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Welcome to Lund University Diabetes Centre

Lund University Diabetes Centre, LUDC, is a consortium of research groups at Lund University dedicated to unravelling the pathogenesis and treatment of diabetes mellitus. LUDC started July 1st 2006 when selected for funding by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) in fierce national competition, as a part of the call for applications for Linneaus grants. We are active in several different - 2025-03-14

Electrophysiology Core Facility

Joint facility between MultiPark and Stem Cell Center The joint Electrophysiology Core Facility, supported by MultiPark and Stem Cell Center at Lund University, provides researchers with access to advanced electrophysiology techniques and expert guidance for investigating electrically active cells and tissues, helping to bring their projects to the forefront of the field. We invite you to contact - 2025-03-13

Cell and Gene Therapy Core

As of first of January 2022, StemTherapy and MultiPark have decided to merge the former iPSC, CRISPR and vector platforms into the new Cell and Gene Therapy Core. The Cell and Gene Therapy core is an open-access infrastructure and our services include AAV and LV vector production, iPS reprogramming, iPS-edits and CRISPR experimental designs. The core is open to members of MultiPark as well as the - 2025-03-13

Courses & workshops

MultiPark helps you to grow as a scientist Flow cytometry courses are arranged in a collaboration between MultipPark FACS core facility and stem cell center FACS core, together with the associated graduate schools (Lund University neuroscience graduate school (LUNGS) and Research School in Stem Cell Biology (RSSCB))Please click on the course of interest for more information about specific dates:Fl - 2025-03-13

Flow cytometry - introductory course

Aim and format The aim of this 3-day theoretical course is to give participants a working knowledge of flow cytometry covering the following aspects: Basic concepts of flow cytometry Instrumentation - basic principles of operation Techniques - cell handling, staining, designing of protocol Data acquisition and analysis Applications of flow cytometry Learning outcomes On completion of the course, t - 2025-03-13

Flow cytometry - continuation course

Aim and format The course aims to provide a broad understanding of different aspects of flow cytometry, including experimental design, sample material handling, analysis of flow cytometry data, as well as file and image handling prior to research publication. The course provides practical knowledge of advanced flow cytometry that can be directly transferred to research questions. Learning outcomes - 2025-03-13

Biobank Platform

MultiPark's biobank sample collection Design and access to samplesMultiPark's biobank sample collection (MPBC) is a resource that serve three major research areas: Biomarkers, Epidemiology and Genetics. Patients with confirmed idiopathic Parkinson diagnosis living in the region of Skåne were invited to participate. There are approximately 2-3000 Parkinson patients in the region of Skåne, whereof a - 2025-03-13

Young MultiParker's working group

Collaboration, networking, career development, and wellbeing. Those are four examples of needs that the young MultiParkers working group addresses. Meet our scientists! Do you have an idea? Or do you need support with anything?Then you are encouraged to contact any of the working group members. Below, they tell more about their visions for the working group. Lluís Camprubí Ferrer Research group: E - 2025-03-13

Young MultiPark working group

Collaboration, networking, career development, and wellbeing. Those are four examples of needs that the young MultiParkers working group addresses. Lluís Camprubí Ferrer (Chair) Experimental Neuroinflammation Laboratory Ph.D. student Alexa Pichet Binette (Vice chair) Clinical Memory Research Postdoc Emma Nyberg Experimental Dementia Research Ph.D. student Tekla Kylkilahti Glia-Immune Interactions - 2025-03-13

Ph.D. Experiences & Advices

Former MultiPark PhD students share their perspectives Ph.D. interview - Oscar Manouchehrian Ph.D. defence interview - Sabine Konings Ph.D. defence interview - Alexander Svanbergsson Ph.D. defence interview - Laura Andreoli Ph.D. defence interview - Maurits Johansson Ph.D. defence interview - Elin Byman Ph.D. defence interview - Jonathan Timpka PhD defence interview - Nadja Gustavsson Ph.D. defenc - 2025-03-13

Leica SP8 Confocal LSM

Formerly known as the Advanced Microscopy Platform The MultiPark Microscopy Platform currently has a Leica SP8 laser scanning confocal microscope for imaging live and fixed tissue and cells. The system is also equipped with a live imaging chamber, which can be used with additional training. The system is located in BMC A1054 and has been up and running since late 2019.Using the systemIntroductionA - 2025-03-13

Sapphire imaging platform

MultiPark has acquired a Sapphire imager and a dedicated license for Sapphire imaging data analysis. Equipment features: Laser scanning systems, the Sapphire Biomolecular Imager, which delivers the following imaging modalities with higher sensitivity (protein detection in the femtogram range): Bright-field and Multiplex fluorescent detection Chemiluminescent imaging Sapphire Biomolecular Imager ha - 2025-03-13

Imaris Version 10.2

Formerly known as the Image Visualization and Analysis Software platform MultiPark currently holds a fixed license for Imaris SingleFull with Clearview version 10.2, which is located on a dedicated workstation in BMC B1155. This software is especially suited for 3D/4D visualization of image stacks that have been acquired with, for example, a confocal microscope. More information about this softwar - 2025-03-13

SweTRAP, Swedish Trial Ready Cohorts for early Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases

Description of the platformIn the last decade it has become clear that the underlying disease pathologies of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) start to accumulate several decades before onset of overt symptoms. We can now use biomarkers to reliably detect these disease pathologies (e.g., amyloid-beta, tau and alpha-synuclein) even during pre-symptomatic and prodromal phases of - 2025-03-13

Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups (SIGs) are groups of scientists encompassing all academic levels, from PhD students to Professors, who meet regularly to create opportunities for in-depth scientific discussion and collaborations. The SIGs are self-organizing and self-managing groups. Genetics Andreas Puschmann Fluid biomarkers Sebastian Palmqvist Cellular reprogramming Henrik Ahlenius Brain circuit analysi - 2025-03-13

Live Imaging System

Formerly known as the Live Cell Imaging platform Live imaging is an important tool for studying the molecular and cellular functions of neuronal and non-neuronal cells and tissue. It has a broad range of applications, such as exploring disease mechanisms, assisting with clinical diagnosis and development of new treatments. This system gives MultiPark scientists an opportunity to study single molec - 2025-03-13