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Your search for "*" yielded 126927 hits

Brain circuit analysis

The Brain Circuit Analysis Special Interest Group studies neuronal circuits in health and disease using advanced methods for the perturbation and recording of cell activity.  Inducible viral vectors can be used to investigate the effect of human alpha synucelin on dopamine release and reuptake inside the rodent brain. Photo: Andreas Heuer's group. In alignment with MultiPark's strategic goals Eluc - 2025-03-13

Genetics of neurodegenerative diseases

This group brings together researchers who look for causes of neurodegenerative diseases in the genetic code of our patient series and families. DNA from an increasing number of patients is being examined by whole genome or whole exome sequencing methods, and group members are involved in the genetic analyses of this genetic data. Fictive pedigree. A pedigree can be useful for keeping track of her - 2025-03-13

Molecular signaling in neurodegenerative diseases

The Molecular Signaling Special Interest Group focus on genetics and their effects on different neurodegenerative disorders. Everything from gene expression, gene therapy, and epigenetic mechanisms is considered. In substantia nigra, neurons expressing Calretinin seem to be more resistant to damage. Photo: Lautaro Belfiori. This SIG combines a broad range of research topics. These include genetics - 2025-03-13

MESO QuickPlex

The MESO QuickPlex SQ 120 is a multiplexing plate reader using high-performance, electrochemiluminescence (ECL) immunoassays for detecting biomarkers. The instrument allows for precise quantitation of single or multiple, low to elevated abundance analytes, in a single sample. The MULTI-ARRAY technology has increased dynamic range, improved sensitivity, reduced sample volume and reagent requirement - 2025-03-13

Clinical Bioinformatics Infrastructure

MultiPark supports up to 50% of a clinical bioinformatician, for projects within the aims of MultiPark.The bioinformatician works with bioinformatic analyses of genetic data from high throughput genetic sequencing from patients and families with Parkinson disease, dementia, other movement disorders and cerebrovascular disorders. Tasks/expertise include the identification of disease-associated gene - 2025-03-13

NGS Database Infrastructure

MultiPark NGS database is completed and available to interested MultiPark researchers. Data from whole exome sequencing of 287 clinically well-characterized Parkinson disease patients from southern Sweden is now available in the MultiPark NGS database. Patients had been recruited within the PARkinsonLUnd (PARLU) study and MultiPark’s biobank sample collection(MPBC). Great care has been taken to en - 2025-03-13

Operetta CLS

High-content analysis system High content screening (HCS) / Analysis (HCA) enables automated acquisition, visualization and quantification of a large number of images and can capture and measure dynamic processes, such as migration and/or changes in morphology, expression pattern and/or intensity.This system featuresAutomated fluorescence and brightfield microscopyWidefield and confocal (spinning - 2025-03-13

Outreaching activities

Visit MultiPark Café (link to Swedish event site) MultiPark Café MultiPark Café is a series of popular science lectures (in Swedish) where our researchers present their latest discoveries. The seminars are aimed at patient associations and the general public and each evening has a specific theme.More information about these events can be found on our Swedish homepage. Meet our scientists! Follow u - 2025-03-13

NGS Equipment

As of January 2025, the MultiPark Neuroscience Omics Facility (formerly known as the Next Generation Sequencing Facility) is dissolved. Equipment funded by MultiPark for use in the former facility will still be available for use by MultiPark members. This includes a 2100 Bioanalyzer and Qubit3 Fluorometer. If you are interested, please contact Jenny G Johansson (Jenny_G [dot] Johansson [at] med [d - 2025-03-13

PET Ligand Radiosynthesis Platform

PET imaging of the brain is a powerful method to study physiology and disease in the living brain of humans as well as animal models. The unit for nuclear medicin at Skåne University Hospital provides radioligands for both experimental and clinical use. Besides 18F-FDG, they also synthesize a range of other PET tracers such as ligands binding to the dopamine transporter, tau filaments or β-amyloid - 2025-03-13

Plate Runner Platform

High content screening (HCS)/Analysis (HCA) Left: photo of the Plate Runner HD from Trophos. Upper right: whole well image of culture well (96 well plate format) containing human induced pluripotent stem cells grown on mouse feeders, stained for pluripotent markers NANOG (red) and OCT4 (green). The cell nuclei is stained with DAPI (blue). Lower right: whole well image of culture well (96 well plat - 2025-03-13

Simoa Analyzer

Quanterix SR-X Ultra-Sensitive Biomarker Detection System The Simoa Analyzer is particularly useful for measurements of biomarkers at ultra-low levels.The Simoa Analyzer system features:Single molecule array technique for high sensitivity and broad dynamic rangeCombined digital and analog immunoassay dynamic range is >4 logsA range of sample types include serum, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, - 2025-03-13

Meet Our Scientists

MultiPark's podcast series In this podcast series, young MultiPark researchers interview our research group leaders about their academic journey and main scientific focus. Emma Nyberg and Lluís Camprubí Ferrer, the Young MultiPark working group members, carry out the interviews.    Listen to the introduction episode of our podcast series here:  E0_MultiPark's podcast series Meet Our Scientists Mul - 2025-03-13

Services Simoa

Planning Introduction to Simoa: all users that require assistance with how to operate the microplate washer, shaker and SR-X reader, please contact XXX For assistance in assay choice or development, contact Quanterix. For overview of assay kits and custom-developed assays, go to links below: Quanterix Simoa Assay Kits  Quanterix Simoa Homebrew custom assay development Register on the Quanterix cus - 2025-03-13

Brain in Picture

Young MultiParker's image competition of 2023 We're excited to announce our upcoming "Brain in Picture" photo contest! The theme of the competition: The challenge is to capture the essence of brain research in a single snapshot. We're looking for images that showcase neuroscience's beauty, complexity, and wonder (It could be immune staining of brain cells, MRI, PET, or other things linked to your - 2025-03-13


Quality of jobs and Innovation generated Employment Outcomes – promoting understanding of how better work leads to innovation and more and better jobs    QuInnE was an interdisciplinary project investigating how job quality and innovation mutually impact each other, and the effects this has on job creation and the quality of these jobs.Drawing on the Oslo Manual, both technical and non-technical i - 2025-03-13


Quinne project generated publications   Working Papers   Makó, C. & Illéssy, M. (2015) QuInnE Working Paper, No. 1 Innovation policy review: National and European Experiences   Makó, C., Illéssy, M. & Warhurst, C. (2016) QuInnE Working Paper, No. 2 The Evolution of EU Innovation Policy Relevant to Job Quality and Employment   Erhel, C. & Guergoat-Larivière, M. (2016) QuInnE Working Paper, No. 3. I - 2025-03-13

Master of Science in Cultural Criminology

Advanced level. 120 credits. Start: Autumn. Preparing you for PhD studies and for advanced professional work. What are the attractions in dealing drugs, being a graffiti writer, or trying to rehabilitate criminals? Cultural criminology aims to explain and understand how people involved in deviance, crime or social control go about their everyday life and how they interact with others. The programm - 2025-03-13