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Workshop on Hindu Majoritarianism, Caste Politics, and Minoritisation

By sandra [dot] jakobsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jakobsson) - published 9 June 2023 At the end of May, SASNET organised a two-day workshop at Lund University on Hindu Majoritarianism, Caste Politics, and Minoritisation. The workshop brought together scholars from a range of disciplines, including social anthropology, history, psychology, and political science. The workshop took place - 2025-03-07

Christophe Jaffrelot on Hindu Vigilantism and the Making of a “Deeper” State in India 

By sandra [dot] jakobsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jakobsson) - published 19 June 2023 In May, SASNET organised its first annual lecture. It was given by Professor Christophe Jaffrelot, King’s College London. In case you missed the lecture, the recording is now available on our website.  On 4 May, SASNET arranged its inaugural annual lecture in collaboration with the Association of Fore - 2025-03-07

SASNET at the Almedalen Week: “What Does India Want in Global Politics and How Does it Affect Sweden”

By sandra [dot] jakobsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jakobsson) - published 3 July 2023 From left to right: Yasemin Arhan Modéer, Ted Svensson, Jakob Skovgaard, Malin Mendel, Cecilia Oskarsson and Henrik Chetan Aspengren. During the annual Almedalen Week in Visby, SASNET co-organised a panel debate, together with the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI). The panel debate "What - 2025-03-07

Journalist Students Linn Jönsson and Maria Lundström Receive SASNET Travel Grant

By sandra [dot] jakobsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jakobsson) - published 16 August 2023 Linn Jönsson and Maria Lundström are planning to use the SASNET grant to study Hindu nationalism and climate activism in Mumbai. Linn Jönsson and Maria Lundström are the recipients of this year's SASNET travel grant for journalism students at Lund University. The students plan to travel together to - 2025-03-07

Leiden conference on Waste in Asia

Published 5 June 2016 The Institute of Area Studies at Leiden University, The Netherlands, organizes an international conference on waste in Asia on 9–11 June 2016. The organizers invite proposals on the broad theme of ‘Waste in Asia’ from the humanities and social sciences regarding both the present days and the past. Possible topics may include, but need not to be limited to, waste collection an - 2025-03-07

Blog post by Priscyll Anctil: “Taliban Takeover - Two Years On”

By sandra [dot] jakobsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jakobsson) - published 22 August 2023 Photo: Ali Karimi Priscyll Anctil, a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Political Science, recently published a blog post about the human rights violations, especially against women, in Afghanistan since the Taliban seized power two years ago. The blog post is available below. August 15, 2023, - 2025-03-07

Sahana Subramanian: “Urban India is Facing a Twin Crisis” 

By sandra [dot] jakobsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jakobsson) - published 31 August 2023 Sahana Subramanian recently completed her master’s degree at Lund University. Her thesis “Expanding Freedoms and Improving Commons through Labour”, studies Kerala’s Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme and, for this, she received this year’s SASNET Best South Asia Thesis Award.  Sahana Subram - 2025-03-07

Misse Wester: “We Are Grateful for the Participants Contribution and Hope to Stay Connected!”

By sandra [dot] jakobsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jakobsson) - published 14 September 2023 The summer school on Gender, Disasters and Climate Risk took place last week at Lund University, gathering 15 professionals and doctoral students from eight different countries for a weeklong visit at the Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, LTH.  Misse Wester, professor and course le - 2025-03-07

Film Screening of Indian Documentary While We Watched

By matilda [dot] skoglow [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Matilda Skoglöw) - published 5 October 2023 In cooperation with Doc Lounge Malmö and Lund University's School of Journalism, SASNET hosted a well-attended film screening of the Indian documentary While We Watched. Visiting from India was Director Vinay Shukla. The Indian documentary While We Watched (2022) tells the story of broadcast journalis - 2025-03-07

Annual SASNET Symposium Held in Lund

By matilda [dot] skoglow [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Matilda Skoglöw) - published 18 October 2023 Scholars from Sweden and abroad attended the 2023 SASNET Symposium in Lund. The participants shared ongoing research on South Asia, on topics such as sustainability, civil society, and community-making. On 29 September, SASNET hosted the annual SASNET Symposium in Lund at the venue Gamla Biskopshuset - 2025-03-07

From Indian Nationalism to Anarchism: the Untold Story of M.P.T. Acharya

By matilda [dot] skoglow [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Matilda Skoglöw) - published 8 November 2023 Is anarchy really chaos? Not according to M.P.T. Acharya - India's renowned anti-colonial anarchist of the early 20th century. A new biography by Lund University researcher Ole Birk Laursen delves into the life and ideology of Acharya, the Indian fight for freedom, and global events that influenced i - 2025-03-07

SASNET Retreat Brings PhD Students Together

Published 13 December 2023 PhD retreat participants of 2023 (left to right): Shantanu Sharma, Carmen Margiotta, Therese Boje Mortensen, Sahana Subramanian, and Emma Lennhammer. In early December, doctoral students from Lund University gathered for discussing their respective papers, reflecting on fieldwork experiences, and brainstorming ideas. Their common focus: the South Asia region. In the pict - 2025-03-07

Organizational Octopuses: Exploring Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in South Asia

Published 19 December 2023 Marie Stissing Jensen, PhD student at Lund University and SASNET grantee, travels Sri Lanka and Nepal to better understand the ecosystem of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships. They have been deemed vital for realizing the 2030 Agenda goals, due to their perceived ability to overcome ‘silo-thinking’ between sectors – but how and to what extent do they do this, and what exactl - 2025-03-07

Reporting from Bombay: Young Perspectives on Indian Politics

Published 4 January 2024 Young people in India are often described as a well-educated and progressive force. How does that align with the right-wing populism sweeping through the country? Journalism student Linn Jönsson embarked on a reporting journey to Bombay, delving into religious and political conflicts of present-day India. In the Fall of 2023, Linn Jönsson received the SASNET travel grant f - 2025-03-07

Duty Bearers Beyond the State: The Role of NGOs in Upholding Human Rights in India

Published 25 January 2024 The state is a necessity for implementing human rights, right? Starting her PhD thesis, Dr. Therese Boje Mortensen wanted to challenge the presumptions behind this philosophy, studying the case of NGOs in India. Five years later, we have the results. In December of 2023, Dr. Therese Boje Mortensen successfully defended her dissertation NGOs as Child Rights Implementers in - 2025-03-07

49 panels accepted for 24th European Conference on South Asian Studies in Warsaw

Published 5 June 2016 The 24th European Conference on South Asian Studies – ECSAS 2016 will take place at the University of Warsaw, Poland from 27 to 30 July 2016. The biannual conference, organised by the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS) is this time hosted by the Faculty of Oriental Studies at University of Warsaw. The chief convener is Prof. Danuta Stasik. A total number of - 2025-03-07

Apply Now: SASNET Travel Grants Spring 2024

Published 31 January 2024 The SASNET Travel Grant for Journalism Students and our South Asia Travel Grant for Doctoral Students are now open for applications. These grants support fieldwork and research in South Asia. The SASNET Travel Grant for Journalism Students The SASNET Travel Grant for Journalism Students is a grant for students at the School of Journalism (‘Journalistutbildningen’), Lund U - 2025-03-07

SASNET 2023 Activity Report is published

Published 12 March 2024 Read about our activities during 2023 in our recently published Activity Report. Throughout 2023, SASNET organised a variety of live events at Lund University and beyond. These events were attended by researchers, students, and members of the public. The lectures and seminars touched upon a wide range of topics related to South Asia and are now summarized in our newly publi - 2025-03-07

Beyond South Asia: Diasporas and the Sacred Geography of Hinduism

By matilda [dot] skoglow [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Matilda Skoglöw) - published 28 March 2024 From historical hardships to modern resurgence. In a recent co-hosted SASNET seminar, Professor Knut A Jacobsen uncovered the story of Hindu diasporas and their influence on sacred spaces beyond South Asia. On 20 March, Professor Knut A. Jacobsen from the University of Bergen visited Lund to hold a sem - 2025-03-07

SASNET Grants for South Asia Focused Research Applications

Published 18 April 2024 Are you a Lund University researcher in the process of planning, writing, or submitting a research application that relates to South Asia issues? You are now able to apply for two SASNET research application grants. We are happy two announce that two SASNET grants are now open for applications. Both grants are for employed Lund University researchers, currently working on a - 2025-03-07