealVeileby’s new works, life is converted into - 2025-03-07

Alumnus Gabriel Karlsson is awarded Fredrik Roos scholarship.

Published 6 May 2021 Konstnären Gabriel Karlsson på Artipelag. Foto av Paulina Simon (In swedish only) Gabriel Karlsson (b. 1988) tilldelades under torsdagen 2021 års upplaga av Fredrik Roos stipendium. Stipendiet omfattar 600 000 kr och är därmed ett av Sveriges största. En stipendiatutställning med Gabriel Karlssons konst genomförs på Artipelag mellan den 7 maj och 6 juni. Utställningen på Artip - 2025-03-07

Alumn: On Hold

Published 11 May 2021 ON-HOLD 14. – 16. May 2021 An exhibition stored by Johan Nahoj with contributions by Olof Broström, Kah-Bee Chow, Ingrid Furre, Helen Haskakis,  Carl-Oskar Jonsson, Ellinor Lager, Olof Marsja, David Nilson, Olof Nimar,  Anne-Marte Overaa, Marie Raffn and Titus Wonsey. Opening Friday 14. May at 16:00 – 22:00 Saturday & Sunday open 11:00 – 16:00 ALTA ART SPACE Celsiusgatan 40 M - 2025-03-07

"The idea of exhibition as we understand it is also shifting"

By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 11 May 2021 Photo: Pernille Kjær Jørgensen It is time for Malmö Art Academy's Annual exhibition (May 12 - June 11) which also this year is digital, with work from all of our students as well as some collaboration projects. Teacher and former student Youngjae Lih has been coordinating the exhibition. How have you been w - 2025-03-07

Online doctoral award ceremony

Published 25 May 2021 Artist Heimo Zobernig, appointed honorary doctor at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, will be awarded in a digital ceremony at Lund University on May 28. Zobernig was appointed honorary doctor last year and there will be a symposium later on in 2022 to highlight this. Link to digital ceremoni May 28 Learn more about Heimo Zobernig - 2025-03-07

Edstrandska Stiftelsen scholarships 2021

By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 7 June 2021 Photo: Sophie Ljungblom Edstrandska Stiftelsen has decided to award practising artists Lena Bergendahl, Nicklas Randau and Johan Österholm each a scholarships of SEK 400,000. Graduating students from Malmö Art Academy, Louise Hammer, Olle Helin, Fanny Hellgren and Dag Kewenter are each awarded scholarships - 2025-03-07