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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2022

Published 3 October 2022 The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Svante Pääbo for his “discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution”. We had the great pleasure to listen to Svante Pääbo in a fantastic presentation entitled “Archaic Genomics” at the NMMP event in Ystad in May this year. His rese - 2025-01-25

3D visualization of vascular lesions and the role of versican in pulmonary arterial hypertension

Published 3 October 2022 Pulmonary hypertension, high blood pressure in the lung, is a devastating condition where no curative treatment is available. Christian Westöö, PhD student in Karin Tran Lundmark's research team, has used synchrotron-based micro-CT as a tool for increased understanding of disease distribution in 3D space, in human tissue from patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. - 2025-01-25

Filipe Pereira is appointed Full Professor at Lund University!

Published 3 October 2022 Within 5 years after his recruitment for the Wallenberg Centre of Molecular Medicine at Lund University, which brought Principal Investigator Filipe Pereira in 2017 to Sweden, he has been appointed full Professorship in Molecular Medicine, Regeneration, Transplantation and Repair in the Hematopoietic System. The academic path of Filipe Pereira has taken him from Portugal t - 2025-01-25

Press Releases about Bourgine lab

Published 3 October 2022 Shortly after the great news that Paul Bourgine, associate senior lecturer in Molecular Skeletal Biology at the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine, Lund University, was awarded the ERC Proof of Concept grant, two new press-releases have been published in Dagens Medicin and News Cision acknowledging the great work and novel funding of a new confocal microscope for his - 2025-01-25

WCMM ScienceBrew

Published 4 October 2022 Are you a fan of popular science communication? Are you interested in presenting your work in an open and casual setting outside the scientific community? Well, now you can!  The communications team proudly presents the WCMM ScienceBrew: a new series of popular science talks featuring selected popular science talks by PhD students and postdocs at at Lund university.  The W - 2025-01-25

Prince Daniel’s Research Grant to Andreas Edsfeldt!

Published 3 November 2022 This year Prince Daniel's grant for particularly promising young researchers was awarded WCMM researcher Andreas Edsfeldt for his research on atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes. The Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation wishes to foster the next generation of young researchers. One way in which it does this is by awarding grants to particularly promising young researchers. Andrea - 2025-01-25

Get to know the Scientific Advisory Board

Published 3 November 2022 For those of you that maybe did not know, WCMM Lund has a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) composed of four internationally recognized experts. Two of them know the WCMM Centre quite well by now and the other two are just newly recruited. The role of the WCMM SAB is to provide strategic guidance and direction the WCMM Centre regarding scientific aspects, strategic directio - 2025-01-25

Welcome Chimezie Harrison Umeano!

Published 3 November 2022 Chimezie Harrison Umeano is a new graduate student in regenerative immunology at Nicholas Leigh’s lab. He has a background in biochemistry and biomedicine and has previously been engaged as a laboratory technician at the Karolinska Institute. Chimezie is interested in how highly regenerative species like salamanders modulate their immune system to promote regeneration. As - 2025-01-25

Swedish Medical Products Agency grants approval for clinical study of new stem cell based Parkinson’s Disease treatment

Published 3 November 2022 Dopamine-producing neurons that researchers from Lund University have grown in the laboratory from human embryonic stem cells (Photo: Agneta Kirkeby) An investigational stem cell-based therapy for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, STEM-PD, has been given regulatory approval for a Phase I/IIa clinical trial. Ethical approval of the trial has already been obtained from - 2025-01-25

Open position!

Published 3 November 2022 The Pereira group is seeking for 1 post-doctoral candidate for a collaborative project with the company Asgard therapeutics. The Pereira group has pioneered cell fate reprogramming approaches in immunology with induced dendritic cells (Rosa et al, Science Immunology 2018; Rosa et al, Science Immunology 2022) and has shown recently that the same combination of factors can - 2025-01-25

New publication in Science Translational Medicine

Published 3 November 2022 Patient neuroblastoma cells (yellow) in a humanized ossicle. Picture by Dimitra Zacharaki, postdoctoral researcher The Bourgine lab has published a new article in Science Translational Medicine reporting the fast and standardized generation of human mini-bones/humanized ossicles, and assess to what extent they can reflect the human bone marrow microenvironment. Human ossi - 2025-01-25

New webpage

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 26 October 2018 New webpage has been created and a change of technology Due to updates in technology a brand new webpage for WCMM has now been created. We hope you find this to your liking. - 2025-01-25

The role of cell death in diabetes-associated cardiovascular disease

Published 8 December 2022 WCMM researcher Andreas Edsfeldt has been awarded the SSMF consolatory grant, a five-year grant that gives prominent researchers the opportunity to strengthen their position as independent researchers, for his research on the role of cell death in diabetes-associated cardiovascular disease. Diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2D) is rapidly increasing worldwide, and people with T2 - 2025-01-25

19.5 MSEK to clinical WCMM researcher!

Published 8 December 2022 Sandra Lindstedt has received 19.5 MSEK, the grant for clinical studies within therapy research from the Swedish Research Counsil, for her project entitled “Cytokine filtration at lung transplantation”. This grant aims to enable a constellation of researchers within regions and academia to work towards a common research goal. The purpose is to provide support for clinical - 2025-01-25

DNA goes ballistic

Published 2 June 2020 science.pdf File science.pdf Subscriber: UNIV OF CALIFORNIA - LOS ANGELES | Sign In as Individual | FAQ | Access Rights | Join AAAS21 July 2003DNA Goes BallisticJust how viruses manage to get their DNA into a host cell has been a long-standing question in biology. Research now shows that they shoot their DNA in by keeping it under high pressure.DNA cannon. The Lambda virus ke - 2025-01-25

High-powered living DNA cannon

Published 2 June 2020 nano_tsunami.com_-_nano_medicine_in_depth.pdf File nano_tsunami.com_-_nano_medicine_in_depth.pdf High-powered living DNA cannonWe all know that a viral infection can be developed extremely quickly, but in factit's even more dramatic than that - the process is literally explosive.The pressure inside a virus is 40 atmospheres, and it is just waiting for anopportunity to blow up - 2025-01-25

Peking världens huvudstad för diabetes

Publicerad 25 mars 2010 Fler än 92 miljoner vuxna i Kina har diabetes och ytterligare 150 miljoner är på väg att insjukna. De alarmerande siffrorna gör att prognoserna för antalet diabetiker i världen måste räknas om. Ännu en gång. Med jämna mellanrum publicerar Internationella Diabetesfederationen (IDF) prognoser över hur snabbt den globala diabetesepidemin kommer att växa. Kurvorna har stadigt p - 2025-01-25

Stora pengar för kartläggning av sambandet stress och diabetes

Publicerad 26 mars 2010 Anders Rosengren, läkare på Skånes Universitetssjukhus och forskare på Lunds Universitets Diabetescenter i Malmö, har fått sex och en halv miljon kronor från Novo Nordisk Fondens Excellensprojekt. - Det betyder oerhört mycket. Jag kan starta en egen forskargrupp och driva forskningsarbetet i högre fart, säger Anders Rosengren.Det projekt han presenterade och, som i hård kon - 2025-01-25

Leptin - kanske bättre än insulin

Publicerad 30 oktober 2010 Blodsockerkontrollen både förbättrades och stabiliserades när diabetessjuka möss behandlades med hormonet leptin istället för med insulin. Forskarna bakom upptäckten hoppas att detsamma gäller för människor. - Insulinbehandling är för många såväl otillräcklig för en bra blodsockerkontroll som betungande med kraftiga sockersvängningar och symtom. Gäller våra resultat ocks - 2025-01-25

Söt skatteväxling mot övervikt och fetma

Publicerad 7 april 2010 Straffskatt på socker och samtidigt skattelättnader på frukt och grönsaker. Det skulle bli ett effektivt vapen mot fetma, diabetes, hjärt- kärlsjukdomar och cancer, menar fem tunga kostdebattörer i artikel i Dagens Nyheter. De fem – Calude Marcus, Stephan Rössner, Lennart Levi, André Persson och Thomas Hedlund – är kända forskare och/eller kostdebattörer som i ett försök at - 2025-01-25