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Departments and Heads of Departments

Centre for Environmental and Climate ScienceHead of Department: Katarina HedlundDeputy Head of Department: Yann CloughCentre for Environmental and Climate Science websiteCentre for Mathematical SciencesHead of Department: Erik LindströmDeputy Head of Department: Anna-Maria PerssonCentre for Mathematical Sciences websiteDepartment of BiologyHead of Department: Jessica AbbottDeputy Head of Departmen - 2025-03-07

Academic Appointments Board

Term of office: 1 April 2024 to 31 December 2026. The Academic Appointments Board processes matters relating to the employment of teaching staff within the entire Faculty of Science. The board has overall responsibility for the process concerning the Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP) qualification grade.MembersKarin Rengefors, Chair, Deputy Dean for third cycle educationPeter Jönsson, Departme - 2025-03-07

Equal Opportunities Committee

Term of office: 1 April 2024 – 31 December 2026 The Equal Opportunities Committee acts as a drafting body prior to decisions by the Faculty Board. The committee also has the task of proposing and initiating various measures to promote gender equality and equal opportunities, and counteract all forms of discrimination.MembersCatrin Malmström, Chair during 2024Tomas BrageRagnhild MöllerJohanna Stadm - 2025-03-07

HSE Committees

HSE stands for Health, Safety and Environment. The HSE committees coordinate and follow up the University’s and faculty’s overall policy concerning health, safety and environment. Department management has operational responsibility for these issues.Organisation for the HSE Committees:Faculty OfficeCentre for Mathematical Sciences (jointly with the Faculty of Engineering)Department of Physics (joi - 2025-03-07

Associate Professorship Appointments Board

Term of office: 1 April 2024 to 31 December 2026. The Associate Professorship Appointments Board acts as a drafting body prior to decisions by the dean on the admission of unremunerated associate professors.MembersDirk Rudolph, Chair, Department of PhysicsMartin Berggren, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem ScienceCaroline Isaksson, Department of BiologyAnitha Thillaisundaram, Centre fo - 2025-03-07

Research Programmes Board

Term of office: 1 April 2024 to 31 December 2026. The Research Programmes Board, which focuses on quality development and quality assurance relating to research programmes, acts as a drafting body prior to decisions by the Faculty Board.MembersKarin Rengefors, Chair, Deputy Dean for third cycle educationMartin Berggren, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem ScienceViveka Alfredsson, Depar - 2025-03-07

Scholarship Committee

Term of office: 1 april 2024 to 31 december 2026. The scholarship committee manages matters concerning the allocation of travel and research grants from foundations. The committee acts as drafting body prior to decisions by the dean.MembersMats Hansson, Chair, Department of BiologyAnders Ahlström, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem ScienceAnna Stradner, Department of ChemistryA student - 2025-03-07

Study Programmes Board

Term of office: 1 April 2024 to 31 December 2026. The Study Programmes Board has overall responsibility for developing and coordinating study programmes at undergraduate and Master’s levels at the Faculty of Science. In addition, the board is a drafting body prior to decisions by the Faculty Board in matters concerning these study programmes.MembersCharlotta Turner, Chair, Vice-Dean for first and - 2025-03-07


Welcome! WINGS is a network within the Science faculty, Medical faculty and LTH at Lund University (and related industries).We arrange workshops, lunch seminars and yearly networking conferences with different themes aimed to support, promote and empower female scientists in their careers. To find out more about WINGS, sign up for our email list or one of our events. All is welcome regardless of p - 2025-03-07

Past conferences

Meeting abstractsFor more detailed reports, see menu on the left.2014 Step UpInvited speakers from VR, Copenhagen University, ESS, VentureLab and MentLife. The day ended with an open panel discussion and a mingle event with mentors from both academia and industry. 250 participants.2013 Annual ConferenceTheme: Research management and leadership. Invited key speakers were Dr Cecilia Agrell (Lund Uni - 2025-03-07

Gender equality in academia

Here we have gathered some resources about gender (in)equality in academia. Please send us an email if you know about anything that should be on this list!   WINGS workshop recommendations For the STEM equality boards, 2015 For the Central LU equality board on professor-recruitment, 2015 Publications and reports   The underrepresentation of women in leading science journals, by Daniel J. Conley an - 2025-03-07

The underrepresentation of women in leading science journals

Daniel J. Conley and Johanna Stadmark Figure: Percentage of all authors that are women who published in Perspectives (Science) and News & Views (Nature). The red lines indicate the proportion of women scientists within the field [1].Great strides have been made in gender equality over the last decades. Today women have access to the same facilities and learned societies as men. In many countries t - 2025-03-07

Member list

Faculty of Engeneeringanette wolffanna fornellanna wahlooemma fitzgeralderik anderssoneva undvallfrida rydnerthanna isakssonhong yanisabel gallardojenny nauclerjenny risslerjohanna björkmalmjohanna sörensenkajsa lawaczeck körnerkarolina johanssonkathrin zellerklara peterssonkonstantina katselaline lundfaldmalin jönssonmalin lindstedtmalin nilssonmaria tenjemoah christensenmohammad aljaradinphu dom - 2025-03-07

Member list

 Faculty of Science adel attiaagneta mansson klausenahu karademiralmut kelberandreas perssonamal el nahhasangela caballero-alfonsoanita löfgrenann-marie pendrillann linderothanna-maria jonssonanna-maj balsberg-påhlssonanna-maria perssonanna broströmanna karlssonanna nordenanna perssonanna runemarkanna sankarianna sterngrenanna stradneranna von barthannelein meisnerannelie jönssonannika södermanåsa - 2025-03-07


WINGS was founded in 2003 by female doctoral students at the Department of Geology as a response to the fact that there were no female professors at the department.During 2007 WINGS expanded to include the whole Faculty of Science and in 2012 the network was further expanded to include also the Faculties of Medicine and Engineering.The three faculties have research areas that thrive from cross-fac - 2025-03-07


Previous Members of the Steering Group of WINGSFrida Rosengren (PhD Student, Biodiversity, Science Faculty)Linnéa Taylor (Associate Researcher, Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty)Angela Caballero-Alfonso (Researcher, Quaternary Sciences, Science Faculty)Heather Reader (Postdoc, Aquatic Ecology, Science Faculty)Rosa Aragão Börner (PhD student, Biotechnology, LTH)Maren Wellenreuther (Researcher, Evoluti - 2025-03-07

Election of Steering Board for Women IN Great Sciences (WINGS)

It is now time for the members of WINGS to elect members for the term of office February 1st, 2017 – January 31st, 2018. To the right you will find a direct link to your election ballot. The election is electronic from the 28th November. The vote is closed the 4th December at 24:00. Your vote is anonymous, no one can see who you voted for. Candidates: Ann Alrikson Schmidt  M-faculty   Erik Anderss - 2025-03-07


Alumni-of-WINGS Previous Members of WINGS Steering GroupEva Ortega-Paino (BIS (Biobank in Sweden) Coordinator for Southern Sweden, Lund University and Region Skåne Biobank)Erik Andersson (Research Coordinator, Design Sciences)Konstantina Katsela (PhD student, Design Sciences)Frida Rosegren (at that time PhD Student,Biodiversity,Science Faculty)Linnéa Taylor (at that time Associate Researcher,Ophth - 2025-03-07