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Lund University closed on Monday 12 October!

Published 12 October 2015 Due to an anonymous threat made toward the university and its students via the app Jodel, which the police regards very seriously, the university will be closed on Monday for all students and staff at all campuses. More information will be posted on the university websites and during the day. If you have any questions you can call +46 46 - 2025-03-13

3.9 million from RJ for Business as Usual

Published 22 October 2015 Isabel Schoultz at the Sociology of Law Department has together with Janne Flyghed at the Department of Criminology at Stockholm University been granted 3.9 million SEK from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) for the project Business as usual. Corporate defense strategies against accusations of crime. The project aims to study what strategies companies apply when defending th - 2025-03-13

Why hate crimes with antiziganistic motives seldom are solved

Published 23 October 2015 Hate crimes are a part of the daily lives of many Roma and remarkably often children are the victims. At the same time reports of these crimes are very low as well as solving rates. This is now shown in two reports on hate crime that the Swedish Commission against antiziganism (Kommissionen mot antiziganism) has ordered.Today, Friday 23rd October, hate crimes and which me - 2025-03-13

Banakar explores dangerous driving habits in Iran

Published 18 December 2015 The new book by Reza Banakar, Driving Culture in Iran: Law and Society on the Roads of the Islamic Republic, argues that Iranians’ driving behaviour is an indicator of how they have historically related to each other and to their society at large, and how they have maintained a form of social order through law, culture and religion. Published by I.B.Tauris (London and Ne - 2025-03-13

Money from Pufendorf Institute for research project

Published 17 May 2016 Our researcher Matthias Baier is on of the members in the project “The Annual Report - Words, images, numbers” which has been granted money from Pufendorf Institute. ”The aim of this project is to explore and unfold this multifaceted nature of annual reports”.Learn more on Pufendorf Institute’s websiteMatthias Baier’s personal page - 2025-03-13

Schömer on covert racism

Published 7 September 2016 Eva Schömer has authored the article "Sweden, a Society of Covert Racism: Equal from the Outside: Everyday Racism and Ethnic Discrimination in Swedish Society” in Oñati Socio-legal Series. Abstract:    Sweden is widely considered to have one of the most equal and gender-equal societies in the world. But the Swedish society is also one in which the Labour Court can find d - 2025-03-13

Antonsdóttir on justice for victim-survivors of sexual violence

Published 24 October 2016 Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir co-wrote an article with Halla Gunnarsdóttir, who is the head of policy and partnerships for the newly founded “Women’s Equality party” in UK. In the article they discuss if and how the Nordic countries have something to offer UK in terms of the quest for justice for victim-survivors of sexual violence. This piece was written in relation to a hig - 2025-03-13

Erasmus-exchange with Uzbekistan

Published 31 October 2016 Matthias Baier, Isabel Schoultz and Rustamjon Urinboyev were on an Erasmus-exchange in Uzbekistan on October 17-22. They visited ”University of World Economy and Diplomacy” in Tashkent. During their stay they held lectures on sociology of law for both students and teachers. Matthias Baier’s personal pageIsabel Schoultz’s personal pageRustamjon Urinboyev’s personal page - 2025-03-13

How municipalities are working with child rights

Published 12 April 2017 The Child Rights Institute organized a meeting last week to highlight the importance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child for municipal activities. Simrishamn's, Kristianstad's and Trelleborg's municipalities shared how they are working with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), as well as which challenges they see ahead. After the presentations there was - 2025-03-13

How the law works in society

Published 10 March 2017 Morgan Johansson, the Swedish Minister for Justice and Migration, visited the Sociology of Law Department to talk about how the law works in society Panel discussion led by journalist Andreas Ekström with Professor in Sociology of Law Reza Banakar, Complainant's Counsel Ulrika Rogland, Minister for Justice and Migration Morgan Johansson and President of a Court of Appeal Ra - 2025-03-13

Change agents on children’s rights told their stories

Published 1 June 2017 Yesterday afternoon some 60 people gathered in the conference room at Palaestra in Lund to participate in the seminar ”Universities' role in sustainable change work” hosted by LUCE, Child Rights Institute at Lund University (CRi@LU) and partners. The event marked the start of a new online global platform aiming to strengthen international collaboration and research focusing o - 2025-03-13

Award winning account of street vendors and rickshaws in Bogotá

Published 28 June 2017 Ana Maria Vargas has been awarded the FALF-prize for best doctoral thesis in Sweden 2016 in the field of work and working environment. Her thesis is called "Outside the Law - An Ethnographic Study of Street Vendors In Bogota". The jury consisting of the board of FALF, forum for working life research, motivates the choice of thesis as follows:Ana Maria Vargas' thesis provides - 2025-03-13

Ann-Christine Hartzén has defended her thesis

Published 15 September 2017 Ann-Christine Hartzén defended her doctoral dissertation ”The European Social Dialogue in Perspective: Its future potential as an autopoietic system and lessons from the global maritime system of industrial relations” today 15th September at one o'clock in room 128 at Stora Algatan 4 in Lund. Discussant: Professor Bettina Lemann Kristiansen, Aarhus University.Grading co - 2025-03-13

Interns at the Sociology of Law Department look at child rights and working life

Published 19 October 2017 This autumn five master's students are doing their internship at the Sociology of Law Department in two different research projects. Five master's students are currently doing their internship at the Sociology of Law Department: Tania Lutfunessa, Andrea Flack, Hannah Bowring, Sokol Xhaxho and Madeleine Collin. The Master's Programme in Sociology of Law, SASOL, is a multid - 2025-03-13

A kind of legal no-mans-land says Eva Schömer

Published 19 October 2017 Eva Schömer has published an article in the journal Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv (Labour Market and Working Life), which illustrates how personal assistants experience their working environment and which opportunities they have to influence their working conditions from a socio-legal perspective. Eva Schömer links personal assistants' work experience with some of the legal - 2025-03-13

Erasmus-exchange at University of Sarajevo

Published 3 November 2017 Isabel Schoultz and Ida Nafstad were on an Erasmus-exchange at University of Sarajevo between 23-27 October. They visited both the Faculty for Criminal Justice Sciences and Criminology, and the Faculty of Political Science. During their stay they held lectures on topics such as Legal pluralism and laws of everyday life, Crime, control and policy and White-collar crime for - 2025-03-13

Many unaware of their right to legal help

Published 1 February 2018 Many people in Sweden do not know that they are entitled legal help through their household insurance. Doctor Isabel Schoultz reviews legal aid in Sweden in a chapter for the book Legal aid in the Nordic countries, edited by Olaf Halvorsen Rønning and Ole Hammerslev, available online as an open-access source. Today, Sweden has a combination of public and private cover for - 2025-03-13

Students gained insight into breadth of research

Published 23 January 2018 On Wednesday 17th January students and researchers gathered in Stadshallen in Lund for the Sociology of Law Department's annual Panorama Day. Photo: Per Wickenberg The panorama day acts as the first meeting between students and researchers and gives students insight into the breadth of research offered by the Sociology of Law Department.Students who study Sociology of Law - 2025-03-13

Language skills and international workshop on Migration and Informality when interns from Uzbekistan visit Lund

Published 12 April 2018 COLLABORATION WITH UZBEKISTAN: The Sociology of Law Department at Lund University and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in Uzbekistan are closely collaborating within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme. Both partner universities exchange academic staff, PhD students, master and undergraduate students within the Erasmus exchange programme.Staff - 2025-03-13