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About this website

Processing of personal dataLund University processes personal data in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, the Data Protection Act 2018:218 and other relevant legislation.Processing of personal data at Lund University – website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer when you visit a website - 2025-03-15

MERGE Startpage

Multidisciplinary Swedish node Collaboration between researchers from departments spread across five Swedish universities and Rossby centre (SMHI). Providing world-leading climate-terrestrial biosphere interactions for the international Earth system modelling community and its science agenda. Societal dialogue in the spirit of social learning by both scientists and stakeholders. Co-organiser of Sw - 2025-03-15

MERGE-funded research

As a strategic research area, MERGE not only provides a networking platform for its researchers, but also the possibility to apply for funds within the subject areas of MERGE. These funds comes mainly in the form of short projects. Listed below you will find information about current and finished MERGE-funded projects in the following order: Current short projects Current projects Finalized projec - 2025-03-15

MERGE research areas

MERGE is organised around research areas that collectively underpin a cohesive interdisciplinary research environment.  The MERGE research areas are: Development, modelling and evaluation of climate-vegetation processes (RA1) Past variations in climate and vegetation (RA2) Vegetation, emissions and particles (RA3) Advanced statistics for model evaluation, simulation set-up and analysis (RA4) The c - 2025-03-15


MERGE researchers are active in using research infrastructure, some of which are partly financed by MERGE. Some examples of the research infrastructure that is available to our researchers are listed below.LPJ-GUESS (Lund-Potsdam-Jena General Ecosystem Simulator)LPJ-GUESS is a process-based dynamic vegetation-terrestrial ecosystem model designed for regional or global studies. Models of this kind - 2025-03-15

MERGE support functions

Administrative supportThe MERGE administration is a strategic support for the board. We are also here to help MERGE members with all types of questions regarding your engagement in the research area. We offer support with everything from arranging an event to apply for funding.Research Coordinator, Paul Smith+46 46 2224072paul [dot] miller [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (paul[dot]miller[at]nateko[d - 2025-03-15

Stakeholder Reference Group

MERGE has, together with the SRA BECC, a stakeholder reference group. It consists of high-level experts, representing government authorities, branch organisations, companies and NGOs in areas of agriculture, forestry, nature conservation and climate change.  The Stakeholder Reference Group convenes annually with the Boards of BECC and MERGE. As one basis for the choice of research problems address - 2025-03-15

Funding instruments

As a MERGE researcher you can receive help and support for activities that strengthen the environment and research. It can be funding or practical support with arranging events, writing a policy or science brief, stakeholder contacts etc. The allocation of MERGE resources is based on an annual budget decided by the board. Some specific decisions are taken by the board, in other cases the board all - 2025-03-15

Interaction with society

Stakeholder interaction and outreach is an important aspect of MERGE – for advancing transdisciplinary research, for getting an understanding of the needs of the society, and also for reaching out, making sure that the gained knowledge is utilised outside academia. Below are examples of synthesis reports, policy briefs and books that MERGE research and researchers have contributed to.Reports Skoge - 2025-03-15

Registration to EC-Earth General Assembly 2022

It is no longer possible to register for on-site participation. Name Please enter your full name email add the email we can reach you at organisation Enter what organisation you belong to (ie MERGE, Lund University or MERGE, SMHI) Participation check what days you will participate and in what form (in person or online) 11th online 12th online 13th online Food participation form Lunch 11th I would - 2025-03-15

EC-Earth General Assembly 2022

The EC-Earth General Assembly will be held hybrid during Oct. 11 – 13, 2022. The theme of the EC-Earth GA will be on the development of next generation of Earth System models and EC-Earth4. We will review the new science and technology in the Earth system modelling; revisit and report science outcome of, and lessons learned from EC-Earth3; and discuss the progress in EC-Earth4 development. We invi - 2025-03-15

MERGE strategies and plans

On this page we have gathered strategies and plans that are important in MERGE. We encourage all researchers and staff at BECC to read the Research strategy. MERGEs work is guided by its research strategy that stretches five years at a time. MERGE research strategy 2020-2025 MERGEs current research strategy spans from 2020 - 2025 and pins down the main focus and core objectives for the upcoming ye - 2025-03-15

Apply for a joint BECC and MERGE Short Projects

With the BECC and MERGE short projects we aim to fill the gaps at the intersection of our research areas. What is a joint BECC and MERGE Short Project?The complementary expertise and methodologies used by MERGE and BECC scientists has the potential to make significant contributions to our understanding of climate change and its links to biodiversity and ecosystem services, and to inform national a - 2025-03-15