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Välkommen till invigningen av utställningen "Din röst – din lag. Hundra år av finländskt folkvälde"

Välkommen till invigningen av utställningen "Din röst – din lag. Hundra år av finländskt folkvälde" Välkommen till invigningen av utställningen "Din röst – din lag. Hundra år av finländskt folkvälde" Publicerad den 19 oktober 2006 Torsdagen den 26 oktober kl. 13.00 invigs utställningen ”Din röst – din lag” av ambassadör Alec Aalto på Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Helgonabacken, Lund. Utställningen - 2025-02-28

Värdefulla tips inför bokpublicering

Värdefulla tips inför bokpublicering Värdefulla tips inför bokpublicering Publicerad den 14 november 2014 Visste du att Media-Tryck har en kurs i hur du bäst formarterar din avhandling inför tryckning? Och vilket är egentligen bäst, offset-tryck eller digitalt? Det och mycket mer diskuterades på torsdagen när Skriftserieverksamheten vid HT-fakulteterna bjöd in till seminarium. Sittplatserna fyllde - 2025-02-28

VR-medel till SOL-forskare

VR-medel till SOL-forskare VR-medel till SOL-forskare Publicerad den 18 december 2018 Shuangyi Lin har tilldelats forskningsmedel under tre år från Vetenskapsrådet för forskningsprojektet Travel, translation and translanguism: Franco-Chinese Novels and Visual Arts in the Global Age .   Vi gratulerar! SOL-ledningen Dela[news]=2680 Senaste nyheter 2025-02-06 - 2025-02-28

VR-medel till SOL-forskare

VR-medel till SOL-forskare VR-medel till SOL-forskare Publicerad den 7 november 2018 Shinichiro Ishihara (japanska) och Simon Devylder (kognitiv semiotik) har beviljats forskningsanslag från Vetenskapsrådet. Det har också Eva Klingvall och Fredrik Heinat (huvudsökande, Linnéuniversitetet), samt Erik Erlanson, Peter Henning och Jon Helgason (huvudsökande, Linnéuniversitetet). Vi gratulerar! SOL-led - 2025-02-28

Ytterligare forskningsanslag till SOL-medarbetare

Ytterligare forskningsanslag till SOL-medarbetare Ytterligare forskningsanslag till SOL-medarbetare Publicerad den 8 november 2013 Vetenskapsrådet har beslutat tilldela Hans Malmström, engelska (med huvudsökande vid Linnéuniversitetet) och Paul Tenngart, litteraturvetenskap, var sitt treårigt forskningsanslag. Vi gratulerar! SOL-ledningen Dela[news]=876 Se - 2025-02-28

A commemorative issue of Lund Journal of English Studies

A commemorative issue of Lund Journal of English Studies A commemorative issue of Lund Journal of English Studies Published 8 June 2022 [Translate to English:] In memory of Mats Johansson. A commemorative issue of  Lund Journal of English Studies  for Mats Johansson has been published and is available at   Share - 2025-02-28

Coming announcement of PhD and postdoc positions at the cross-disciplinary Agenda 2030 Graduate Scho

Coming announcement of PhD and postdoc positions at the cross-disciplinary Agenda 2030 Graduate School Coming announcement of PhD and postdoc positions at the cross-disciplinary Agenda 2030 Graduate School Published 18 June 2021 Eight new PhD student positions in the Agenda 2030 Graduate School and up to 12 postdoc positions will be annouced on 30 August 2021. The 2030 Agenda is the United Nations - 2025-02-28

Development of Adjectival Use and Meaning Structures in Swedish Students’ Written Production

Development of Adjectival Use and Meaning Structures in Swedish Students’ Written Production Development of Adjectival Use and Meaning Structures in Swedish Students’ Written Production Published 15 December 2021 Simone Löhndorf has successfully defended her PhD thesis "Development of Adjectival Use and Meaning Structures in Swedish Students’ Written Production". The faculty opponent was Professor - 2025-02-28

Frontiers of Science in Social Media: Studying Digital Democracy with Automation, Experiments, and E

Frontiers of Science in Social Media: Studying Digital Democracy with Automation, Experiments, and Ethics – A Marcus Wallenberg Symposium Frontiers of Science in Social Media: Studying Digital Democracy with Automation, Experiments, and Ethics – A Marcus Wallenberg Symposium Published 2 March 2020 The rise of extremist politicians, disinformation, and hate speech all relate to widespread social me - 2025-02-28

How the melodic sound of Swedish can help Swedes automatically assess new languages

How the melodic sound of Swedish can help Swedes automatically assess new languages How the melodic sound of Swedish can help Swedes automatically assess new languages Published 8 February 2021 Learning a second language can feel like a slow and tedious process. Yet, the human brain starts segmenting and categorising new language input virtually from the very second that it is exposed it. It suppo - 2025-02-28

Regarding the situation in Ukraine

Regarding the situation in Ukraine Regarding the situation in Ukraine Published 1 March 2022 [Translate to English:] In the light of the ongoing invasion in Ukraine, Lund University wants to show our support for students and employees that may be affected. Lund University stands in solidarity with the universities and the civilian population in Ukraine and supports the European University Associat - 2025-02-28

On L1 Attrition and Prosody in Pronominal Anaphora Resolution

On L1 Attrition and Prosody in Pronominal Anaphora Resolution On L1 Attrition and Prosody in Pronominal Anaphora Resolution Published 26 October 2020 Chiara Gargiulo successfully defended her PhD thesis "On L1 Attrition and Prosody in Pronominal Anaphora Resolution" last week. The faculty opponent was Ludovica Serratrice, University of Reading. When we speak, we have often to deal with the ambigui - 2025-02-28

The Swedish Research Council awards grants to SOL-researchers

The Swedish Research Council awards grants to SOL-researchers The Swedish Research Council awards grants to SOL-researchers Published 9 November 2021 The Swedish Research Council has decided on the applications to be awarded grants within Humanities 2021. Niclas Burenhult is awarded 5 mkr for the project  The Forager’s Index: Komplexa demonstrativsystem hos Sydöstasiens sista jägare-samlare. Eva K - 2025-02-28

The vice-chancellor’s spring greetings to staff and students

The vice-chancellor’s spring greetings to staff and students The vice-chancellor’s spring greetings to staff and students Published 30 April 2021 The vice-chancellor Erik Renström is thanking all staff and students at Lund university for the fantastic, superhuman efforts you have made during the year. Share[news]=3013 Latest News 2025-01-28 Immerse yoursel - 2025-02-28

Apply for PhD positions

Apply for PhD positions Apply for PhD positions Published 21 January 2022 Interested in pursuing your PhD in Lund? This year we are announcing PhD positions in:  General Linguistics  English Language and Linguistics  Scandinavian Languages  Phonetics or in Japanese Language and Linguistics  English Literature  Literary Studies, with a focus on older literature  French or in German Latin, in Semiti - 2025-02-28