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New book: Sociology of Law as the Science of Norms

Published 19 January 2022 Håkan Hydén has written a new book that discusses the study of norms as a method of explaining human choice and behaviour. Author: Håkan Hydén, senior professor in sociology of law, Lund University Year of publication: 2021 Publishing house: Routledge  Abstract This book proposes the study of norms as a method of explaining human choice and behaviour by introducing a new - 2024-12-25

Jakob Hobér's presentation seminar

Published 19 May 2021 A warm welcome to doctoral student Jakob Hobér's presentation seminar on May 27 at 13.15-15.00! Swedish Jakob kommer att presentera sitt projekt som har den tentativa titeln ”Skuldebrevs cirkulering - En obligationsrättslig studie över överlåtelse och pantsättning av skuldebrev: särskilt om invändnings- och legitimationsrätten”. Anmäl dig till pernilla [dot] hakanssonpernilla - 2024-12-25

Psykoterapeuter får jobb efter utbildningen!

Published 13 December 2023 I en nyligen publicerad artikel i Dagens Nyheter räknas Psykoterapeutprogrammet till en av de tio högskoleutbildningar där flest får jobb efter avklarad examen. Så många som 96% av psykoterapeutstudenterna får jobb efter utbildningen, och det gör att programmet hamnar på tredje plats i DN:s lista. Här kan du läsa artikeln i DN. - 2024-12-25

COSMOS Dreams – Presentation of COSMOS and new possibilities – 12th of October 13.30-15.30

Published 28 September 2022 The new HPC resource at LUNARC, COSMOS, will be installed during the fall. Are you curious about what new possibilities this resource offers you as a researcher? Would you like to know how existing users take advantage of LUNARC resources? Do you have questions regarding the use of LUNARC services? Do you need help improving your scientific workflows? If you answer yes - 2024-12-25

Apply now! Oct 6: Bioinformatics Peer review Support track (now including Cryo-EM/ET!)

Published 25 September 2023 One of the national services offered by NBIS/SciLifeLab is the Bioinformatics Peer review Support track (a.k.a. WABI), providing competences in large-scale data analysis for genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, Cryo-EM/ET and other technologies. This support has been enabled by funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and is a part of the S - 2024-12-25

Registration is open for the first LU-Fold workshop!

Published 25 September 2023   Introducing LU-Fold workshops! First workshop 28th November 2023: “AlphaFold2 made easy” An introduction to modeling structures of proteins and small complexes, interpreting and visualising the results Location: E12034, Forum Medicum Cost: Free! Registration is required. Strictly limited to 30 places, allocated on a first come, first served basis, with priority for Lu - 2024-12-25

Presenting the InfraVis visualisation infrastructure - March 14,2024

Published 6 March 2024 2024 LU eScience Hub Event on Thursday 14 March:  Presenting the InfraVis visualisation infrastructure - visualisation experts at your service Programme:13:15 Alexandros Sopasakis - welcome on behalf of the LU eScience hub 13:20 Emanuel Larsson, Node Coordinator for InfraVisTitle: "Introducing Infravis @LU and application experts" 13:35 Jonas Lindemann, LUNARCTitle: "Visuali - 2024-12-25

Registration opened for: "Introduction to R", 2 - 8 May 2024

Published 7 March 2024  The course covers the basics of R with a focus on basic functions, different data structures, import and export of data between R and other programs, data visualization, functions to summarise and manipulate data, Rstudio – an integrated development environment (IDE), as well as basic statistics functions in R.  This course is given jointly with the ClimBEco and IBIO resear - 2024-12-25

Start for LUBI seminar series

By karin [dot] engstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Karin Engström) - published 22 January 2021 LUBI will start organizing a seminar series this spring. The seminars will focus on methods in bioinformatics. The focus of these seminar series are methods: how-to apply bioinformatics in a study or in one´s research, described at a level that can attract researchers at many different stages The first - 2024-12-25

LUBI website created

Published 22 January 2021 LUBI website is now alive! We hope you can find information about events, resources, news etc. related to bioinformatics here. If you have an event or any other information relevant for the website, contact karin [dot] engstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Karin Engström). - 2024-12-25

Workshop to start LUBI

Published 20 January 2021 A workshop was organized September 30th in order to start a bioinformatics network at Lund University. Notes from the bioinformatics network meeting 30th   Summary: The workshop to start a bioinformatics network at Lund University took place at Segerfalkssalen, the 30th of September 2020. It was organized by the department of Laboratory medicine and the coordinator for bi - 2024-12-25

Registration for Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop SBW2021 is now open!

Published 28 April 2021 The Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop, or SBW for short, is an annual event that has been organized by different universities in Sweden since 2000. This year it is arranged by Lund University and will take place in Lund (hopefully in person at MatteAnnexet and as a hybrid event) 20-21st of October 2021. The target group is traditionally PhD students and postdocs working with - 2024-12-25

NBIS Bioinformatics Long-term Support call

Published 28 April 2021 Bioinformatics Long-term Support call is still open. See information from NBIS below. Projects are selected based on their scientific quality. The deadline for the next round of applications to be reviewed by the national evaluation committee is MONDAY MAY 3, 2021 (24:00) *** We encourage research projects related to the current COVID-19 pandemic to consider applying in thi - 2024-12-25

Webinarieserie om juridik i befolkningsforskning (seminar series in Swedish)

Published 4 May 2021 I maj bjuder LUPOP (Lund University Population Research Platform) och SND (Svensk Nationell Datatjänst) in till en webinarieserie om juridik i befolkningsforskning. Webinarierna kommer att handla om arkivering av forskningsdata, forskningsdata som allmän handling, och överföring av data till tredje land. Föreläsningarna med efterföljande frågestund kommer att hållas på svenska - 2024-12-25

Upcoming LUBI events autumn 2021

Published 30 June 2021 Below is a list of upcoming events for LUBI this autumn. October 6th          10-11      Lokeshwaran Manoharan . “Workflows and reproducible research” , Segerfalkssalen, BMC (fika included) or zoom, depending on restrictions. Register here: October 20-21    9-17:30     Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop 2021, (, Matteannexet MA6. October 27th      13 - 2024-12-25

NBIS is recruiting, 2 postitions at Lund University

Published 1 July 2021 NBIS is looking for experts who will participate primarily in support regarding next-generation (NGS) or third generation sequencing (e.g. long read sequencing) data analysis, but also in other types of bioinformatics analyses. The work involves supporting Swedish researchers in this field under a “fee for service” model. Last day of application is September 12th. For more in - 2024-12-25

The SNIC Large and LUMI Sweden Fall 2021 calls are open

Published 4 October 2021 The SNIC Large Fall 2021 and LUMI Sweden Fall 2021 calls are open. The deadline for submissions is 15 October 2021 at 3 PM CEST. Please note that there are three calls–one each for Large compute, Large storage, and LUMI Sweden. SNIC Large compute call The call for compute at the SNIC website: The call for compute in SU - 2024-12-25

Application open for MedBioInfo, the National Graduate School in Medical Bioinformatics

Published 25 October 2021 To all current and prospective 1st year PhD students in Bioinformatics,   You are invited to apply to MedBioInfo, the National Graduate School in Medical Bioinformatics, established to provide advanced training in bioinformatics to the next generation of world-class life-science researchers.  Our 43 affiliated faculty members include most of the leading bioinformaticians - 2024-12-25