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1 23 Biosemiotics ISSN 1875-1342 Volume 7 Number 3 Biosemiotics (2014) 7:405-427 DOI 10.1007/s12304-014-9200-5 The Role of Image Schemas and Superior Psychic Faculties in Zoosemiosis José Manuel Ureña Gómez-Moreno JoséManuel Nota Anunciado en: 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held e - 2025-02-06

ELEVEN Temporality and the Living Present

ELEVEN Temporality and the Living Present Chapter Eleven Temporality and the Living Present The Enactive Approach Time-consiousness as dynamicsystems (Gallagher and Varela 2003) Neurophenomenology – temporal dynamics and brain activity (Lutz and Thompson 2003) Page 312 Experience and the Flow of Action Examples of my everyday life actings as for example, washing, dressing, eating, playing guitar, - 2025-02-06

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This article appeared in Intellectica 2012/2 n o 58 Commentary on J. Queiroz, L. Rodrigues & S. Ribeiro: The semiotic evolution of toolmaking: the role of symbols for work towards delayed reward. Chris Sinha, Lund University Toolmaking and symbolization have long been linked in theories of human evolution, but substantiating and specifying the nature of this putative link (other than as simply co- - 2025-02-06

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To appear in Language and Cognition 1 Niche construction, too, unifies praxis and symbolization. Commentary on Michael Arbib “How the Brain Got Language”. Chris Sinha Abstract Arbib hypothesizes that evolutionary modern language significantly postdates human speciation. Why should this be so? I propose an account based on niche construction theory, in which Arbib’s language ready brain is primaril - 2025-02-06

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On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme Author(s): Donald Davidson Source: Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Vol. 47 (1973 - 1974), pp. 5-20 Published by: American Philosophical Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 19/01/2011 11:49 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, av - 2025-02-06

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The History and Philosophy of Astrobiology The History and Philosophy of Astrobiology: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life and the Human Mind Edited by David Dunér with Joel Parthemore, Erik Persson and Gustav Holmberg The History and Philosophy of Astrobiology: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life and the Human Mind, Edited by David Dunér, Joel Parthemore, Erik Persson, Gustav Holmberg This bo - 2025-02-06


Untitled 66 AN EXPLORATORY PILOT STUDY ON PICTORIAL NARRATIVITY AND EYE SCAN PATTERNS Michael Ranta Centre for Cognitive Semiotics (CCS), Lund University, Sweden Abstract The philosophical debate on the nature of narrative has been mainly concerned with literary narratives, whereas forms of non-literary and especially pictorial narrativity have been rather neglected. W - 2025-02-06


Rubrik CCS seminar, November 10 2011 Gerd Carling Niklas Johansson Iconicity in Language: The Emergence of Different Categories Lunds universitet / Fakultet / Institution / Enhet / Dokument / Datum Basic questions What role does iconicity play in language change? Does iconicity disappear or emerge as a result of language change? Does iconicity has the capacity to prevent or reorganize language cha - 2025-02-06

La rhétoriqueTx1011

La rhétoriqueTx1011 La rhétorique des transformations homogènes – ou l’argumentation fondée sur la structure de la réalité Göran Sonesson, Université de Lund Dans la sémiotique visuelle, le renouveau de la rhétorique, initié par le Groupe µ (1992), sans compter quelques initiatives timides et confuses dues a Barthes (1964), Durand, Cohen et d’autres (Bremond 1970), passe par ce que les anciens app - 2025-02-06

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Pre-print of Zlatev, J. (2014) Image schemas, mimetic schemas, and children’s gestures. Cognitive Semiotics, 7 (1): 3-29. 1 Image schemas, mimetic schemas and children’s gestures Jordan Zlatev Department of Cognitive Semiotics Centre for Langauges and Literature Lund Unievrsity Abstract Mimetic schemas, unlike the popular cognitive linguistic notion of image schemas, have been characterized in ear - 2025-02-06


Poster_NINJAL Results Material Pragmatic function of low boundary tone in Puyuma: question intonation and beyond Anastasia Karlsson, Arthur Holmer Subproject “Prosody, Information structure and Word order”, Center for Cognitive Semiotics, Lund University, funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate what conditions word order variation in ve - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - SEMN02-Schedule-2017.docx

Microsoft Word - SEMN02-Schedule-2017.docx SEMN02 Introduction to Cognitive Semiotics: Meaning, Mind and Communication HT2017 (still preliminary) Date Activity/Place Topic Teacher Literature 1/11 L604 Introduction, projects, activities GS, JZ 3/11 Lecture 1 L123 Basic concepts and methods of cognitive semiotics JZ, GS Zlatev (2015) Sonesson (2009, 2010, 2012) 8/11 Lecture 2 LUX C216 The semiotic h - 2025-02-06

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Revue Signata 2 (2011) annaleS deS SémiotiqueS/ annalS of SemioticS La sémiotique, entre autres Semiotics, among others Presses Universitaires de Liège – Sciences humaines 2011 inteRview—oveRview Signata se clora chaque fois sur une rubrique intitulée « Interview–Overview », où parole sera donnée à un expert reconnu. La mission de ce dernier sera non point d’y encenser en bloc les propositions ava - 2025-02-06

The social and linguistic construction of time in an Amazonian culture

The social and linguistic construction of time in an Amazonian culture To appear in Luna Filipovič and Kasia M. Jaszczolt (eds.) Space and Time in Languages and Cultures II: Language, Culture, and Cognition. Human Cognitive Processing 37. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1 Event-based time intervals in an Amazonian culture. * Vera da Silva Sinha (Federal University of Rondônia) Chris Sinha (Lund Univers - 2025-02-06

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To appear in Daniel Dor, Chris Knight and Jerome Lewis (Eds.) The Social Originas of Language: Early Society, Communication and Polymodality Oxford Studies in the Evolution of Language. Oxford University Press. 1 Niche construction and semiosis: biocultural and social dynamics. Chris Sinha Lund University Introduction: Paradox and problematic in human evolution The focus in this volume on the soci - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - Segni n. 78.

Microsoft Word - Segni n. 78. 1 International RIVISTA TELEMATICA QUADRIMESTRALE - ANNO XXVI NUOVA SERIE - N. 78 – SETTEMBRE-DICEMBRE 2012 This Review is submitted to international peer review Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( 2 Segni e comprensione International Pubblicazione promossa nel 1987 - 2025-02-06

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This is page 203 Printer: Opaque this 22 Göran Sonesson Full Professor Department of Semiotics University of Lund, Sweden Like many other young people, I thought I was going to be a c- tion writer. While I was waiting for the big t of inspiration, I took up the study of literature. But literature did not seem to have anything new to tell me. On the contrary, linguistics opened up entirely new vist - 2025-02-06