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Student wins prize for bachelor's thesis

Published 16 October 2015 The Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority's (Brottsoffermyndigheten) praises Nora Germundsson, a student at the School of Social Work, for her bachelor thesis about the expectations of the country's women's shelters. Nora Germundsson was awarded second prize for her thesis "We need the voices - strong voices" - a qualitative study of new expectations of - 2025-03-09

Report from a Minor Field Study

Published 30 October 2015 In the spring of 2015 Lisa Hindström and Aleksandra Goreczna wrote their bachelor thesis about sex education in Grenada, after receiving an MFS scholarship for field studies. This is the report from their travels. When we decided to apply for a Minor Field Studies scholarship from The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, we were both abroad on internation - 2025-03-09

Carina Gallo receives award for innovative teaching

Published 6 November 2015 Carina Gallo, senior lecturer at the School of Social Work, and assistant professor of criminology at Holy Names University (HNU), has been awarded the Burmeister Award by the Division of Distance Learning of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Gallo shares the award with Julaine Fowlin, PhD, former instructional designer at HNU, for thei - 2025-03-09

Seminar to develop contacts with Singapore

Published 17 November 2015 Some forty Swedish top researchers and university delegations visited Singapore with the aim of developing research partnerships. Kristina Göransson, Senior Lecturer at the School of Social Work, represented Lund University's Faculty of Social Sciences at the Swedish Academic Collaboration Forum (SACF) in Singapore on 3-4 November. The project's aim is to make Swedish re - 2025-03-09

New LUCC Coordinator

By pia [dot] berntsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Pia Berntsson) - published 23 March 2021 Photo of Sophia Zackrisson by André de Loisted A new LUCC Coordinator has been appointed by the Dean of Faculty of Medicine at Lund University. Professor Sophia Zackrisson has been appointed as the new LUCC coordinator for a 3-year period and she will replace Kristian Pietras as coordinator from March 1st 2 - 2025-03-09

Grants to researchers from private donation and LUCC strategic funding

Published 11 May 2022 Several calls within LUCC have been open during Spring 2022 in different areas - innovation, nursing & rehabilitation and pancreatic cancer (private donation). The awardées were presented during the LUCC retreat which took place on 5 May 2022 in the Skåne University Hospital Lecture Hall in Lund. Charlène Estrada, Postdoctor, with the project "Study of cancer-associated fibro - 2025-03-09

Skåne University Hospital Cancer Centre accredited as Comprehensive Cancer Centre

Published 15 May 2022 Skåne University Hospital Cancer Centre (SUHCC) has been accredited as Comprehensive Cancer Centre (CCC) by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI). The accreditation as Comprehensive Cancer Centre means that an organisation has been approved according to the highly set quality criteria of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI). Skåne University H - 2025-03-09

LUCC Strategy Day 29 August 2022

Published 6 September 2022  The LUCC Executive group met at the Old Bishop's house to discuss the future strategy for LUCC on 29 August 2022. There were fruitful discussions about funding, activities and the future Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) since the plan is to establish a common SAB with Skåne University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Centre (SUHCCC). Photo by Sophia Zackrisson and Pia Bernt - 2025-03-09

New administrative support

Published 24 January 2023 Welcome Jana Hagman! Jana Hagman will start 1 March 2023 (20%) to support LUCC with communication in English and support to bigger events for the strategic translational networks. Jana is also Research Coordinator for the EU-funded CanFaster programmes hosted by Immunotechnology at Faculty of Engineering, Lund university. Welcome and we are looking forward to work with yo - 2025-03-09

Inauguration of Lund University Cancer Centre 4 February 2020

By Pia [dot] Berntsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Pia Berntsson) - published 12 February 2020 Lund University Cancer Centre was officially opened on the World Cancer Day 4 February 2020. The event was opened by the Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Erik Renström, who is the Chair of the Board of LUCC. The LUCC organisation and its strategic plan for 2020-2024 was presented by the LUCC Coordinator, Kri - 2025-03-09

New members in the LUCC board and Executive Group

Published 23 January 2024 Pamela Buchwald (left) is new member of LUCC executive group, starting 1 January 2024. She is also new Scientific Director of Skåne University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Centre (SUHCCC) replacing Lisa Rydén.We have also new LUCC board members from last year - PhD student representative Juliane Albrecht (upper middle) and Carina Bernardo (right) representing Future Facu - 2025-03-09

Best PhD thesis in cancer year 2023

Published 15 February 2024  The best cancer thesis of the year 2023 is Communication about serious illness as a relational process by Mattias Tranberg with the following motivation: "The work by Mattias Tranberg provides novel knowledge to improve clinical cancer care from a holistic viewpoint with focus on the relationship between health care staff and seriously ill patients". The price sum for t - 2025-03-09

Researchers present in Italy

Published 4 December 2015 On October 29, Anna Meeuwisse and Roberto Scaramuzzino were in Rome to present the results of a survey of Italian social workers. The survey originated in a project run at the School of Social Work between 2005 and 2008: 'Municipal individually-oriented social work in four Nordic capital areas' (FAS 2005-2008). The questionnaire is about social workers' workers' condition - 2025-03-09

Researchers published in prestigious journal

Published 12 February 2016 Alexandru Panican, researcher from the School of Social Work at Lund University and Richard Ulmestig from Linnaeus University has published an article about the Swedish welfare state and social assistance in the prestigious Citizenship Studies Journal. In the article Social Rights in the shadow of poor relief - Social Assistance in the universal Swedish welfare state the - 2025-03-09