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Your search for "*" yielded 532326 hits

Nyhetsbrev (oktober) - E-media och vetenskaplig kommunikation

Publicerad 28 oktober 2024 COUNTER Code of Practice 5.1. Vid årsskiftet kommer standarden COUNTER Code of Practice i en ny version. Det som förändras är bland annat att nya datatyper tillkommer, att förlagen förväntas mäta nedladdning av e-böcker på ett annat sätt än tidigare och att en ny rapporttyp för att mäta öppet tillgängligt material tillkommer.Mer information: COUNTER Code of Practice 5.1. - 2025-02-23

Nyhetsbrev (november) - E-media och vetenskaplig kommunikation

Publicerad 21 november 2024 Nytt gränssnitt till EBSCOhost Den 4:e februari ändras gränssnittet för samtliga EBSCOhost-databaser. Vi har gjort det möjligt för er att redan nu bekanta er med det. Länken nedan visar gränssnittet med samtliga databaser valda, men detta kan ändras via länk ovanför sökrutan. Observera att färger, loggor och vissa funk - 2025-02-23

Nyhetsbrev (december-januari) - E-media och vetenskaplig kommunikation

Publicerad 16 december 2024 UppsägningarInför 2025 har följande e-resurser sagts upp:•    Vietnam Law Service (Vietnam Law Translation service) •    Benezit Dictionary of Artists•    Global Privacy Law Review (GPLR)•    IEL Constitutional Law •    IEL Criminal Law•    IEL Family and Succession Law•    Kluwer Competition Law (•    British History Online (BHO) •    Talmud Te - 2025-02-23

Nyhetsbrev (februari) - E-media och vetenskaplig kommunikation

Publicerad 10 februari 2025 Nytt gränssnitt till EBSCOhost uppskjutetEftersom funktionalitet i det nya gränssnittet för våra EBSCOhost-databaser har fungerat otillfredsställande har EBSCO nu flyttat vår övergång från 4/2 till augusti. Förhoppningsvis ska alla funktioner vara på plats då. Exakt datum i augusti återkommer vi till senare.Tack alla som lämnat synpunkter som möjliggjort den här senarel - 2025-02-23

Roberto Scaramuzzino on civil society and integration

Published 17 April 2018 Roberto Scaramuzzino spoke at a seminar organized by the Centre for Municipality Studies at Linköping University and gave an interview about the role of civil society in the establishment of new immigrants, focusing on social integration and interaction between public and non-profit organisations. Voluntary forces should be used, especially when the municipalities are under - 2025-02-23

35 Million for research on civil society elites

Published 31 October 2017 Professor Håkan Johansson, School of Social Work, has received more than SEK 35 million from Riksbankens jubileumsfond to lead a research programme about elites in civil society. The progammer is titled "Civil Society Elites" A comparative study of the composition, reproduction, integration and questioning of elites in European Civil Society." Read an interview with Håkan - 2025-02-23

Seminar brings together several international researchers

By patrik [dot] hekkala [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Patrik Hekkala) - published 6 May 2019 During a whole day in April the researchers discussed the relevance of central theoretical and empirical knowledge about elite research for studying civil society elites. The research seminar was filled with discussions about ”shadow elites” in America influencing important geopolitical decisions without vi - 2025-02-23

Elitism in Swedish civil society?

By jayeon [dot] lindellee [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Jayeon Lindellee) - published 25 October 2019 Roberto Scaramuzzino and Håkan Johansson participated in the yearly conference on civil society arranged by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF). The main theme this year was on elitism in civil society. On the 22nd of October, civil society researchers, politicians, civil servants - 2025-02-23

Guest professor Carlo Ruzza on populist turn and its impact on EU and civil society

By jayeon [dot] lindellee [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Jayeon Lindellee) - published 25 October 2019 Professor Carlo Ruzza, University of Trento. The growing populist movements in many European countries affect not only the EU's institutional actors but also EU-based civil society organizations. Professor Carlo Ruzza, a prominent scholar in political sociology based at the University of Trento, ha - 2025-02-23

A new thematic issue on Civil Society Elites

By jayeon [dot] lindellee [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Jayeon Lindellee) - published 4 September 2020 A new thematic issue on Civil Society Elites is published in Politics and Governance. A new thematic issue on Civil Society Elites, edited by Håkan Johansson and Anders Uhlin and published by an open access journal Politics & Governance is now available. Several researchers in the project as well - 2025-02-23

Conference on civil society studies 2020 (postponed to January 2021)

By jayeon [dot] lindellee [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Jayeon Lindellee) - published 12 November 2020 The inter-disciplinary research program Civil Society Elites? Comparing elite composition, reproduction, interaction and contestation in European civil societies cordially invites researchers working on civil society studies to Lund University, Sweden, for a mini conference 15-16th of April 2020. - 2025-02-23

Andreas Brantelid new Senior Lecturer in Cello

By ove [dot] torstensson [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Ove Torstensson) - published 18 September 2018 Cellist Andreas Brantelid is today one of the most sought after soloists from Scandinavia, and has received overwhelming reviews for his thoughtful interpretations, his most personal colored tone, and not least with his engaging personality. In early September he was employed as a Senior Lecturer in - 2025-02-23

Theophile Hartz new teacher in oboe at Malmö Academy of Music

Published 19 December 2019 Theophile Hartz Theophile Hartz is principal oboe at Malmö Opera since 2011 and has been principal oboe in Israel Philharmonic during the 2017 – 2018 season. He has studied in France at Conservatoire National Superieur in Lyon and at Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe Theophile Hartz is principal oboe at Malmö Opera since 2011 and has been principal oboe in Israel Philhar - 2025-02-23

"Unusual sounds in complex contexts"

Published 31 March 2020 PORTRAIT. Michael Edgerton is a composer, world citizen and since the summer of 2019, Professor of Artistic Research at the Malmö Academy of Music. How come you decided to apply for a job in Sweden and move here? - In 2002, I began to work with guitarist Stefan Östersjö and then later ensemble Ars Nova, and the Stockholm Sax Quartet. These were good experiences and I was im - 2025-02-23

The Food Addiction Denmark (FADK) Project: a combined survey and register-based study

Published 28 February 2020 Obesity represents a tremendous global health problem. Studies over the past decade have suggested that food addiction (FA), that is, physical cravings for certain foods – high in fat/sugar – and addiction-like overeating of these types of food, is a likely contributor to the obesity epidemic. New publication in Acta Neuropsychiatrica - 2025-02-23

The association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with breast density and breast cancer survival: the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study

Published 29 February 2020 Genetic factors are important in determining breast density, and heritable factors account for 60% of the variation. Certain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with density and risk of breast cancer but the association with prognosis is not clear. New publication in Acta Radiologica - 2025-02-23

End-of-life care among older cancer patients with intellectual disability in comparison with the general population: a national register study.

Published 29 February 2020 ncreasing life expectancy for people with an intellectual disability (ID) is resulting in more persons with cancer and a greater need for end-of-life (EoL) care. There is a need for knowledge of health care utilisation over the last year of life to plan for resources that support a high quality of care for cancer patients with ID. Therefore, the aims of the study were to - 2025-02-23

Specialist psychiatric health care utilization among older people with intellectual disability - predictors and comparisons with the general population: a national register study.

Published 1 March 2020 People with intellectual disability (ID) face considerable barriers to accessing psychiatric health care, thus there is a risk for health disparity. The aims of the present study were 1) to compare specialist psychiatric health care utilization among older people with ID to that with their age peers in the general population, taking into account demographic factors and co-mo - 2025-02-23

Preterm birth and risk of sleep-disordered breathing from childhood into mid-adulthood

Published 1 March 2020 Preterm birth (gestational age <37 weeks) has previously been associated with cardiometabolic and neuropsychiatric disorders into adulthood, but has seldom been examined in relation to sleep disorders. We conducted the first population-based study of preterm birth in relation to sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) from childhood into mid-adulthood. New publication in Internatio - 2025-02-23