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Your search for "*" yielded 533510 hits

We’re all Asgardians! Mysterious microorganisms unveiled as key to the origin of complex life

Published 4 July 2023 Image: RunwayML An international group of researchers has been studying a group of microorganisms called Asgard archaea for several years. According to the research, these unique organisms are the origin of all complex life forms that we see around us today. The first life forms that evolved on Earth were called prokaryotes – a group of single-celled organisms that include ba - 2025-03-06

Climate-friendly air conditioning inspired by termites

Published 6 July 2023 Photo: David Andréen The climate control used by termites in their mounds could inspire tomorrow’s climate-smart buildings. New research from Lund University in Sweden shows that future buildings inspired by the termites could achieve the same effect as traditional climate control, but with greater energy efficiency and without its carbon dioxide footprint. Termite mounds hav - 2025-03-06

Lewy body disease can be detected before symptoms

Published 18 July 2023 Illustration of a Lewy body (Image: Klapczynski) Lewy body disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's disease. A research group from Lund University has now shown that the disease can be detected before symptoms appear, using a spinal fluid test. The studies are published in Nature Medicine, where the researchers also demo - 2025-03-06

Secondary forests more sensitive to drought

Published 31 July 2023 Photo: Ulrika Ervander The dry summer of 2018 hit Swedish forests hard - and hardest affected were the managed secondary forests. This according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden. Northern boreal forest ecosystems are predicted to experience more frequent summer droughts in the future. The majority of Swedish forest are secondary forests that are managed commerci - 2025-03-06

AI-supported mammography screening is found to be safe

Published 2 August 2023 Kristina Lång (Photo: Erika Svantesson) Mammography screening supported by artificial intelligence (AI) is a safe alternative to today’s conventional double reading by radiologists and can reduce heavy workloads for doctors. This has now been shown in an interim analysis of a prospective, randomised controlled trial, which addressed the clinical safety of using AI in mammog - 2025-03-06

How psychedelic drugs affect a rat’s brain

Published 8 August 2023 Brainwaves, or neural oscillations, are periodic electrical activities that occur when large groups of neurons work together. Researchers now hope that these signals will teach us more about hallucinations and psychoses. Photo: Pär Halje Researchers at Lund University have developed a technique for simultaneously measuring electrical signals from 128 areas of the brain in a - 2025-03-06

Arrival Day – 4,000 new international students admitted

Published 15 August 2023 Photo: Ida Thelander Tuesday 15 August is Arrival Day, the day when Lund University welcomes new international students. In autumn 2023, 4,000 international students have been accepted for studies at Lund University. About a quarter of those are exchange students studying at Lund for a semester or a year. The remaining 3,000 include program students at undergraduate and ad - 2025-03-06

Urban great tits have paler plumage than their forest-living relatives

Published 16 August 2023 Photo: Caroline Isaksson A new study conducted by researchers in Europe shows that urban great tits have paler plumage than their countryside counterparts. Since the yellow pigment of the breast feathers of great tits comes from the food they eat, the paler yellow plumage of urban birds indicates that the urban environment affects the entire food chain. As urban areas expa - 2025-03-06

Why killer bacteria affect some people more severely

Published 17 August 2023 Group A streptococci growing on a blood agar plate (Photo: Fredric Carlsson) Why are certain people more severely affected than others by invasive streptococcal infections? According to a new study from Lund University in Sweden, the answer lies in our genome. Carriers of a certain variant of the STING gene are at greater risk, particularly if they encounter the bacterial - 2025-03-06

Positive metabolic effects of gastric bypass disappear quickly

Published 17 August 2023 Photo: iStock/herjua A new study from Lund University in Sweden raises questions about the efficacy of bariatric operations involving gastric bypass. The results show that the biggest metabolic changes happened directly after surgery. Just a year after the operation, the concentration of metabolites and fats had returned to almost the same levels as before the procedure. P - 2025-03-06

Electrotherapy without surgery is possible

Published 21 August 2023 The green areas in the zebrafish brain indicate that the nerve cells send electrical signals when the implanted electrode transmits external stimuli. The characteristic shape indicates successful stimulation. No tissue damage was observed. Researchers at Lund University and Gothenburg University have successfully developed temporary, organic electrodes that can be seamless - 2025-03-06

People drive more slowly than usual during wildfire evacuations

Published 22 August 2023 Photo: Mostphotos During extensive wildfires, residents may need to evacuate to stay safe, but knowing when to leave is sometimes unclear. A new study from Lund University in Sweden, among others, shows that people fleeing their homes drive more slowly than usual - despite time being crucial. Enrico Ronchi conducts fire research at Lund University in Sweden, and is an expe - 2025-03-06

Children and biologists research biodiversity together

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 23 August 2023 Through the project "Natural Nations", children in schools are introduced to biodiversity so that they learn early on about pollinating insects and birds. Photo: iStockphoto Children in preschool and primary school will now be able to learn more about insects, birds, flowers and plants, how valuable they a - 2025-03-06

Breast cancer study altered guidelines in Sweden

Published 23 August 2023 Image: iStock/Rasi Bhadramani BRCA1 and BRCA2 are well-known breast cancer genes associated with a significantly increased risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. However, there are an additional eleven genes associated with elevated risk for these types of cancer. A multi-year Swedish study now reveals that the proportion of women with genetically confirmed heredita - 2025-03-06

Rewriting the past and future of the universe

Published 24 August 2023 Signals from supernovae (bottom right inset), quasars (middle left inset), and gamma-ray bursts (top center inset) reach Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy (background), where we can use them to measure cosmological parameters. (Image: NAOJ) New international research has improved the accuracy of the parameters governing the expansion of the universe. This will help astronomers - 2025-03-06

EU funding for killer cells that fight cancer

Published 24 August 2023 Photo: iStock As certain tumor cells are able to conceal themselves in the body, it often means that patients with aggressive cancers experience a recurrence of the cancer after treatment. By programming genetically modified killer immune cells to seek and destroy the hiding tumor cells and tumor stem cells, it is hoped that we can develop more effective treatment options. - 2025-03-06

The past comes alive in 3D

By bodil [dot] malmstrom [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Bodil Malmström) - published 28 August 2023 Using new 3D technology, models of the objects are made and placed in the underwater positions where they are found. It helps Paola Derudas to reflect and test her hypothesis. The screen shows Gribshunden that sank in 1495. Photo: Bodil Malmström In the past, it has been common practice to perform anal - 2025-03-06

Sepsis – as common as cancer, as deadly as a heart attack

Published 31 August 2023 Lisa Mellhammar and Adam Linder (Photo: Åsa Hansdotter) A research team at Lund University in Sweden has found that more than four percent of all hospital admissions in southern Sweden are associated with sepsis. It is a significantly underdiagnosed condition that can be likened to an epidemic. Now the European Sepsis Alliance has assigned the researchers with mapping the - 2025-03-06

Four Lund researchers receive ERC Starting Grants

Published 5 September 2023 Daria Davitti, Colin Olito, Filip Lenrick and Milda Pucetaite Four researchers from Lund University in Sweden have received an ERC Starting Grant. The researchers and their respective fields are Filip Lenrick (industrial production), Colin Olito (evolutionary ecology), Milda Pucetaite (microbiological ecology) and Daria Davitti, (international law). The last-named is the - 2025-03-06

Industrial doctoral students valuable for industry

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 6 September 2023 The industry is increasingly demanding researchers with technical expertise in specific areas who at the same time possess the ability to independently lead projects according to the company's needs. Photo: iStockphoto Increasingly, industry is looking to recruit staff with doctoral degrees for research - 2025-03-06