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University management goals for increased sustainability

Published 19 June 2019 The vice-chancellor, in consultation with the University Management, has taken a decision on goals for their own organisation. Digital meetings and train travel are to be the first choice; however, for trips when management does need to fly, renewable fuels are to be purchased. Another goal is to serve vegetarian or fish as the standard option for snacks, lunches and dinners - 2025-01-09

SSC has discovered unauthorised access to data

Published 28 August 2019 The National Government Service Centre (SSC), which manages the University’s payroll system Primula has reported a case of unauthorised access to data in the system. A user at one of the SSC client authorities accessed personal data from Primula without authorisation to do so.  We have not been informed about whether or not Lund University is affected by the data breach. A - 2025-01-09

Electoral College appoints its four members to the Recruitment Committee

Published 16 September 2019 The Electoral College has now appointed its four members to the Recruitment Committee, which is to prepare proposals for the new vice-chancellor and deputy vice-chancellor. The members are:Head of office Catrin Malmström, non-academic staffGustav Ekström, studentSenior lecturer Johan Östling, teaching staffProfessor Viveka Alfredsson, teaching staffA further four member - 2025-01-09

Kristin Asgermyr is the new Data Protection Officer

Published 13 September 2019 Kristin Asgermyr is Lund University’s new Data Protection Officer. She joins the University from the world of banking and has broad experience of working comprehensively on data protection, information security, risk management and observance of regulations. Kristin started in August and is based at the Legal Division. She has now moved from a management position to a s - 2025-01-09

Decision taken on strategy for sustainable development 2019-2026

Published 26 September 2019 The vice-chancellor has now taken a decision on a long-term strategy for sustainable development at Lund University. The strategy affects all of the University’s activities and all of its employees. Each organisation is responsible for producing action plans that describe in detail how the strategy is to be followed. In parallel to this work, a university-wide action pl - 2025-01-09

Tips and advice on email management

Published 2 March 2020 180 000 e-mails are sent everyday within Lund University, and most are simple and quickly taken care of. However, quite a few are unclear and difficult to interpret. To simplify the communication between staff, some recommendations have been drawn up on how we can communicate internally and externally in a more structured way in order for it to be easier for all recipients a - 2025-01-09

New support form - how to get the best possible support from the Division of Finance

Published 26 September 2019 As of 16 September, you will be given the right support quickly via our new support form. The form is just as fast to fill in as it is to write an email, with the added extra of you indicating a category. The category directs your question to the right group in our case management system. As before, support is available during normal business hours and we will respond a - 2025-01-09

All members of the Recruitment Committee are now appointed

Published 27 September 2019 The Electoral College and University Board have now each appointed four members to the Recruitment Committee, which is to prepare proposals for the new vice-chancellor and deputy vice-chancellor. The University Board decided to appoint its chair Jonas Hafström as chair of the Recruitment Committee. The other members are:Head of finance Ingrid Bengtsson-Rijavec, Malmö Un - 2025-01-09

Contentment in the moment makes life more enjoyable

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 30 September 2019 Ulrika Sandén, taking a break from driving her motorcycle. Photo:Kennet Ruona. She has survived a brain tumour and hates empty phrases such as “seize the day” and “live in the present”. Despite this, after the tumour operation Ulrika Sandén both researched and wrote a book on what she calls “C - 2025-01-09

Professional development in Lund inspired agents for change

By emma [dot] holm [at] education [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Holm) - published 2 October 2019 Nurul Izzati is teaching at Sumbawa University of Technology in Indonesia. Photo:Jenny Loftrup Just over a year has passed since LU was awarded funds by the Swedish Institute (SI) to implement three of the five announced capacity building programmes focusing on Agenda 2030. Professional course participants f - 2025-01-09

The algorithm maker saving lives

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (louise[dot]larsson[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se) - published 1 October 2019 Tommy Andersson Photo: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg Kidney exchange, refugee placements and choosing schools. Separate things but with the common denominator that, with digitalisation's new tools, it is possible to save both time and money – and to save lives.  "I don't like it when I - 2025-01-09

Klimattoppmötet i Glasgow – vad handlar det om och vad spelar det för roll?

Av anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - publicerad 19 oktober 2021 Bild: IStock Den 31 oktober samlas representanter från världens alla hörn i Glasgow för att delta i FN:s stora klimattoppmöte COP26 som ska pågå i två veckor. Förväntningarna är skyhöga efter fjolårets inställda konferens och den alarmerande rapport som FN:s klimatpanel IPCC släppte i augusti. So - 2025-01-09

Modellering för humlornas överlevnad

Av izabella [dot] rosengren [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Izabella Rosengren) - publicerad 11 november 2021 Broderi och foto av Maria Blasi Brist på livsmiljöer och klimatförändringen - parametrar som forskare vet påverkar antalet pollinatörer. Men hur mycket påverkar de och vad mer bidrar till att bin och humlor blir en allt ovanligare syn i landskapet? Det har Maria Blasi i Romero försökt ta reda - 2025-01-09

Val av trädarter har stor betydelse för insektslivet i en stad

Av anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - publicerad 17 november 2021 Plataner, en icke-inhemsk art, i Slottsparken i Malmö. Bild: Anna Maria Erling. Vilken sorts träd man planterar – om man väljer arter som är inhemska eller icke-inhemska – har stor betydelse för insektslivet i en stad, större än vad forskarna tidigare trott. Det visar en ny studie från Lunds uni - 2025-01-09

Luftburen DNA – forskarnas nya metod att kartlägga insekter

Av anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - publicerad 14 december 2021 Forskarna kunde bland annat upptäcka luftburen DNA från bin, nattfjärilar, skalbaggar, myggor, getingar och flugor. Bild: Photorama/Pixabay. Insekters DNA går att fånga in och upptäcka via luften. Det visar forskning från Lunds universitet. Tekniken, som är ny på insektsområdet, kan få stor bety - 2025-01-09

Miljönyttan av ekologisk odling beror på det omgivande landskapet

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 14 januari 2022 Foto: Mostphotos Att odla ekologiskt i stället för konventionellt kan gynna den biologiska mångfalden, men spelar det någon roll var (på vilken plats) man odlar ekologiskt? Enligt en studie från Centrum för miljö- och klimatvetenskap (CEC) och AgriFood Economics Centre vid Lunds universitet och SLU är - 2025-01-09

Vilda bin och honungsbin konkurrerar om maten

Av anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - publicerad 1 februari 2022 Honungsbin och vilda bin konkurrerar om blomresurser, konstaterar forskare i Lund i en ny rapport. Bild: Sandra Lindström. Hur honungsbin påverkar vilda bin uppmärksammas allt mer. I en ny rapport från Lunds universitet konstaterar forskarna att honungsbin konkurrerar med vilda bin om blomresurse - 2025-01-09

Viktigt att beskriva vetenskaplig osäkerhet

Av izabella [dot] rosengren [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Izabella Rosengren) - publicerad 14 februari 2022 Ivette Raices Cruz beskriver i sin avhandling vikten av att kommunicera vetenskaplig osäkerhet. Bild: Istockphoto/BrianAJackson Vetenskapliga råd till beslutsfattare kräver transparenta vetenskapliga bedömningar i vilka kommunikation av osäkerhet är viktigt för att undvika att slutsatser över- - 2025-01-09

Dags igen - hitta vårens första humla

Av stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Johannesson) - publicerad 25 februari 2022 Jordhumla. Foto: Theresia Widhalm Känner du igen en humla när du ser en? Även i år kan du hjälpa forskare vid Lunds universitet att ta reda på när humlorna vaknar i olika delar av landet genom att rapportera in var och när du ser vårens första humledrottning. Vi söker deltagare från hela landet - 2025-01-09