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The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies and the Graduate School in Asian Studies joins the Nordic Asia Podcast

Published 22 February 2024 Photo by ConvertKit on Want to stay up-to-date on Asian affairs and research in the Nordics and beyond? Tune in to the Nordic Asia Podcast! The Nordic Asia Podcast is a collaboration between the following academic partners: Asia Centre, University of Tartu (Estonia), Asian Studies, University of Helsinki (Finland), Centre for Asian Studies, Vytautas Magnus U - 2025-03-13

Article on open access book publishing co-authored by Nicholas Loubere

Published 7 March 2024 AI generated image by Adobe Firefly Nicholas Loubere has co-authored an article on the importance of open access book publishing titled ‘Against Book Enclosures: Moving Towards more Diverse, Humane and Accessible Book Publishing’ Matthew Gandy's Commentary in Area (2023) criticised the decision of the national funder UKRI to mandate that all books resulting from the research - 2025-03-13

The end of Japanese pacifism: Article in the Conversation co-authored by Paul O'Shea

Published 21 March 2024 Screenshot from the Conversation website. Old friends, new allies: Japan aims to shore up its security in Asia through its own military and a series of regional alliances. Gints Ivuskans/Alamy Stock Photo Paul O'Shea and Sebastian Maslow (University of Tokyo) have published an article in the Conversation on the end of Japanese pacifism. The article examines Japan's new role - 2025-03-13

Internship position at the Centre open for applications

Published 10 April 2024 The Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies conducts research and teaching on Asia, and is looking for an intern. The successful candidate will contribute to both research and administration at the Centre and for the in-house journal, Asia in Focus. As part of their internship, the candidate will write an article, with feedback from researchers at the Centre, for submis - 2025-03-13

New Publication: From Women’s Space to Gendering the Public Sphere: Ai Xiaoming’s Practice of Everyday Life and Activism

Published 15 April 2024 Ai Xiaoming at the Office for Gender Education and Research at Sun Yat-sen University. Credit: Zeng Jinyan, 31 May 2013. Jinyan Zeng and Xibai Xu has co-authored a book chapter in Routledge Handbook of Chinese Gender & Sexuality. How do Chinese activists and intellectuals continue to make a social impact under heightened repression? In particular, how do female activists an - 2025-03-13

Congratulations to our PhD candidate Gina Song Lopez!

Published 17 April 2024 We are thrilled to share the exciting news of Gina's submission to the 2023-24 International Journal of Taiwan Studies (IJTS) Research Article Competition being awarded the winner of the Social Sciences category. The article titled “Going weigen: Animals, climate, and the new vegan movement in Taiwan” will be published in the IJTS after appropriate revision. You can read mo - 2025-03-13

Viewpoint: A New Round of Restrictions Further Constrains Religious Practice in Xinjiang

Published 22 April 2024 Photo by Martin Lavička Earlier this year, authorities in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region passed a revised version of the Xinjiang Regulations on Religious Affairs. The new rules emphasize the Sinicization of religion, ensuring that sites of religious worship, like mosques, reflect “Chinese characteristics and style.” Moreover, they are calling for the cultivation of - 2025-03-13

Visualising the Post-2000s Inland Tibet Class Generation: female authorship and renegotiation of ethnicity

Published 12 June 2024 Posters of Kangdrun’s three short films Red Bucket and Key, Sophia and Chödrön’s TV Show, and Short Summer in Lhasa. Courtesy of the filmmaker. New research article by Jinyan Zeng. This study investigates the first films made by a female director, Kangdrun (T: Gangs sgron, གངས་སྒྲོན་, Gangzhen, 岗珍, b. 1995) belonging to the Post-2000s Inland Tibet Class (ITC) generation. Fol - 2025-03-13

Do US bases in Japan deter its neighbours? The role of the US Marines on Okinawa in extended deterrence

Published 25 June 2024 Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. Photo by Sonata from Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Paul O’Shea has published a peer-reviewed article in Social Science Japan Journal, analysing the role of US bases in Japan. Do they contribute to deterrence? The relocation of the controversial Marine base at Futenma on Okinawa to - 2025-03-13

Palgrave Handbook of Political Norms in Southeast Asia

Published 28 June 2024 Astrid Norén-Nilsson has co-edited a Palgrave Handbook on contemporary political norm dynamics in Southeast Asia. This open access handbook aims to constitute a reference point on political norm dynamics in Southeast Asia, by bringing together the array of normative repertoires that frame the possibilities for citizens to participate in, set agendas for, make decisions in, a - 2025-03-13

New publication: "Reimagining Species Relations: A Decade of Studying and Teaching Critical Animal Studies at Lund University"

Published 27 August 2024 Our PhD candidate Gina Song Lopez is one of the editors of this new anthology. As a member of the Lund University Critical Animal Studies Network (LUCASN) our PhD candidate Gina Song Lopez is one of the editors of the series as well as a contributor.The 15-chapter collection serves as a reflective, retrospective, and celebratory collaboration among teachers, former student - 2025-03-13

"Current Dynamics in Southeast Asia: New perspectives in political economy and comparative politics"

Published 28 August 2024 Aerial view over Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo by Kelly on Launch of new European seminar series This new seminar series is a collaboration between the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Inalco), Paris; Sciences Po, Paris; and the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund. It is co-coordinated by Senior Lecturer Astrid Norén-Nilsso - 2025-03-13

New publication: “The Specter of Potential Foreigners: Revisiting the Postcolonial Citizenship Regimes of Myanmar and India”

Published 4 September 2024 New research on Burma and India by Elizabeth Rhoads co-authored with Ritanjan Das at Leiden University, takes a comparative historical approach, tracing citizenship policies in both countries since Burma’s partition from British India in 1937. The article argues that the specter of “potential foreigners” continues to play a role in how both countries determine citizenshi - 2025-03-13

Q&A Interview with National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR Asia) on Japanese foreign policy

Published 8 October 2024 Paul O’Shea was interviewed by NBR Asia on the state of Japan’s foreign and security policy since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine has pushed Japan to implement new defense and national security policies. This includes increasing defense spending to 2% of the nation’s GDP by 2027—a historic 60% increase that will result in Japan havi - 2025-03-13

Asia in Focus Issue no. 10 is out now!

Published 15 October 2024 The second issue since the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies overtook publication, features another round of thought-provoking articles written by early career scholars. Asia in Focus is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal published yearly online. It aims to support and give early career scholars affiliated or recently affiliated with a Nordic institution of h - 2025-03-13

Korean translation of Global China as Method

Published 4 November 2024 A Korean translation of the book Global China as Method (co-authored by Nicholas Loubere and Ivan Franceschini) has been published. Is China part of the world? Based on much of the political, media, and popular discourse in the West the answer is seemingly no. Even after four decades of integration into the global socioeconomic system, discussions of China continue to be - 2025-03-13

New Publication: "The Paradoxical Development of Liberal Governance: International Adoption Policy and Professional Social Work in Authoritarian South Korea, 1953–1976”

Published 13 November 2024 Youngeun Koo has published an open-access article in the Journal of Social History on the history of the orphan registry and adoption law, exploring the emergence of modern governance in South Korea. This article explores the development of international adoption policy in post-liberation South Korea, emphasizing the roles of American and Korean professional social worke - 2025-03-13

Samhället och ålderismen - CASE-forskaren Håkan Jönson medverkade på Sandblomdagen

Av maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - publicerad 1 november 2022 Håkan Jönson. Årets Sandblomdag den 27 oktober hade temat "Att åldras". Evenemanget drog stora skaror åhörare och sändes även online. Kända namn som Ingmar Skoog, Sölve Elmståhl, Merete Mazzarella och Barbro Westerholm pratade utifrån olika perspektiv på temat. Här kan du se och lyssna på hela programm - 2025-03-13

Första workshopen i profilområdesarbetet 

Av maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - publicerad 8 november 2022 Susanne Iwarsson med Taina Rantanen, Jyväskylä University, som var med online. Forskaren Johannes Ehinger syns till vänster i bilden. Profilområdet ”Proaktivt åldrande: Hjärna och rörelse - från molekylära förändringar till engagemang i livet och samhället” har nu startat med en workshop med cirka 30 f - 2025-03-13