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2010: Finished PhD projects

Human Ecology DivisionCarl Nordlund     "Social Ecography; International trade, network analysis, and an Emmanuelian conceptualization of ecological unequal exchange"Presentation: Defence date: 11th October 2010. This thesis demonstrates how network analysis, ecological economics and the world-system perspective can be combined into an ecographic framework that can yield new insights into the unde - 2025-01-09

2009: Finished PhD projects

Department of Human GeographyNicklas Guldåker     "Krishantering, hushåll och stormen Gudrun - att analysera hushålls krishanteringsförmåga och sårbarheter" ("Crisis Management, Households and the Hurricane Gudrun - An analysis of Households Crisis Management Capability and Vulnerability")Presentation: Defence date: 27th November 2009. Severe crises and disasters such as the Hurricane Gudrun and t - 2025-01-09

2001-2008: Finished PhD projects

Human Ecology Division2008Michael Moon     "Green Ideology and its Relation to Modernity. Including a Case Study of the Green Party of Sweden" 2007John Brolin       "The bias of the World: Theories of Unequel Exchange in History"2005Jutta Falkengren     "Djurens skepnader: Närhet och distans i diskurs och livsvärld"2004Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist     "Local Environment at Stake: The Hallandsås Rai - 2025-01-09

Human Geography

People and spaces Study Human Geography and boost your abilities to understand, analyze and interpret the world around us. Urban spaces, landscapes and regions Human Geography is about the ways in which spaces, places and environments are both the condition for and the consequence of human activities.Within human geography you study human interactions with their surrounding world. The subject has - 2025-01-09

For our new students

Hello student! Have you been admitted to one of our courses or programmes? On this page you will find everything you need to know before the start of the semester. Welcome to the Department of Human Geography with the division of Human Ecology. Start by reading the checklist where we have summarised the most important information you need to start studying with us. Secure your place For internatio - 2025-01-09


Geographic information systems GIS in education provides you an expert skill and a competitive advantage on the job market. As an academic subject, GIS can be easily combined with other disciplines. Analyzing geographic problems While studying GIS students learn to analyze geographic problems, which can be put into practice and visualized through maps, text and graphics on the web and in print ref - 2025-01-09

During your studies

This page contains useful information for our current students. Student Office Contact detailsEmail: expeditionen [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se (expeditionen[at]keg[dot]lu[dot]se)Phone: +46 46 222 17 59How to find usOpening hours Tuesdays 13.00-15.00Wednesdays 09.00-12.00 Student Services Lund University offers a range of services to facilitate day-to-day life for its international students. Study ad - 2025-01-09


Syllabus, schedule, litteraturlist and other relevant information is posted on our course platform Canvas. Communication between students and teachers is done through Canvas studentplatform. There you can also find all the important information about course studies like schedules, guidelines for examinations etc. Please note that the KEG administrative staff only have access to courses administere - 2025-01-09

Grade review

Grades are awarded by the examiner after careful assessment. The examiner’s decision cannot be appealed. However, there are provisions on the correction and reassessment of decisions in the Swedish Administrative Procedure Act and Higher Education Ordinance. Pursuant to Chapter 6, Section 24 of the Higher Education Ordinance, the examiner is to change the grade if:The decision is obviously incorre - 2025-01-09

Development studies

Understanding development processes Development Studies is an interdisciplinary field that gathers knowledge and research forces from several social sciences disciplines. Understanding development Development studies apply multi-disciplinary perspective to convey and deepen the knowledge of conditions and development processes in developing countries. This subject can be combined with other social - 2025-01-09

Commercialising the Countryside

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: COMMERCIALISING THE COUNTRYSIDE THROUGH LEISURE DEVELOPMENT. Economic opportunities and sustainable developmentProject's duration: 2008-2012Contact person: Erik Jönsson, Guy BaetenOverviewThe aim of this FORMAS-financed project was to reach a deeper understanding of the possible simultaneously social, economic, and environmental transformations - 2025-01-09

Intensive Cultivation without State and Population Pressure

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Intensive Cultivation without State and Population Pressure: A Comparative Study of Non-capitalist Agrarian Systems in a Political Ecological Perspective (The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation) Project's duration: 2008-2010Contact person: Thomas Håkansson (natrix [at] mindspring [dot] com; +1-859 269 7704) OverviewThe relationship between soc - 2025-01-09

LETS 2050

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Governing transition towards Low Carbon Energy and Transport Systems For 2050Project's duration: 2009-2013Contact person:  Lars-Olof OlanderResearchers in the project:Lars-Olof OlanderKarl-Johan LundquistOverviewThe project was funded by Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, VINNOVA and Swedish Transport Administration. - 2025-01-09

Models for local development

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Models for local developmentContact person: Andrea NardiResearchers in the project:Johanna Bergman-Lodin Andrea NardiMabel HungwOverviewThree projects are combined under common topic - "New African Agricultural Technology and Smallholder Welfare", ”Local development and institutions in the context of rural devlopment in Northern Argentina”, “Com - 2025-01-09

Participatory Assessment of Sustainable Scenarios for Himalayan Pastoralism

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Participatory Assessment of Sustainable Scenarios for Himalayan Pastoralism (The Swedish Research Council - SIDA- Swedish Research Links 2007-2009; The Swedish Research Council 2008-2010)Project's duration: 2007-2010Contact person: Pernille Gooch OverviewThe aim of this project is to provide reliable socioeconomic and environmental information on - 2025-01-09

Next generation regional innovation policy (CIRCLE)

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Next generation regional innovation policy: How to combine science and user driven approachesProject's duration: 2010-2013Contact person:  Bjørn AsheimResearchers in the project:Bjørn AsheimJerker MoodyssonOverviewThe project was funded by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation. - 2025-01-09

Sustainable Development as a Problem of Global Distribution

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Sustainable Development as a Problem of Global Distribution: Transdisciplinary Theory and Methods for Tracing Environmental Load Displacement (The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agriculture and Spatial Planning)Project's duration: 2008-2010Contact person: Alf HornborgOverviewThis project pursues a currently emerging reconceptualization - 2025-01-09

Swedish regional economic growth in a European perspective

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Swedish regional economic growth in a European perspective: Markets, agglomerations and comparative advantage 1800-2000Project's duration: 2009-2012Contact person:  Martin HenningResearchers in the project:Martin HenningKerstin Enflo Lennart SchönOverviewThe project was funded by the Swedish Research Council.Database: Regional GDP data for Swedi - 2025-01-09

Tanzania 1850-2000

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Tanzania 1850-2000: The Political Ecology of Trade Networks, Food Production and Land Cover Change (The Swedish Research Council and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)) Project's duration: 2004-2008Contact person: Thomas Håkansson (natrix [at] mindspring [dot] com; +1-859 269 7704)OverviewThe project aims at analyzing - 2025-01-09

Student influence

If you study courses or programmes at our department, you are welcome to become a member at the Social Sciences student union. Join the union if you want to influence education policy, get involved in relevant social activities, and strengthen your career identity in social sciences.  The student union The Social Sciences student union represents students whose main area of study is social science - 2025-01-09