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Pyrogeography in Conflict Contexts: Satellite Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fires in the Middle East

Funding agency: Swedish National Space Agency. Duration: 2023-2027 Wildfires have cross-sectoral impacts and are often harmful to ecosystems and societies. In recent years, there have been several large and devastating wildfires in Australia, the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, the West Coast of the United States, and in British Columbia, Canada. With the combined effects of climate change, an increa - 2025-03-05

Research Seminars

Research Seminars (Thursdays 13.15-14.30) The CMES Research Seminar is the main collective seminar at the Centre. LU researchers and invited national and international leading scholars present ongoing research and analyses of a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for the Middle East.Download the CMES Research Seminar Program for the spring semester 2025 here. Calendar Link to RSS 6 March 2 - 2025-03-05

Registration of Interest for CMES Research Seminar: Prospects for Democracy in Iran – Challenges and Opportunities

Registration of interest in attending the presentation by Arvin Khoshnood (Department of Human Geography, Lund University) on May 11. Please note that there are a limited number of seats available, and therefore not all registrations will be accepted. If your registration is accepted, you will receive a confirmation email from CMES. First name (required) Last name (required) Place of work (require - 2025-03-05

Collaborative Partners

CMES has several collaborative partners. Swedish Middle East & North Africa Network (SWEMENA) The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies (NSMES) Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East & North Africa The Association of Foreign Affairs Lund (UPF) Arab Reform In - 2025-03-05

CMES Regional Outlook

Based on the multi-disciplinary expertise held by researchers at CMES, the Regional Outlook series provides in-depth analyses and explanations of topical developments in the MENA region. CMES Regional Outlook: The Fall of the Assad Regime: Challenges and Opportunities for Rojava This Regional Outlook by CMES Researcher Pinar Dinc focuses on the recent political developments in Syria and the implic - 2025-03-05

ECO-Syria: Exploring Conflict-Environment Interactions for Sustainable Development and Conservation

Funding agency: MECW. Duration: 2023-2026 There is a heated debate –both scholarly and non-scholarly– about the links between the climate change that manifested through a prolonged drought in Syria after 2005, the political-unrest-turned-into-civil-war after 2011, and migration. However, not enough attention has been paid to the differentiated effects of the conflict-environment interactions for d - 2025-03-05


The majority of CMES' research projects are situated within the strategic research area (SRA) called “The Middle East in the Contemporary World” or MECW. This project, funded by the Swedish Research Council, is the foundation for research efforts organized by the center with the aim of coordinating, redirecting, and expanding research at Lund University. Read more about MECW and the four research - 2025-03-05


CMES organises a range of public outreach events every year, publishes regional outlook analyses on current affairs and briefs based on research results for policy makers. CMES believes that our research is vital for individuals working in or with the Middle East and aims to frequently and effectively work with state institutions and organizations, the business sector, NGOs, the public and others - 2025-03-05

Survey – 1, 2, 3 Playtime participants

INTER ARTS CENTER (IAC) The IAC and Region Skåne are very interested in your opinion on the 1, 2, 3 Playtime – seminar series. The survey is anonymous and only takes a few minutes. Thank you for your feedback! Current Previous knowledge Expectations New knowledge Feedback Other Complete What previous educational or work-life experience do you have? (required) Artistic production Artistic research - 2025-03-05

Library of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts

Find books, sheet music and articles Here you find the library’s search tools and databases where you can search for our printed and electronic resources. Opening hours and contact information How to borrow material  LUBcatLUBsearchLibris Book a librarian Do you need help searching for information or materials? Book an individual session by emailing: biblioteket [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se Research - 2025-03-05

How to borrow material

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS The libraries at Lund University have common lending conditions and a common library catalogue called LUBcat . Students and employees at Lund University use their LU card as a library card. You start by creating an account in LUBcat by selecting Register new account. You then log in with your Student/Lucat account. As a student, you activate the - 2025-03-05

Find books and articles

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Here we have gathered search tools and access points which let you search for printed and electronic books, sheet music, manuscripts, articles, dissertations and other resources in the fields of art, music and theatre. For several of the services, you need to log in with your Student/Lucat account to access full texts if you are off campus. LUBc - 2025-03-05


- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS The digital sheet music library nkoda is a state-of-the-art resource for mobiles, tablets and computers which gives you digital access to sheet music. All scores can be downloaded and used offline and markings can be shared between users. Currently, nkoda offers over six million pages of sheet music, and each month around 1,000 new titles are ad - 2025-03-05

Opening hours and contact information

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS The Library of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts is a faculty library primarily intended for students, teachers and researchers at the three institutions which form part of the faculty, but it is also open to the general public. The Library of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts consists of three subject libraries, the libraries at Mal - 2025-03-05

Suggest a purchase

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS If you are studying, researching or working at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, you are welcome to suggest a purchase if there is something you feel is missing at the library.First make sure that we do not have what you suggest by searching in our systems LUBcat and LUBsearch. More information on where to search can be found in our Libra - 2025-03-05

Research support

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS As a researcher at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, you can receive support and service from the library in your work in various ways, for example with registration in LUCRIS, how to make your publications available in Open Access and management of research data. Read more about registering in LUCRISRead more about Open AccessRead more a - 2025-03-05

Research Data Management

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Here you will find information on requirements, guidelines, data management plans, storage and accessibility of research data. What is research data? Research data is the collected material that form the basis for analysis in a project, regardless of the research area, and can consist of analogue or digital information. There is currently a disc - 2025-03-05

Open Access

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Open access (OA) is a way of publishing research in which authors provide free access to their publications online. The idea is that research should not disappear behind a paywall but be openly available to everyone. Open Access also increases the visibility and dissemination of research. Open Access at Lund UniversityLund University has an Open - 2025-03-05

Registering in LUCRIS

- LIBRARY OF THE FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS In LUCRIS (Lund University Current Reasearch Information System) you enter information about yourself as a researcher as well as your projects, publications and research activities. Information entered in LUCRIS becomes searchable in the Research Portal, which presents the entire university's research. It is also visible on your personal web pag - 2025-03-05

Doctoral student Handbook

General syllabusIndividual study planAdmission and admission requirementsSupervision and other resourcesResearch environments and networksRegistration in LadokActivity and funding – reportingCourses  and course reportingPublic defence and application for degreeIntermediate seminarsResearch ethicsDoctoral employmentFunding of doctoral studiesInter Arts CentreDoctoral student unionRules and further - 2025-03-05