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Centre for Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science Centre for Mathematical Sciences Division of Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Course Analysis for Course MATP35 Course Linear Functional Analysis, term Fall 2023 Course Information Lecturer: Teaching assistants: Number of students: 8 newly registered and 3 re-registered. 1 student answered the course evaluation enrolled on the Master programme - 2025-02-20

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Centre for Mathematical Sciences Divis ion of Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Course Analysis for NUMA01 Computational Programming with Python, Autumn 2023 Course Information Lecturer: Robert Klöfkorn, Malin Christersson Teaching assistants: Paulina Ibek, Otto Larsson, Valentina Schüller, Abdulla Shahin, Erik Troedsson Number of students: 95 newly registered and 9 re-registered. 43 students ans - 2025-02-20

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Centre for Mathematical Sciences Divis ion of Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Course Analysis for NUMA41 Numerical Analysis, Basic Course, HT 2023 Course Information Lecturer: Claus Führer Teaching assistants: Melanie Fournier, Paulina Ibek Number of students: 39 newly registered and 8 re-registered. xx students answered the course evaluation, xx of them are enrolled on programme name. Examinat - 2025-02-20

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Centre for Mathematical Sciences Division of Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Course Analysis for NUMB11 Numerical Linear Algebra, Autumn 2023 Course Information Lecturer: Teaching assistants: Number of students: 25 newly registered and 4 re-registered. 4 students answered the course evaluation. Examination Oral examination: 17 students passed. Final grades: In all, 13 students, including 2 re-r - 2025-02-20

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för Diskret matematik MATB13, vt 2020 Kursansvarig: Anna Torstensson Övriga lärare: Henrik Ekström hade en seminariegrupp. Victor Ufnarovski vikarierade för Anna Tor- stnesson på de flesta föreläsningarna och alla seminarierna de första tre veckorna. Antal studenter: 29 registrerade (på NF, kursen samläses med FMAA25 på LTH.) Betyg vid ordinarie tentam - 2025-02-20

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för MATB24 Linjär analys, vt 2020 Kursansvarig: Yacin Ameur Antal studenter: 39 (detta antal har registrerat sig vid kursens canvas-sida). Betyg: Totalt 15 godkända efter första ordinarie tentamen (betyg G eller VG). Utvärdering Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen: Se följande sidor. Lärarnens kommentarer: Jag är relativt nöjd med resultatet, och det ver - 2025-02-20

Microsoft Word - kursbokslutTopVT20.docx

Microsoft Word - kursbokslutTopVT20.docx Kurssammanställning MATM16 Topologi vt 2020 Kursansvarig: Sandra Pott Övriga lärare: Antal studenter: 37 Betyg: 0 st UK, 21 st G, 16 st VG. Utvärdering I. Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen Totalt antal svar: 6 Kort sammanfattning av resultatet: Sammantaget var studenterna nöjda med kursen (betyg 3,7). Studenterna uppskattade speciellt Zoom-lföreläsningarna - 2025-02-20

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MATM18 Fourier Analysis Spring 2020  Answer Count: 3 I have studied this course as part of     I have studied this course as part of  Number of  Responses Bachelor´s Programme in Mathematics 0 (0.0%) Bachelor´s Programme in Physics, Theoretical  Physics, Astronomy  0 (0.0%) Bachelor´s Programme, other specialization  0 (0.0%) Master's Programme in Mathematics 2 (66.7%) Master´s Programme in Mathem - 2025-02-20

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för Riemanngeometri, vt 2020 Kursansvarig: Sigmundur Gudmundsson Övriga lärare: Inga Antal studenter: 12 Betyg vid muntlig tentamen: 7 V, 0 G, 0 U Utvärdering Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen: Se Bilaga 1. Lärarnas kommentarer: Vanlega föreläsningar och seminarier hölls lp 1 men kunne inte fortsätta under lp 2 på grund av koronapandemin. Då ändrades k - 2025-02-20

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Course compilation MATM27 "ODE 2" VT 2020 Course coordinator: Nils Dencker Number of students: 29 registered students, of which 5 were re-registred. Grades: 5 U, 12 G, 6 VG of 23 students taking the exam, thus 18 passed (2 re-registred). Evaluation I. Summary of Course Evaluation Total number of answers: 10 Short summary of the result: Unfortunately, only about 34% of the students did the course e - 2025-02-20

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Summary for Group and Ring Theory, Spring semester 2020 Course responsible: Arne Meurman Other teachers: None Number of students: 37 Grade at first exam: 4 V, 5 G, 7 U Evaluation Report on the course evaluation: See separate file. Teachers comment: Due to covid-19 the course was taught on distance, which made it difficult for the students. Each lecture was complemented by the posting on the Canvas - 2025-02-20

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Comments to the course evaluation: NUMN01 Computational Programming with Python vt 2020 Course responsible: Claus Führer Other teacher(s): Malin Christersson Number of students: 95 Number of students who completed the course: 61 Number of Course evaluation responses: 19 Course Evaluation Link: Comments: This was for the teacher and the students one of th - 2025-02-20

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Kurssammanställning NUMA41 ”Numerisk Analys: Basic Course” vt 2020 Course responsible: Philipp Birken Other teachers: Peter Meisrimel, Miko Lea Versbach Number of students: 45 registered students Grades: 8 UK, 10 G, 18 VG. Evaluation I. Summary of Course Evaluation Total number of answers: 9 Short summary of the result: Overall, the students were s - 2025-02-20

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Comments to the course evaluation: NUMN05/FMNN05 „Simulation Tools“ vt 2020 Course responsible: Claus Führer Number of students: 1 (from Faculty of Science) 14 (from LTH) Number of students who completed the course: 1 (from Faculty of Science) 13 (from LTH) Course Evaluation: Due to the small numbers of participants from the science faculty the course evaluation was done together with LTH. Course - 2025-02-20

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Kurssammanställning NUMN17 ”Numerisk analys: Seminariekurs” vt 2020 Course responsible: Philipp Birken Other teachers: Claus Führer, Tony Stillfjord Number of students: 4 registered students Grades: 0 UK, 1 G, 3 VG. Evaluation I. Summary of Course Evaluation Total number of answers: 1 Short summary of the result: Given that there was only one respo - 2025-02-20

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Comments to the course evaluation: NUMN19 Numerical Approximation vt 2020 Course responsible: Claus Führer Other teacher(s): -- Number of students: 9 + 3 PhD students Number of students who completed the course: 9 + 3 PhD students Comments: The course was given for the second time in the totally revised form and on advanced level. Before it was a basic level course and as a reaction to student’s c - 2025-02-20


BachelorThesisVT21 Course Evaluation - Bachelor Degree Project, MATK11/MASK11/NUMK11 - Spring  2021  Answer Count: 3 I have completed the Bachelor´s Degree Project within    I have completed the Bachelor´s Degree  Project within Number of  responses Mathematics (course code MATK11) 2 (66.7%) Mathematical Statistics (course code MASK11) 1 (33.3%) Numerical Analysis  (course code NUMK11) 0 (0.0%) To - 2025-02-20

MATM38 Fourier Analysis Spring 2021

MATM38 Fourier Analysis Spring 2021 Course analysis MATM38 Spring 2021 Lecturer: Jan-Fredrik Olsen Teaching assistants: None Number of registered students: 20 Course results (results from previous edition of course in parenthesis): • Examination (May and August): Out of 14 students, there were 3 U, 3 G, 8 VG • For comparison, the total number from VT20 were: 1 U, 4 G, 5 VG. Explanation of grading - 2025-02-20

2021 VT_LP2 FMAN25 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH

2021 VT_LP2 FMAN25 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH Course evaluation report - CEQ, FMAN25 Basic facts Course name Calculus of Variations Course code FMAN25 ECTS credits 7.5 hp Year 202021 Study period the course was finishedVT_LP2 Programme all Registrated students 26 Number answers and response rate 10 / 38 % Number answers from males 8 Number answers from females 0 Study hours acc - 2025-02-20

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Kursbokslut, Course review MATP39, Specialized course on In- tegration Theory, spring term 2021 Course responsible: Marcus Carlsson Number of students: 12 in total writing the exam. Grades: 12 VG, 0 G, 0 U. Evaluation This time I tried a completely new concept with flipped classroom, where all lecture material was pre- recorded. During the lectures we instead discusse - 2025-02-20