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Brevmall Postal address Box 192, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Helgonavägen 3, LUND Telephone dir +46 46 222 72 21, switchboard +46 46 222 00 00 Email Website The Work ing Commit tee Instructions and information for applicants concerning advertised positions as senior lecturer, associate senior lecturer or professor Please note that only applications - 2025-02-28

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Date Reference number Recognition of credits This form can be used by students at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. Please contact HT International Office if you need help to fill in the form. The form needs to be sent to your Study advisor who also needs to see the Transcript of records. Application To be completed by student Personal identity number Last name First name Email addre - 2025-02-28

Microsoft Word - LITTERATURLISTA ABMM 51 VT 16.docx

Microsoft Word - LITTERATURLISTA ABMM 51 VT 16.docx LITTERATURLISTA ABM M51 Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper Avdelningen för ABM Godkänd av institutionsstyrelsen, senast reviderad via kursplanegruppen den 2.12.2020 Kurslitteratur ABM M51: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap: Att samla och organisera kunskap (15 hp) Acker, Amelia (2018). “Data Craft. The Manipulation of Social Media Metadata” - 2025-02-28

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Lund University Department of Archaeology and Ancient History _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reading list – ARKN10, Digital Archaeology, Virtual Reality in Archaeology, 15 hp Approved by the Department Board: 2022-10-25 The literature is available through LUBcat and/or LUBsearch - 2025-02-28

Litteraturlista BASA01 - VT23

Litteraturlista BASA01 - VT23 Sida 1 av 1 Filosofiska institutionen LITTERATURLISTA VT2023 BASA01 Baskurs för universitetsstudier, 7,5 hp Fastställd av Filosofiska institutionens studierektor 2022-04-19 Rekommenderad kurslitteratur Thurén, T. (2019) Vetenskapsteori för nybörjare. Liber. (184 s), tredje upplagan. Liljeqvist, B. (2019) Plugga smartare. Studentlitteratur. (268 s). Tidigare upplaga gå - 2025-02-28

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COSB11: Internationella relationer i Östasien - Från Stillahavskriget till Kinas uppgång / The International Relations of East Asia: From the Pacific War to the Rise of China, 7.5 Credits Textbooks Yahuda, Michael (2019) The International Relations of the Asia-Pacific , London: Routledge. 4th Edition. Chapters 1-8, pp. 1-255 Total 255 pages Ordered and will be available as reference in the libr - 2025-02-28

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COSB35 Global China 7,5 Credits Literature List Pages: 925 Required Reading List Alff, Henryk, and Michael Spies. 2023. “Coexistence or Competition for Resources? Transboundary Transformations of Natural Resource Use in China’s Neighborhood.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 64 (7–8): 797–810. • Number of pages: 14 • Price: N/A (available at LUBsearch) Cheng, Han. 2023. “Global China’s Knowledge I - 2025-02-28

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COSM01: Introduction to Asian Studies (Autumn 2024) Course director Paul O’Shea, other teachers include Marina Svensson The course is a 6-credit mandatory component of the Asian studies master programme. It focuses on the history and development of the field of Asian Studies and how to understand contemporary issues from an interdisciplinary Asian Studies perspective. The course will introduce stu - 2025-02-28

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COSM10: Introduction to Asian Studies (Autumn 2022) Course literature is 562 pages but an additional 100 pages may be added to keep up with current events and trends in the field. Amako, S. 2017. Methods for area studies and contemporary China study. 6(1): 2-28. [27 pages] Amrith, Sunil. 2011. Reconstructing the ‘Plural Society’: Asian Migration Between Empire and Nation, 1940-1948. Past and Prese - 2025-02-28


COSM11_2024_literature_appendix Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies Course literature för COSM11, Asian Studies: The Economic Transformation of East and Southeast Asia, 12 ECTS. Second Cycle Course director and main teacher: Stefan Brehm. Asia Development Bank (2013)’Beyond Factory Asia, Fueling Growth in a Changing World’, ADB, Philippines, pp. 1- 40 > Pages to read for students: 40 Akte - 2025-02-28

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COSM 12 Asian Studies: Political Systems, Governance, and Democratization in Asia 12 hp Course director: Paul O’Shea The required reading listed below accounts for 1045 pages. An additional 200 pages may be added according to the teachers’ instructions. Unless otherwise stated, all articles are available through the library website. All prices are from Bokus. Required reading Aspinall. Edward (201 - 2025-02-28

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COSM22 Methodology in Theory and Practice Course director: Nicholas Loubere E-mail: Literature List Bryman, Alan, 2016. Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (selections) · Number of pages: 325 · Price: SEK 580 Chambers, Robert & Loubere, Nicholas, 2017. Liberating Development Inquiry: Freedom, Openness and Participation in Fieldwork. In Gordon Crawfo - 2025-02-28