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IAC Art Files

SND:s flaggskeppsprojekt på LU 2025–26 Projektet IAC Art Files syftar till att skapa en plattform och en portal som möjliggör både enskild, tematisk och tvärdisciplinärt sammansatt forskningsoutput, samt delningsfunktioner för konstnärlig forskningsdata inom fältet. Detta kan öka kontakten och utbytet både mellan konstnärliga forskare och mellan vetenskapliga och konstnärliga forskare. IAC Art Fil - 2025-03-07

User Guidelines

IAC provides access to research technology, meeting premises, and associated know-how to promote and support research in the arts and cross-disciplinary art production. Admitted users can initiate and pursue relevant projects of their own at IAC. These user guidelines apply to all users at IAC from 1 July 2023 and onwards. IAC’s responsibilities IAC provides access to venues, technical equipment, - 2025-03-07

Developing Excellent Research Environments

18 March 2025 13:00 to 16:00 | Seminar Masterclass, Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Red Room, December 2021. FACULTY RESEARCH SEMINAR In conjunction with the government’s new research proposal, we ask the following questions: What is research excellence? What do we mean when we talk about excellence in research in relation to artistic and educational research? What really matters for successf - 2025-03-07

“The Possible Impossible” – Music Education at Malmö Academy of Music

24 to 28 March 2025 The project “The Possible Impossible” will explore an eminently human phenomenon: our capacity to engage with the possible, to go beyond what is present, visible, or given in our existence. Possibility studies is an emerging field or research including topics as diverse as creativity, imagination, innovation, anticipation, counterfactual thinking, wondering, the future, social - 2025-03-07


28 March 2025 13:00 to 17:00 | Thesis defence Photo: Hans Malm. Jörgen Dahlqvist’s doctoral project explores how theatre can contribute to democratic engagement. The starting point was artistic probes investigating aspects of democracy: participation, deliberation and inclusion. The probes resulted in three productions presented at theatre institutions in Sweden. In "Skapa Demokrati" (Creating Dem - 2025-03-07


8 April 2025 10:00 to 16:00 | Workshop Photo: Iury Salustiano Trojaborg In connection with the on-going studies of PhD candidate Iury Salustiano Trojaborg at Malmö Theatre Academy and Agenda 2030 Graduate School. Including breakfast, lunch and fika! Registration required: Please, send an e-mail to iury [dot] salustiano_trojaborg [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (iury[dot]salustiano_trojaborg[at]thm[dot] - 2025-03-07


Products such as publications or recordings that are the result of a project supported by IAC must include an acknowledgement of IAC. Please use the following sentence:The [album/project or film] was realized with the support of the Inter Arts Center at Lund University.Please download the IAC logo here: Inter-Arts-Center-print (eps-format / black & negative)Inter-Arts-Center-digital (png-format / - 2025-03-07


Selected collaborations IAC facilitates opportunities for collaboration and exchange between faculty researchers, other university researchers, external academic and artistic partners, as well as society at large. More Sound Residency Danish Composers’ Society Intonal Inkonst 1, 2, 3 Playtime Region Skåne Immersive Days Iaspis Residency Swedish Arts Grants Committee Malmö Gallery Weekend Spatial A - 2025-03-07

Anna Houmann

Creativities transcending boundaries. Research in creativity, within music and broader aspects The project “Creativities transcending boundaries” aims at mapping out current research in creativity, within music and broader aspects. Further this project aims to develop concrete suggestion on how creativity can be used as an overall perspective in music teacher education at Malmö Academy of Music. S - 2025-03-07


För att kunna låna vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens bibliotek måste du ha ett lånekort. Studenter och anställda använder sitt LU-kort. Övriga användare får lånekort på biblioteket. Lånekortet, som är gemensamt för alla bibliotek vid Lunds universitet, använder du när du lånar. Skaffa lånekort Studenter och anställda: Hämta ditt LU-kort på en kortstation. För att kunna använda LU-kortet som lå - 2025-03-07


Lånetider på Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens bibliotek KurslitteraturNormalt lånetid 14 dagar, med automatiska omlån om ingen köar på boken. Kursböcker kan lånas om maximalt 5 gånger. Gäller även äldre upplagor. Övriga böckerLånetid 28 dagar i taget, med automatiska omlån om ingen står i kö. Maximalt antal automatiska omlån är 5 för studenter och allmänhet, och 12 för forskare/lärare. Meddelande - 2025-03-07

Låna om

Hur länge du får en ha bok styrs av vilken sorts bok du lånat; kursbok, långtidslån eller fjärrlån. Läs mer här! Logga in i ditt konto i LUBcat Bibliotekskatalogen LUBcat Låna om kursböcker Lånetiden är 2 veckor på en kursbok. Om ingen står i kö, lånas den om automatiskt och du kan ha den i ytterligare 2 veckor. Kursböcker kan lånas om automatiskt maximalt 5 gånger. Du kan själv låna om dessa lån - 2025-03-07

Environmental risks with circular material use

Our group focuses on environmental risks connected to recycling of materials and products and their potential to form circular flows. As both materials and products often contain organic and non-organic pollutants, they are more or less suitable for recycling. Aspects that need to be taken into account in order to assess risks and develop criteria for recycling are both broad and complex: Natural - 2025-03-07

Aquatic and soil geochemistry

The main purpose of our research is to contribute with fundamental knowledge about the complex processes that take place at naturally occurring interfaces in soil and water, thereby contributing to the basic understanding of our environment. The composition of the Earth's surface and the properties of ecosystems are intimately linked to the biogeochemical cycles of the elements. These cycles are r - 2025-03-07

Landscape ecology and sustainable land-use

Within the Landscape ecology and sustainable land-use group at CEC we study the effects of land-use and climate change on biodiversity, species interactions, ecosystem services and society in human-dominated landscapes. We assess the potential of policies and nature-based solutions at local and landscape scales to contribute to a more sustainable land-use. Particularly in focus are agroecosystems - 2025-03-07

Biodiversity in urban ecosystems

We study urban and rural ecosystems to understand how biodiversity is shaped by changes in land use and climate. We focus on urban and agricultural systems and mainly study pollinating insects and the ecosystem services they provide, combining traditional field sampling and experiments with citizen science campaigns and historical samples from biological museum specimens. We use analyses of specie - 2025-03-07


Together towards multifunctional forests in southern Sweden ForestPath is a four year interdisciplinary project funded by FORMAS. The goal is to, in collaboration with forest owners and other stakeholders, find solutions to better achieve the various goals in the forest. The forest issue is high on the political agenda in Sweden, and the debate is heated. This is due to the importance of the fores - 2025-03-07