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The department board drives development and reviews management

Published 31 May 2024 All our Heads of Department, from left: Agneta Malmgren Fänge (IHV), Patrik Midlöv (IKVM), Anna Rignell-Hydbom (ILM), Tomas Deierborg (EMV), Mikael Bodelsson (IKVL) och Jan Astermark (ITM). Foto: Ingemar Hultquist Several of the Faculty's departments will elect a new department board this year. It is a long process that is preceded by nominations and elections to a nomination - 2025-03-11

Finding the small and unknown funders: Networking led to multi-million grant

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 29 May 2024 Aurora Borealis (Norrsken in Swedish). Sighted and immortalized over Lund. Photo: Agata Garpenlind It was during a conference that Pouya Movahed Rad first heard about the small foundation Norrsken Mind. Together with colleagues, he wrote an application. The result: SEK 6.7 million in three years. Congratulati - 2025-03-11

The Med-service director: Our goal is always to do our best to help our employees

By anna [dot] hellgren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind, Anna Hellgren) - published 17 May 2024 Hugh Connell, Med-service director. Photo: Agata Garpelind New assignments, tough challenges and development work – a status check from Med-service, our section for managing and servicing the Faculty, one year after the inauguration of Forum Medicum. Almost a year ago, Akademiska Hus handed - 2025-03-11

IT security: BIKT gets unified responsibility for the Faculty's IT network

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 20 May 2024 BIKT´s Head of Unit Colm Doyle will be responsible for the Faculty's network. Photo: Agata Garpenlind. The Dean has decided that Colm Doyle, Head of Unit for BIKT, will be responsible for the Faculty's IT network. The decision has been made in light of increased demands for clear roles and responsibilit - 2025-03-11

Minister of Education: "Attractive and sustainable research careers are essential"

By anna [dot] hellgren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Hellgren) - published 20 May 2024 Photo: Anna Hellgren Uncertain and unclear career paths make academic life a challenge for younger researchers. On this theme, Future Faculty organized a panel discussion together with the Faculty of Medicine (Lund University) and the National Junior Faculty of Sweden. One of the key speakers was the Minister - 2025-03-11

A proud salute! These are our new doctors, jubilee doctors and an honorary doctor!

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 23 May 2024 Photo: Kennet Ruona. Our warmest congrats! The conferment ceremony in the Cathedral in Lund will be broadcast live on 31 May from 12:00. The list is long, it is beautiful and we are proud. Warm congratulations to the Doctors from a Medical Faculty near you. The conferment ceremony in the Cathedral will - 2025-03-11

Our researcher's advice: How to make your life puzzle work

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 22 May 2024 Carita Håkansson researches the importance of activity balance for our well-being. She herself recovers by hiking, among other things. Private photo. How do you fit everything together – at home and at work – and feel good at the same? Our researcher at the Faculty of Medicine, Carita Håkansson, has don - 2025-03-11

Infect@LU – for researchers in infection, immunity and microbiology

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 29 May 2024 Save the date. Sign up for the hearing on the 19 September. Do you want to be involved in driving research and development in infection, immunity and microbiology at Lund University? Join Infect@LU and participate in the start-up meeting on September 19th! Our to be nationally leadingwithin the un - 2025-03-11

Fire at BMC in Lund – firefighting completed

By johanna [dot] erlandson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Erlandson) - published 25 May 2024 We have been informed that a fire has broken out in a solar cell system on the roof of BMC in Lund. No person has been reported injured. The emergency services are on site and state that the initial fire was extinguished at 13.20 o'clock. We have been informed that a fire has broken out in a solar cel - 2025-03-11

Fire at BMC in Lund – fire extinguished, return possible

By johanna [dot] erlandson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Erlandson) - published 26 May 2024 The fire that broke out Saturday 25 May in a solar cell system on the roof of BMC in Lund has now been extinguished and the rescue service has announced that it is possible to use the premises again. It is once again possible to work on the site, with the exception of the rooms on B15 which are closed - 2025-03-11

The fire at BMC – what happens now?

By johanna [dot] erlandson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Erlandson) - published 27 May 2024 Photo: Mikael Rydahl Are you wondering what will happen after the fire at BMC on May 25th? Here are answers to some questions that have come up. Why didn't the fire alarm go off?Fire protection in our buildings consists of fire cell division, sprinklers, fire alarms and loose fire equipment, such as f - 2025-03-11

GDE: Funding opportunities available

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 5 June 2024 There are now good opportunities for funding for those who want to develop international collaborations in research, education or innovation. Apply before 21 August. The so-called stimulus funds are related to the university's global engagement, GDE. Teresa Svarvell, head of the International Office explains: - 2025-03-11

Nominate for STINT Teaching Sabbatical – internal nomination process

Published 4 June 2024 Deadline: August 11th 2024STINT Teaching Sabbatical is a programme that offers researchers and teachers to spend an autumn term at one of STINT's eleven partner campuses in Botswana, Hong Kong, Singapore and the US.The programme aims to develop both individuals and institutions. By giving researchers and teachers passionate about teaching issues international experiences base - 2025-03-11

Too much to do? Get yourself a trainee!

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 11 June 2024 Nicole van Der Burg and her trainee Rana Mansour. ”Just the kickstart we needed” Photo: Ingemar Hultquist What about having a trainee in your area of expertise, completely free of charge for four months starting this autumn? Jobbsprånget's open meeting on Teams will guide you to how to make your ad. Open mee - 2025-03-11

Report from the Faculty Board meeting (5 June 2024)

By johanna [dot] erlandson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Erlandson) - published 5 June 2024 The Board of the Faculty of Medicine (MFS) has held a meeting. The meeting started with a report fom Vice Dean David Gisselsson Nord about the handling of the fire at BMC. Anders Rasmussen from Future Faculty announced that they now have a new board and will appoint a new chairman and thus change the - 2025-03-11

The Visiting Professor: "I hope my knowledge and experience will be useful"

By jon [dot] ulvsgard [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jon Ulvsgärd) - published 12 June 2024 Pär Halje, assistant researcher together with visiting professor Ulrik Röijezon in MoRe-Lab. The screen shows a patient with Parkinson's disease performing a movement test. The patient's movements have been measured using motion capture technology. Ulrik Röijezon is Professor of Physiotherapy at Luleå Universi - 2025-03-11

Join the first international Glymphatic Symposium in Lund

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 10 June 2024 June 17th-20th, in AF-borgen. The glymphatic system is the brain’s waste clearance system and loss of its function is connected to acceleration of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.Listen to the latest research from keynote speaker Prof. Maiken Nedergaard, alongside dozens of other i - 2025-03-11

Faculty Morning Meeting (13/6): On changes in PhD studies

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 11 June 2024 At the June meeting you will meet vice dean Karin Jirström, who will talk about PhD studies and the changes implemented in 2024. All employees are welcome to join our digital Faculty Morning Meeting. These are recurring monthly information meetings where you can learn more about a current topic. The me - 2025-03-11

Questions and answers about the gym on B15

By anna [dot] hellgren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Hellgren) - published 13 June 2024 Due to the fire in the solar panel installation in building B, the gym on B15 is closed. Many of you have contacted us regarding the reopening of the gym. Here's what we know at this point. Will the gym reopen?At this point the Faculty of Medicine does not know when the gym will reopen.What happens now?Inves - 2025-03-11